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May 04 2023

University of Texas Educrats Push Woke Vocabulary

Another word for “Liberalese” is “Orwellian.” When wokesters say one thing, they mean the opposite. For example, when they bark about the need to impose “inclusion,” what they mean is “exclusion.” Excluding those they hate in the name of tolerance transports progressives into a delirious ecstasy of vindictiveness. Some get so carried away that, apparently oblivious to the derisive laughter they inspire, they try to exclude the syllable “men” from the word “women.”

From the University of Texas at the moonbat foothold Austin:

The Office of Financial and Administrative Services at the university lists a glossary of terms on a webpage embedded within its “Diversity Commitment,” denoting them all as “language [that] matters.” Among the terms listed are “Wimmin,” “Womyn” and “Womxn,” which the glossary says are all alternatives to the traditional spelling of the word “Women.”

“Wimmin: A nonstandard spelling of the word ‘women’ used by feminists to avoid the word ending ‘-men,'” the University of Texas glossary of terms lays out.

The point of made-up words like “womxn” is “to get away from patriarchal language,” according to the University of Texas. Not being in favor of using such a foolish neologism is denounced in the harshest terms as “a very white thing.”

Maybe educrats are not oblivious to our laughter after all. The glossary has been deleted from UT’s Financial and Administrative Services website.

On a tip from Franco.


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