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Jul 26 2024

ESG Euphemized to “Transition Investing”

Once people realize the crap sandwich doesn’t taste so good, it needs to be renamed. That’s why progressivism is now “liberalism.” Likewise, corporate moonbattery, previously known as “ESG” (environmental, social, governance), is now to be called “transition investing.”

As noted at American Thinker,

ESG as a buzzword really came to mainstream recognition after being vigorously promoted and spoken about by Larry Fink of BlackRock.

But now, as reported at Just the News,

The company recently updated its climate and decarbonization stewardship guidelines. The document makes no mention of ESG, but it shows in many ways, the world’s largest investment manager with $10 trillion in assets under management is still pursuing many of the same goals.

These pernicious not to mention unprofitable left-wing goals are now referred to as “transition investing.”

One of the main criticisms of ESG is that it pushes progressive policies through a process that circumnavigates elected officials and the courts. When investment firms require banks, for example, to meet certain ESG “sustainability goals,” capital in the market gets bound up with leftist political objectives through administrative rulemaking.

Farmers (and those of us who consume their products) are hard hit by climate cult kookiness insidiously imposed in the name of ESG through banks:

The Buckeye Institute, a free-market think tank, released a report earlier this year estimating the cost of compliance with net-zero emissions policies and corporate ESG reporting requirements on American farms. According to the report, farmers will see costs rise at least 34%, which will translate to annual grocery bills rising by 15%.


The ESG movement has received a lot of pushback over the past couple of years from state legislatures and Congress.

So Larry Fink won’t say “ESG” anymore. He’ll just call it something else. That makes it harder to pass laws against.

The worst may be yet to come:

Would farmers be forced to buy battery-powered farm equipment? Prohibited from using oil or gas for fuel? Mandated to plant GMO seed exclusively and forced to use Big Pharma’s pesticides and herbicides? Could “sustainability” mean land “reforms” for the sake of “reparations” and “justice?”

“Transition investing” begs an ominous question. Transition to what?

On tips from R F and Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 26 2024

Watch Kamala Harris Support Islamic Terror

Because their ideology is based on postmodernism, leftists emphasize exerting control through language. You can tell what they support by what they demand we euphemize. Just as we mustn’t call illegal aliens “illegal aliens,” we mustn’t call radical Islamic terrorism “radical Islamic terrorism.” Watch Kamala Harris give the order:

The horrific terror atrocities of 10/7 targeted innocent women and children for rape, mutilation, and murder. This inspired an ongoing epidemic of leftist protests in support of Hamas that frequently cross the line into riots. Just the day before yesterday, they tore down the US flag from Union Station in DC, burned it, and replaced it with the Palestinian flag — which in the current context is equivalent to any other flag representing Islamic terror.

Consistent with its dogma, the Democrat base is firmly on the side of Muslim terrorists in their war against Western Civilization. No wonder pro-terrorist Kamala Harris was chosen as the new Democrat figurehead.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 26 2024

Thank Biden/Harris for Pro-Hamas Vandalism

From the first day, the top priority of the Biden/Harris Regime has been to repeal all things Trump. Many of the effects of this have been insidious. As we were reminded by the Democrat base’s welcoming party for Netanyahu, other effects are obvious to the eye:

The Washington Times Senior Congressional Reporter Kerry Picket wrote that the “National Park Service on Thursday began removing graffiti and repairing statues … that protesters damaged the day before.”

The American flag torn down and burned so it could be replaced with the Palestinian flag is beyond repair.

Picket pointed out that graffiti spray-painted by rioters by protesters on the Christopher Columbus Memorial Fountain next to the Capitol grounds “will need several days of cleaning treatment, according to a Park Service worker.” …

“Former President Donald Trump issued an executive order in June 2020, during the [Black Lives Matter (BLM)] riots,” Picket noted.

She explained that the order had directed “federal law enforcement to prosecute individuals who damaged monuments and threaten[ed] to withhold funding from local governments that failed to protect their own statues from vandals.”

The Biden-Harris administration “rescinded that order on May 14, 2021.”

Consequently, pro-Hamas hooligans have repeatedly desecrated statues commemorating American heritage right across from the White House, secure in the knowledge that their behavior is approved.

The Biden/Harris Regime is on the side of leftist rioters. Harris made this explicit during the Black Lives Matter riots by openly raising funds to bail them out of jail so they could get back to their mayhem — which they did.

For Democrats, riots and vandalism are politics by other means. Being the bad guys confers certain advantages, which they eagerly exploit.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Jul 26 2024

Orders From Headquarters on Border Czar Kamala

Now that Queen Kamala has been coronated by the shadowy forces controlling the Democratic Party, the liberal media is once again all on the same page. Here’s the page:

The Democrat apparatchiks comprising the “mainstream” media are so good at sticking to the same talking points, you could almost suspect they are a borg with a single hive mind. But dramatic historical revisions like Oceania always having been at war with Eastasia and Kamala Harris never having been the border czar require specific orders.

The establishment media has no more credibility than Pravda did in Stalin’s time. Liberals really are recreating the Soviet Union. First as tragedy, second as farce, as their guiding light Karl Marx would say.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jul 26 2024

Carbon Credits Enable Green Graft

Not all green lunacy can be attributed to an insidious attack on our freedom and standard of living or to the antihuman malice at the root of leftism. Another factor is straightforward greed:

Over the past two decades, so-called “carbon cowboys,” people who set up carbon credit initiatives for financial gain, have launched land preservation projects across the Amazon rainforest, generating carbon credits worth hundreds of millions of dollars and building a thinly regulated market valued at nearly $11 billion worldwide, according to The Washington Post. The Brazilian government’s anti-deforestation policies already safeguarded more than 78,000 square miles of land used for preservation projects before they were claimed for carbon credits, and 29 of the 35 internationally certified projects in the Amazon overlap with public lands, meaning a large percentage of carbon credits overlap with already existent conservation measures.

The estimated total value of the offsets sold by these 29 ventures is $212 million, according to an analysis performed by The Washington Post using annual market rates. Multi-billion dollar companies like Netflix, Delta Air Lines, Spotify, PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Boeing are just a few of the major corporations that purchased these credits in order to offset their emissions.

Why would anyone pay a penny to pretend to “offset” harmless carbon emissions? According to energy consultant David Blackmon,

“For the most part, companies buy these credits for the simple fact that they are forced to do so either by wrong-headed government regulations or by ESG demands from green investors and financial institutions.”

Fools and their money are soon parted. Coercive regulations are required for the same reason Democrats are setting the stage for election fraud: not all of us are fools.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek explains how carbon credits can be inflicted at the individual level to impose green neofeudalism:

On a tip from R F.

Jul 26 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jul 25 2024

Ad Destroys Phony Kamala Harris Narrative

Even by liberal establishment standards, the arrogance is astonishing. Overruling its own voters, the Democratic Party is attempting to install Kamala Harris as the next president. This requires doctoring recent history and lying to our faces that she is someone a sane person could regard as acceptable. But we have the receipts:

Note that this is from the campaign not of Trump but of US Senate candidate Dave McCormick. Kamala Harris is as radical left as you can get. By lining up behind her, the Democratic Party has confirmed it is now the American equivalent of the Khmer Rouge. The systematic lies of its mouthpiece, the “mainstream” media, must be debunked so she can be exposed as the menace she is. Then she needs to be hung around the neck of the entire Democratic Party and every pol wicked enough to take part in it.

Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Jul 25 2024

Black Barbi With Down Syndrome

Being a totalitarian ideology, DEI applies to everything — even children’s toys:

Barbie has unveiled their newest Blind Barbie Doll and Black Barbie Doll with Down syndrome as part of its fashionista collection. This, as the country recognizes July as Disability Pride Month.

A disability is no longer something that you become stronger by striving to overcome. Like sexual perversion, it is now something you are encouraged to take pride in, wallow in, and exploit to achieve favoritism. A disability has become something to fetishize.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily.

Jul 25 2024

Human Rights for the Spirits of the Forest

No matter how insane the Democratic Party becomes, overpriced law schools will egg it on to new extremes by pushing the envelope further still:

A relatively new legal field gaining traction aims to establish rights for natural formations and other inanimate objects.

One of the law schools leading the charge for this novel legal theory is New York University School of Law, which in 2022 launched the More Than Human Life Project, or MOTH, an initiative of the law school’s Earth Rights Research and Action Clinic. …

More Than Human Life’s founding director, César Rodriguez-Garavito, who chairs the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at NYU Law, stated that MOTH was inspired by a 2021 decision by the Constitutional Court of Ecuador, the nation’s highest court, holding that mining operations in the Los Cedros forest had violated the rights of Pacha Mama, or “mother nature.”

Mother Nature can even hold a copyright:

MOTH attorneys currently seek to argue before an Ecuadorian judge that a song by British musician Cosmo Sheldrake that features sounds of birds, animals and wind noises recorded at Los Cedros should be copyrighted as a joint creation of human and non-human entities.

According to Rodriguez-Garavito, “The forest is alive, there are spirits in the forest, they are the real rulers of the forest.” So be sure to pay them royalties if you make any forest noises.

It isn’t just NYU:

Harvard University will offer a course this fall titled “Rights of Nature” that “will examine this fast-growing field, assessing the origins, practice, and potential of granting legal personhood to natural objects.”

The point of granting human rights to rock formations and imaginary spirits? Christian bioethicist Wesley Smith offers a clue:

“If everything has rights, one could say that nothing really does.”

He compares it to the way the value of our money is destroyed through inflation.

The immediate purpose is to suppress economic development in the name of envirofascism on the Democrat principle that the poorer we are, the easier we are to rule.

On a tip from R F.

Jul 25 2024

History Rewritten After Crowning of Queen Kamala

Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia. By the same token, Kamala Harris — who was ranked the most extreme leftist in the US Senate — has always been a moderate. On behalf of the Democratic Party, the liberal establishment has spoken:

GovTrack, an organization that tracks congressional voting records, confirmed to Fox News Digital it had removed a 2019 web page that ranked Kamala Harris as that year’s “most liberal” U.S. senator sometime within the last two weeks.

The self-described “government transparency website” scored Harris as the “most liberal compared to all senators” in 2019, outranking Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren at the time.

“Transparency” is Liberalese for “opacity.”

It should be noted that Sanders and Warren are effectively communists.

If Elon Musk didn’t own Twitter, this might be memory holed:

Likewise, Cackling Kamala used to be the Border Czar. Now, in light of the border being an unmitigated catastrophe, she was never the Border Czar, according to the same Axios that repeatedly referred to her as the Border Czar:

Like they used to say in the USSR, the future is certain; it’s the past that keeps changing. If Democrats hold on to power, America will be the Soviet Union recreated by degenerate mental defectives.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket. Hat tip: Legal Insurrection.

Jul 25 2024

Fentanyl Featured in Trans Hall of Horrors

Transsexualism and fentanyl are both prominent features of the degenerate culture produced by moonbattery, so it is no surprise to see the drug that martyred George Floyd feature in the latest entry in the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors.

Via Reduxx:

A former teen trans activist is under investigation in relation to the death of a man in Lake Township, Ohio. William John “Selena Leyc” Milligan, 29, was arrested last week…

Milligan was first named as a suspect in the death of Kodiak Solomon in December of 2023…

An autopsy determined Solomon died of a fentanyl overdose.

Same with George Floyd. But this time it may not have been self-administered.

Nowadays people feel compelled to take video of everything. This could be an evildoer’s undoing:

Milligan was found to have been in possession of a video he had taken that night of Solomon while the man was fatally overdosing. Milligan claimed he had shot the footage “to show the victim what he looked like when he was overdosing.”

The video’s timestamp revealed that Solomon had overdosed and gone unresponsive over two hours before 911 was called, despite Milligan claiming he had only waited 15 minutes. In the video, Milligan can be heard expressing annoyance with the situation.

“Just to show it is 12:23, this is what I am dealing with again,” he says. The video shows Milligan pushing on Solomon’s chest as if doing chest compressions at that time.

Social media posts suggest that the relationship was not going well. He was charged with administering the fatal dose of fentanyl.

Milligan has a history as a trans activist dating back to when he was just 15 years old and first began to identify as transgender. Milligan was profiled by local news in 2010, and spoke out against bullying and transphobia on the Steve Wilkos Show.

Whether he gets to go to women’s prison is unclear.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 25 2024

Kamala Harris Might Go After Electoral College

Contra the pious bleating from Democrats about “Our Democracy,” the USA is not a democracy, or it never would have lasted this long, democracies being inherently unstable. The Founding Fathers blessed us with a constitutional republic — if we can keep it. Trump isn’t a threat to our system of government. Democrats are:

In March 2019, Kamala Harris, who was dubbed the “female Obama,” said she was open to discussing eliminating the Electoral College. …

“I’m open to the discussion,” Harris said in an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

You can see why a politician from California might like the idea. It would allow winner-take-all states with large populations to select the president. Rural states with small populations would have no say.

As quickly as they can get away with it, Democrats will dismantle everything that makes America America so as to achieve single-party totalitarian rule. That’s what Obama meant when he promised to “fundamentally transform” our country.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily.

Jul 25 2024

Open Thread

The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters - Antonio Gramsci

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 24 2024

Democrat Base Welcomes Netanyahu

Welcome to the USA under Democrat rule, Prime Minister Netanyahu:

Via Breitbart:

Anti-Israel protesters released maggots and mealworms in the hotel where Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is staying while visiting Washington, DC.

The Washington, DC; Maryland; and Virginia chapter of a pro-Palestinian organization called Palestinian Youth Movement posted a video on Instagram showing maggots and mealworms on a banquet table at the Watergate Hotel.

Jamaal Bowman can take pride:

The group added that fire alarms had been set off on several floors of the hotel for “over 30 minutes”…

It isn’t just scumbag activists. Netanyahu was invited to speak before a joint meeting of members of the House and Senate — yet:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) have both stated they will be boycotting “war criminal” Netanyahu’s speech.

That’s how prominent Democrats treat the leader of a close ally fighting for existence against Islamic terrorists.

You thought Biden was hostile to Israel, with his massive cash infusions for Hamas and pro-Islam propaganda in the aftermath of the October 7 terrorist atrocities? Stand by for Keffiyeh Kamala. She too boycotted Netanyahu’s speech:

Despite having become the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, she decided that an earlier commitment to the Zeta Phi Beta sorority’s convention in Indianapolis mattered more than a speech by the leader of one of America’s closest allies at a time of conflict and crisis in a region involving vital U.S. interests.

Ms. Harris is expected to meet Mr. Netanyahu during his visit to Washington, but the snub is unmistakable.

Like her fellow hard left radicals, Harris sides with Israel against Hamas:

NBC News reported that National Security Council officials “toned down” a draft of remarks Ms. Harris was to give on the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Israelis are “white adjacent” and therefore must be eradicated, according to her ideology.

Due to the leadership vacuum in the USA and Israel’s position at the front lines, Netanyahu is the de facto leader of the free world. As usual, he bore the responsibility well:

Netanyahu delivered a powerful speech to a special joint session of Congress on Wednesday, reminding the chamber that the U.S. has a stake in Israel’s fight against Hamas and Hezbollah terror.

But to the delight of Iran, Cackling Kamala — who is presumably our acting president now that Biden’s cognitive incapacitation has been acknowledged — couldn’t be bothered to listen.

“Our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory,” Netanyahu said.

He recalled the many attacks by Iran and its proxies against Americans, and noted Iran’s intent to target America after controlling the Middle East. In defending itself, he said, Israel was defending the United States as well.

As if to prove his point, the Democrat base, having gathered to support Hamas against Israel, burned Old Glory outside of Union Station:

That’s what our future will look like with Kamala et al. in control. The enemy is not just at the gates, but inside them.

On tips from Wiggins, David Kight, and Varla.


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