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Search: california drought

May 30 2023

State Farm Gives Up on California

Depravity is not merely a characteristic of moonbattery but its fundamental principle. This produces bizarre paradoxes. For example, Big Business is belligerently woke, as companies like Anheuser-Busch and Target poke us in the eye to remind us. Yet to the extent wokeness prevails, it is not possible to do business.

Moonbattery-addled California is a case in point. Retailers like Walgreens and Nordstrom have been withdrawing because they cannot maintain stores where looting is effectively legal in accordance with liberal ideology. Nor can insurers do business:

State Farm, the nation’s largest property insurer by volume, is pulling out of California. They will not be selling property insurance in the state anymore for a lot of obvious reasons including rising costs that are outpacing inflation, rampant crime, surging homelessness, the illegal alien invasion, and overall horrible policies from the Democrat-run government.

As we have come to expect, the liberal establishment media blames climate change:

One of the largest insurance agencies in the country will no longer accept applications for home and business insurance in California due to wildfire risks and the cost of rebuilding. …

A decadeslong megadrought and climate change have been exacerbating wildfire risk in California in recent years. Severe drought during the winter is leading to matchbox conditions in the dry season, allowing intense wildfires to ignite with the slightest spark.

California has always been prone to droughts and wildfires. It has not always been rendered dysfunctional by liberal rule, a conspicuous feature of which is the property damage that characterizes anarchotyranny. But the more plausible explanation for State Farm’s inability to operate there does not support its narrative, so the media leaves us to figure things out for ourselves.

On tips from Chris Neilson and Lyle.

Mar 05 2023

Snowless California

In an attempt to gin up global warming hysteria, liberals have been shrieking for years that soon there will be no snow in California because carbon emissions. Meanwhile, snowpack in California has been setting all-time record highs.

Ellen DeGenerate has tried to spin all the precipitation in California as proof that primitive weather gods are angry with us for not kneeling at the altar of the global warming hoax. Leftist propaganda outlets like CNN and the US Government don’t even try to spin it; they just pretend it isn’t happening. There is still a drought in California, buried along with people’s houses beneath the white drifts.

Tony Heller dumps a shovel load of snow atop the dead credibility of the liberal establishment:

As soon as the snow melts California will be back in a drought emergency, thanks to moonbat rule, which in the name of minnows prevents the state from constructing sufficient reservoirs to store the water before it trickles wasted out into the ocean. We will be told that the endless drought is caused by our failure to drive electric cars.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jun 02 2022

California’s Choice: Moonbattery or Water

As we know, the California farmers we rely on for food are always wrong. They are particularly wrong when they try to hog up water that it would be more politically correct to flush out to sea in the name of the planet. No worries; leftist bureauweenies are on the case, making sure water is not wasted growing rice:

Colusa County in Northern California is the top producer of rice in the Sacramento Valley. Colusa County historically produces more than 150,000 acres of rice in a normal year. But in 2022, Colusa officials say they will only be able to produce a fraction of their usual rice crop, costing rice farmers, workers and suppliers hundreds of millions of dollars.

California ranks #2 among states for producing rice.

“In April 2022, the water districts serving Colusa County were given their final allocation for the 2022 growing season – 0.4-acre feet per acre,” Colusa County officials said in a statement. “This allocation is not enough to support rice production, and estimates show that the Sacramento Valley will fallow 370,000 of 450,000 acres in the Sacramento River Settlement Contractors service area, primarily in Colusa and Glenn Counties. Currently, less than 7,000 acres are estimated to be planted in Colusa County, resulting in a direct financial loss to growers in excess of $270 million.”

The problem is not so much a shortage of water as a surplus of moonbattery.

The first 50% of California’s water flows out to the Pacific Ocean for fish and environmental purposes – something the Public Policy Institute of California verified in 2019

Democrats revel in the mess they made, screeching self-righteously about drought resulting from global warming, which they claim they can reverse with still more of the regulations that caused the problem in the first place.

At least the farmers will be okay. The government that won’t let them grow food will bail them out with other people’s money. Colusa County Administrator Wendy Tyler calls for “a payroll protection plan and rental assistance” for farm workers.

Meanwhile, as Legal Insurrection reports,

California is reinstating a new set of restrictions and water-use mandates.

Rationing water is necessary because, under liberal rule, you can forget about the erstwhile Golden State taking steps to secure more water.

A few short weeks ago, the state’s coastline protection unanimously rejected the development of a $1.4 billion desalination plant in Huntington Beach that would have converted ocean water into municipal water for Orange County residents. … Not content with simply rejecting new infrastructure proposals, California officials are also now tearing down essential public water supply assets.

Californians can have water or they can have moonbattery; the choice is theirs.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

May 06 2022

California Desalination Plant Attacked on Behalf of Plankton

Envirofascists don’t need higher lifeforms like minnows to serve as pretexts to deny homes and farms the water they require. Even plankton can serve the purpose:

California state officials might have noticed that we’re enduring yet another historic drought — one so intense that the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the nation’s largest water supplier, has this week announced mandatory conservation measures that not only restrict lawn watering, but prod residents to cut back their water usage by 30 percent.

California has a dry climate. If it doesn’t store sufficient water in reservoirs, it will periodically run out. Due to excessive taxation, the state has a massive budget surplus. But politicians in this single-party Democrat state will not spend the money on reservoirs for political reasons. As with wildfires caused by poor forest management, drought can be spun as evidence that global warming is real and requires still higher taxes and more repressive regulation.

Whereas Big Government cannot really control the weather, it does have the ability to make water more available. But it may prefer to champion a few handfuls of historically marginalized microscopic plankton.

Around the same time that MWD announced its restrictions, the California Coastal Commission — the ham-fisted environmental agency that regulates construction along the state’s 1,100-mile coastline — issued a staff report opposing a desalination plant at a shuttered power station in Huntington Beach. …

The proposed Poseidon Water facility could meet 16 percent of the water needs of Orange County, with its 3.1-million population.


The Surfrider Foundation complains that these facilities’ water-intake systems “cause marine life mortality through impingement (pinning and trapping fish or other species against the intake structure screens) and entrainment (when intake pipes suck in and kill small species like plankton, fish eggs, and larvae) of species, and risks disrupting an area’s entire ecological balance.”

Lack of water disrupts the entire economy. But who cares what happens to humans? The plankton were here first.

Inland of the moonbat-infested coast, California is largely populated by farmers. They are among the most productive in the world. The rest of the country relies on them. When they are denied water in the name of delta smelt or plankton or fungus or whatever, all of us are affected.

So as to diversify their attack, opponents of the desalination plant also voice concerns regarding global warming and “environmental justice.”

As for actual motives, leftists have two. These apply regardless of the particular issue at hand: (1) lust for power and (2) malice against the human race.

On a tip from R F.

Feb 27 2024

Moonbats Come After Toilets

There is nothing moonbats won’t use Big Government to take away from you, not bacon, not eggs, not coffee, not cold beer, not hot showersnot even toilets:

Flushing our waste is, well, wasteful, accounting for nearly a third of indoor water use in US homes, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In many parts of the world, the use of water toilets has become increasingly fraught as climate change ushers in extreme droughts and flooding, which backs up sewers and overflows septic tanks.

Social engineers want us to use “dry toilets” instead:

Users layer the contents of the toilet’s bin with peat or sawdust after doing their business; once full, they move the excrement to a larger airtight container over the course of several months so that any microorganisms die out.

The remaining material, rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, can be used as natural fertilizer rather than the usual greenhouse gas-emitting synthetic kind.

Thereby, dry toilets please liberals’ weather gods.

Environmental engineer Kelsey McWilliams became “hooked” on sanitation solutions after participating in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation “Reinvent the Toilet Challenge” while at the University of Delaware, she said.

That would be the same Bill Gates who has been conspiring along with George Soros and the Biden Regime to blot out the sun because global warming.

Even CNN admits that dry toilets have disadvantages:

Waiting up to a year for waste to be safely recycled will deter many people — and the ick factor may be hard to shake.

That’s why dry toilets will first be subsidized, then be made mandatory, following the strategy for electric cars. Real toilets will be progressively strangled out of existence through regulation.

A few regulations are actually beneficial. Progressives will get rid of these. Consider a RecoLab waste water recycling plant in Sweden:

As of now, the plant does not recycle graywater, due to strict Swedish government regulations on repurposing wastewater for drinking. But [aptly named RecoLab business developer Amanda] Haux is hoping that will change, particularly in municipalities where water shortages may become more common due to climate change.

Lots of liberal hopes hang on climate change. After all, if temperatures don’t happen to trend warmer, global warming hoaxers will have to make fools of themselves by telling us cold weather is caused by warm weather.

The modern toilet was developed by white guys like the also aptly named Thomas Crapper. Therefore, toilets are racist in addition to being offensive to the climate. Prepare to do without them.

On a tip from R F.

Dec 16 2023

Let Them Drink Sewage

Despite the arid climate, a fair amount of rain falls in California. Almost all of it flows out to sea, wasted. It could be captured in reservoirs, so that people could drink it. Unfortunately, the moonbats in charge bark that this inconveniences minnows.

No worries; progressives always have solutions for the problems they cause. Californians can just drink sewage:

The California State Water Resources Control Board is tentatively planning a vote next week to approve a landmark water regulation that would turn sewage into drinking water across California.

Here’s why Californians might have to drink sewage:

The project is an effort to tackle climate change and the problem of water droughts.

There have always been droughts in California. That’s why they used to build reservoirs. As for climate change, that is an issue only in the imagination of moonbats.

Given California’s long coastline, large-scale desalinization would be an option — except that would be offensive to plankton, according to the California Coastal Commission.

It’s okay. Other countries drink recycled sewage. Namibia, for example, and if it’s good enough for Namibia…

However, this year, it was reported that Namibia is facing a water contamination crisis and the water is “not fit for human consumption.” Many communities in the country fear outbreaks of waterborne diseases.

Expecting people to drink sewage is especially emblematic of the state’s liberal rule when you consider that California is the seat of the entertainment industry.

On a tip from Franco.

Jan 11 2023

Ellen DeGeneres Demands We Propitiate Weather Gods

Left-wing elitists consider themselves far more sophisticated than you or me. Yet their mentality is on a par with that of barefoot savages who quiver with fear of angering weather gods. Consider Ellen DeGenerate:

According to liberal superstition, all weather phenomena are caused by anthropogenic global warming. As soon as it stops raining, moonbats will go back to barking that we caused California to be characterized by drought by not driving electric cars.

On tips from Wiggins and KirklesWorth.

Aug 14 2022

Climate Change Causes Megafloods, Fat Kids, and More

The global warming hoax is like Covid hysteria only better, because unlike a virus, it never has to end. So long as there is weather, authoritarians will be able to exploit it as evidence that the climate is changing and must be stopped through government action. It is not relevant that the climate has always changed and always will, or that Big Government cannot control it, so long as the public is kept in a constant state of irrational panic with fake news like this:

Climate change is increasing the risk of floods that could submerge cities and displace millions of people across the state, according to a study released Friday.

Terror of flooding is especially appropriate in drought-prone California.

[The study] says that an extreme monthlong storm could bring feet of rain – in some places, more than 100 inches – to hundreds of miles of California.

“Could” is the operative word in liberal media stories about the weather. They report not what is happening, but what theoretically might happen if we don’t whimper in fear as we hand over our money and freedom.

[E]ach degree of global warming is dramatically increasing the odds and size of the next megaflood, the study says.

In other dramatic news, children are 30% less physically fit than their parents were at the same age. Is this because their parents won’t let them play outside, Democrats’ war on local police having rendered the streets unsafe? Is it because Covid hysteria kept kids pointlessly cooped up at home for years? Is it because, due to cultural decay, kids sit gaping at video games, Netflix, or even pornography rather than engage in physical activity? According to CBS, the last one is admittedly a factor, but the main reason is climate change:

Tony Heller demonstrates how easy it is to find these guffaw-worthy specimens of fake news on the topic of the supposedly problematic climate:

On tips from Lyle and Wiggins.

Mar 24 2021

Biden’s Handlers Choke Off America’s Energy Supply

Under the previous administration, the USA became energy independent for the first time since Eisenhower was president. Energy exports exceeded imports. This beat putting ourselves at the mercy of other countries, many of them unfriendly, that we had previously relied on to sell energy to us. Unfortunately, this improved state of affairs is going out the window, with the radicalized Democratic Party in control of the country.

Nearly half of the land in western states is owned by the federal government. Biden’s handlers have been choking off oil and gas lease sales on public lands.

Even the liberals at AP sound nervous:

Biden shut down oil and gas lease sales from the nation’s vast public lands and waters in his first days in office, citing worries about climate change. …

The leasing ban is only temporary, although officials have declined to say how long it will last. And it’s unclear how much legal authority the government has to stop drilling on about 23 million acres (9 million hectares) previously leased to energy companies. …

Emission reductions from a permanent leasing ban would be relatively small — about 100 million tons (91 million metric tons) annually, or less than 1% of global fossil fuel emissions, according to a study by a nonprofit research group.

The odds of this producing a perceptible effect on the supposedly problematic weather are zero.

[E]nvironmentalists and others who want more aggressive action against climate change say a [permanent] ban would nudge the economy in a new direction.

It would: straight down.

Biden wants to substitute fossil fuel production and consumption with policies that promote renewable energy on public lands, such as wind and solar power.

To pretend that intermittent green energy could meet more than a small fraction of the USA’s energy needs is absurd. Wind and solar still only provide only 3% of the world’s energy, after decades of intense research and $billions wasted on subsidies.

Green energy is a political pose. At best, its purpose is to launder taxpayer money to pay off campaign donors, as Obama did. At worst, Democrats are destroying our country on purpose, which would be consistent with their ideology.

The administration postponed lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and in Wyoming, Colorado, Montana and Utah. Biden earlier had suspended leasing in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. …

Despite the moratorium, the Biden administration has continued to issue new permits for existing leases, including more than 200 in March, records show.

Environmentalists want that to stop…

When leftist fever swamps issue a command, Biden’s handlers tend to comply.

A ban on new leases means drilling would fade out as existing ones expire. It would be a heavy blow for western and Gulf Coast states that heavily depend on oil and gas revenue to pay for schools, roads and other services.

Democrats don’t seem to wonder who they will force to bail out financially incontinent blue states like California, New York, and Illinois after states like Texas have been destroyed.

Another option is to increase royalty fees to reflect the “social cost” of climate change — damage from rising seas, drought, wildfires and other global warming impacts.

This social cost is imaginary, a figment of leftist ideology. However, the cost in terms of standard of living will be quite real, as the rising price of energy drives up the price of everything else.

As with the malicious nixing of the Keystone XL pipeline, a leasing ban would kill jobs, and not only in the energy sector. The long-term effects of making energy scarce will cost any number of jobs in every sector of the economy but one: our ever-expanding federal government.

If America’s worst enemies had taken over the country, what would they do differently? Nothing, because they have.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.


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