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Search: Pritzker

Nov 18 2024

JB Pritzker Takes Revenge Against America

While other liberals throw infantile tantrums or burst into tears, Jabba the Hutt lookalike JB Pritzker vows revenge:

Gov. JB Pritzker (D-IL) pledged to launch a campaign to boost radical sex change procedures in his state in response to Donald Trump’s landslide election.

The Hyatt hotel scion has a family interest in transgender psychosis:

Pritzker’s cousin, James Nicholas Pritzker, a retired lieutenant colonel in the Illinois National Guard, is now a transgender person who goes by the name “Jennifer,” and runs a left-wing organization that passes out grants to organizations that support “gender and human sexuality.”

The plutocrat JB has pushed this pernicious agenda before:

In 2021 he directed the state’s Department of Human Services to put in place a list of protections for “transgender, nonbinary and gender nonconforming students” as part of his reinterpretation of the Illinois Human Rights Act of 1979.

Thanks to moonbats like Pritzker, it is unsafe for girls in Illinois to use the restroom or take part in sports:

The Land of Lincoln is one of those deep blue states that allows students to use any bathroom they choose at any given time without having to prove they have undergone any medical procedures. State officials also force all schools to allow boys identifying as girls to play girls’ sports.

Taxpayers are forced to finance the insanity:

State officials have also allowed Medicaid funding to be used to pay for radical transgender procedures for those under 21.

Pritzker demonstrates why Trump won.

Chicago has sucked the entire state of Illinois into the maelstrom known as the Democrat Death Spiral. But even there, Trump’s support has risen dramatically. Grotesqueries like Pritzker are on the wrong side of history.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

May 09 2024

Pritzker Family Helps Bankroll Pro-Hamas Demonstrations

As noted earlier, big money backs even the kookiest moonbats — prominently including the pampered lowlifes turning out in force for Hamas in the aftermath of the October 7 terror atrocities. Like Hillary Clinton and the Maoist Neville Roy Singham, the sinister Pritzker clan is in a position to fling a fortune at pure evil.

Infamous Pritzkers include Harvard Corporation Senior Fellow Penny S. Pritzker, who was Secretary of Commerce under Obama; James “Jennifer” Pritzker, who has been financing the mainstreaming of transsexual depravity; and worst of all, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, who promotes Illinois as the most welcoming state in the nation for the hordes of illegal aliens flooding in to displace Americans, even as the state hurtles toward bankruptcy.

Lately, the Pritzkers have been funding House Democrats in tough reelection fights:

According to FEC data, members of the prominent Pritzker family, the extremely wealthy owners of Hyatt Hotels Corporation, have given hundreds of thousands of dollars this election cycle to a number of those vulnerable Democrats, as well as the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and House Majority PAC — two organizations tasked with winning a majority in the House of Representatives.

Look what those taking the money have crawled into bed with:

The Pritzker family has, at the same time, given to organizations involved with the anti-Jewish protests, which have received widespread condemnation and resulted in thousands of arrests…

Follow the money from the Pritzkers to the Libra Foundation to explicitly radical smaller nonprofits that fund the From the River to the Sea crowd, including Climate Justice Alliance, Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity, and the Immigrant Defense Project.

They work together with the Daddy Warbucks of the Malevolent Left:

The Pritzkers, alongside liberal billionaire George Soros, are also funders of the Tides Foundation, a left-wing organization that funds other small progressive groups, including Adalah Justice Project, a participant in the protest at Columbia University that was broken up last week…

Democrats have no grass roots. They have cash roots. That’s what a ruling class needs to impose a revolution from above.

On a tip from Chuck A.

Sep 05 2024

Illinois Democrats Crack Down on Shampoo Bottles

Freedom is a current theme of Democrats. By “freedom,” the Party of Government means freedom to indulge in degeneracy and kill any children who result. Everything else is to be tightly regulated by Big Government — even shampoo bottles:

The days are numbered for small shampoo bottles in Illinois hotels because of a new law signed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker.

Hotels with more than 50 rooms are banned from providing single-use plastic bottles of shampoo, mouthwash and other toiletries starting July 1, 2025.

Illinois Democrats couldn’t find a reason to make shampoo bottles mandatory; therefore, they are forbidden.

Providing guests with the convenient bottles will result in fines of up to $1,500.

From big ways to small, Democrats never rest from their mission to make your life worse.

On a tip from R F.

Aug 22 2024

Man Will Do Life in Women’s Prison for Sex Crimes

Of all the male felons you do not want in a women’s prison, top of the list would be those arrested for sexual assault — and yet:

A transgender pedophile in Illinois is being housed in a women’s prison after being found guilty on multiple counts related to the sexual assault of his two children. Michelle Blessent, born James, is being held at the Logan Correctional Facility in Lincoln, Illinois.

The US Constitution forbids cruel and unusual punishment. It is ignored so that female convicts can be locked in cages with animals like this:

As previously reported by Reduxx, Blessent, 35, was initially arrested in April of 2023 in a file which included five counts of predatory criminal sexual assault of a victim under 13.

More charges related to sexual aggression against small children have been added. His sex crimes are so egregious that he will not be eligible for parole before he is 106 years old.

We know how this will turn out, because men have been incarcerated at Logan before. Andre Patterson declared himself transsexual and changed his name to Janiah Monroe:

Monroe, who had convictions on several felonies including second-degree murder, was later accused of raping a female inmate at Logan, sexually harassing female inmates, and threatening staff member.

Mr. Monroe has friends in high places:

Though the [Illinois Department of Corrections] attempted to move him back to the men’s estate, Governor [J.B.] Pritzker’s office overruled the decision and allowed him to remain at the women’s prison. Pritzker is known for being an ardent supporter of trans activism, and is the brother of Jennifer Pritzker, a trans-identified male billionaire who frequently funds trans causes.

J.B. Pritzker was prominently featured at the Democratic National Convention Tuesday night.

The reason our liberal ruling class so aggressively promotes LGBTism is that it is depraved. Without reference to depravity as an end in itself, it would not be possible to make sense of liberal policy.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jun 20 2024

Big Money Moonbats Back Blotting Out Sun

Leftists want us to use solar panels instead of more efficient means of generating electricity so as to please the climate. For the same insane reason, they also want to blot out the sun:

Wealthy philanthropists with ties to Wall Street and Silicon Valley are unbowed by a botched climate experiment to limit the amount of sunlight hitting the earth, vowing to continue bankrolling future solar geoengineering tests…

A popular definition of “insanity” is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” An even better definition would be “anything that smells like moonbattery.”

The grotesque horrors of “gender-affirming care” show us what attempts to bring biology into line with leftist ideology can do to people’s bodies. Next, they want to make planet Earth itself moonbattery-compliant.

[T]wo high-profile experiments were shutdown following public backlash, pointing to the challenges of conducting controversial research that could result in weather disruptions or other unintended consequences.

Yet big money moonbats continue to support Dr. Evil schemes to blot out the sun. Those involved have included the odious Pritzker clan through the scary-eyed moonbat Rachel Pritzker and her Pritzker Innovation Fund, as well as the still more sinister Bill Gates.

On a tip from Lyle.

Dec 17 2023

Illinois NAACP President Tests Deep Fake Excuse

Artificial Intelligence mainly programmed by moonbats is likely to make most of our lives worse, but it does offer one advantage. Now when public figures are caught on video saying something they wish they hadn’t, they can claim they are victims of “deep fakes.”

Illinois NAACP President Teresa Haley is enraged that the massive hordes of illegal aliens Democrats have been importing from the Third World to displace the America population are prioritized even above native-born BIPOCs.

Gripes Haley:

“But black people have been on the streets forever and ever, and nobody cares because they say that we’re drug addicts, we got mental health issues. But these immigrants have come over here, they’ve been raping people, they’ve been breaking into homes, they’re like savages as well!”

It is unclear whether she means that undocumented Democrats are like savages in addition to raping people and breaking into homes, or that they resemble savages just like… Never mind.

Governor JB Pritzker took her to task for deviating from political correctness:

“Reprehensible remarks, I would hope that she would apologize for the remarks. I also think that people should recognize that immigrants to this country are all around us,” he said.

Democrats rarely miss a chance to conflate legitimate immigrants who came to assimilate and contribute to American society with criminal invaders who sneer at our laws just by being here while sponging off public assistance.

Haley did apologize – but then after she was tracked down on vacation in Dubai by Chicago ABC station WLS-TV, she suggested it was a deepfake, saying “With AI, anything is possible.”

Is it a deep fake, or has Haley stepped in something deep by committing thoughtcrime? You be the judge:

On a tip from Barry A.

Oct 19 2023

Chicago Offers $9,000 Handouts to Illegal Aliens

By electing quintessential moonbat Brandon Johnson, Chicago set itself on a course for ruin. But until the city collapses completely, at least the illegal aliens imported to displace the native population get lots of free money:

Chicago is giving $9,000 to illegal migrants to assist with temporary housing after already paying out a staggering $ 7.2 million for staffing shelters in just one week.

There could be drawbacks to a self-proclaimed sanctuary city offering extravagant handouts in a country that effectively has no borders:

The city now faces enormous pressure, with over 11,000 migrants in shelters and 4,000 staying in police stations and the O’Hare International Airport.

No worries; the state will step in to pick up the tab:

Now, the state of Illinois is helping cover costs for temporary housing for illegal migrants to free up room in shelters, including $9,000 in housing and rental assistance for six months, Chicago deputy chief of staff Cristina Pacione-Zayas confirmed.

The city has allocated $4 million already to help migrants find temporary housing, while the state contributed a further $38 million.

The left-wing administration of Governor JB Pritzker has proclaimed Illinois “the most welcoming state in the nation” for illegal aliens.

Even a few Americans are making out quite well:

Kansas-based company Favorite Healthcare Staffing billed the city more than $7.2 million to staff migrant shelters for just four weeks…

The invoices covered 400 employees who worked between April 22 to May 19, including one nurse who was paid $20,000 for a single week of work in December. The same nurse made $16,536 for seven days of work in April.

Due to insanely extravagant public sector pensions, the entire state is lurching toward fiscal insolvency. Before long Biden’s handlers will have to put the printing presses into overdrive to bail out Illinois. You will pick up the tab for the looting spree as the value of your savings is deflated.

On tips from Barry A and ABC of the ANC.

Jul 31 2023

Chicago Residents Unlikely to Like Illegal Alien Police

The Cultural Marxist coalition may experience a few bumps on the road to utopia. Chicago residents have noticed that whites are not the only demographic Democrat border policy is displacing:

Meanwhile, the state’s moonbat rulers move toward recruiting people who are in the country illegally as police officers:

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed off on a controversial bill allowing foreign nationals to become law enforcement officers, a move that critics blasted as “madness” for setting the stage to potentially deputize illegal aliens to arrest U.S. citizens in their own country.

Contempt for the rule of law goes hand in hand with tyranny, as anarchotyrannical Democrats often remind us.

The bill, which amends the Illinois Municipal Code and goes into effect on January 1, 2024, “Provides that an individual who is not a citizen but is legally authorized to work in the United States under federal law is authorized to apply for the position of a police officer, subject to all requirements and limitations, other than citizenship, to which other applicants are subject.”

U.S. Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) assailed the passage of the law that could lead to illegal aliens being given guns and badges and unleashed on citizens in the Land of Lincoln.

The police are not happy:

Pritzker signed HB 3751 despite fierce opposition from the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police which strongly condemned the bill when it passed the House.

However, the last people Democrats want to please are local police.

This comes on the heels of abolishing cash bail with the Purge Law. As New York and California have already demonstrated, less cash bail means more crime.

How fitting that the Democratic National Convention will be held in Chicago next year. The sinking city pulling the state down the drain reflects what Democrats want to extend to the entire country.

On tips from Ed McAninch and Wiggins.

Jul 20 2023

Purge Law Inflicts Catch and Release on Illinois

Catch and release has worked so well at the border and in New York City that Democrat-dominated Illinois is adopting the policy:

The Illinois Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld a state law passed following the death of George Floyd that was intended to end cash bail for most criminal defendants.

At first it seemed sanity might intervene…

The SAFE-T Act was approved by the state General Assembly in January 2021 but was halted at the eleventh hour after a Kankakee County judge ruled the ending of cash bail to be unconstitutional.

But as usual in Illinois, moonbattery prevailed:

The lower court ruling was sent to the state Supreme Court, which overturned it in a 5-2 decision.

Obese plutocrat Governor J. B. Pritzker approves of the decision. Anarchotyranny means the same tyrant who would not allow more than two people to ride on a boat during Covid hysteria wants actual criminals to run loose wreaking havoc.

The dementedly pro-criminal SAFE-T Act has been called the “Purge Law,” in reference to the movies/TV series about crime being made legal for 12 hours once a year to keep the population down. Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau calls it “the most dangerous law I’ve ever seen.” In addition to establishing a revolving door for dangerous criminals, other aspects include…

…limiting when defendants can be deemed flight risks, allowing defendants under electronic monitoring to leave home for 48 hours before they can be charged with escape, and preventing police from arresting non-violent trespassers…

Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul barks that “The SAFE-T Act was intended to address pervasive inequalities in the criminal justice system.”

That’s the purpose the criminal justice system serves, where Democrats have consolidated control: addressing “pervasive inequalities” rather than securing public safety.

After cash bail is ended on September 18, Democrats will boast of having reduced the incarcerated population. This will win votes from their base in places like the South Side of Chicago. The city has succumbed to the Democrat Death Spiral, having driven out enough sane people to guarantee ever more radical left-wing rule. The entire state looks ready to follow it down the drain.

On a tip from Franco.

Jul 13 2023

Illinois Will Force Landlords to Rent to Illegal Aliens

Those who have been allowed to invade our country in contravention of our laws in order to displace us do not enjoy the same privileges as American citizens; they enjoy better ones. As on Orwell’s Animal Farm, all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. Like preferred racial groups and the sexually insane, illegal aliens are more equal than you, because they are favored by our liberal rulers. They are “protected.”

That means landlords will be forced to rent to them, even if they have qualms about turning over their property to criminals who break the law just by being here:

A new Illinois law will require landlords to rent or sell property to undocumented migrants, adding immigration status to the list of protected classes in the Illinois Human Rights Act.

SB1817 was signed into law by Governor J.B. Pritzker (D-Ill.) last month and is set to go into effect at the beginning of 2024. The law will add “protections in the Illinois Human Rights Act for housing regarding immigration status protection.”

As we learned when CDC bureaurats exploited Covid hysteria to impose an eviction moratorium, it isn’t the landlord’s property; it is the government’s property. By extension, it is illegal aliens’ property, because so long as the government is run by Democrats, it can be counted on to side with illegal aliens against Americans.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Feb 02 2023

Republicans Get <1% of Harvard Corporation Donations

The leftists who run Harvard discriminate against whites and Asians in the name of diversity. They want to achieve a balance. But only when it comes to race. When it comes to something more meaningful, namely viewpoint, the Harvard Crimson reveals their idea of balance:

Members of the Harvard Corporation, the University’s highest governing body, contributed more than $1.5 million in political donations to federal candidates and political action committees in 2021 and 2022. Of that number, just $12,900 went to Republican political causes.

That comes to less than 0.86% to Republicans. There’s you balance. There’s your diversity.

Within the Corporation’s ranks are two former Obama administration officials, two billionaires, and three heads of private investment firms. Ahead of the 2020 election, Corporation members financed over $1 million to Democratic campaigns and PACs.

Senior Fellow Penny S. Pritzker ’81, who served as the U.S. Secretary of Commerce under President Obama, contributed the most out of the board’s members, supplying Democratic causes with more than $750,000 ahead of the 2022 midterms. She gave similarly in the 2020 election cycle, with $861,000 in support of Democratic candidates.

Penny S. Pritzker is the sister of the authoritarian leftist J.B. Pritzker, Governor of Illinois, who ought to take up acting if they ever do a live action film adaptation of George Orwell’s Animal Farm. He would be perfectly cast as one of the pigs.

As for billionaire Harvard Corporation member David M. Rubenstein,

Rubenstein is a close friend of President Joe Biden. During the first two years of his presidency, Biden stayed at Rubenstein’s Nantucket home for Thanksgiving.

As George Carlin might say of our moonbat ruling class, it’s a big club, and we are not in it. To elaborate:

“You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it’s the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table is tilted folks.”

Orders regarding what to believe are passed down to us through the media, but they originate with those running institutions like Harvard.

By the way, of the trivial amount that went to the GOP, almost all was to the loathsome Adam Kinzinger, best known for pandering to Democrats. He actually publicly wept as part of Pelosi’s January 6 show trials.

Back to the Harvard Crimson:

Paul J. Finnegan ’75 was the sole Corporation member to support Republican candidates, giving $5,000 to former U.S. Representative Adam D. Kinzinger (R-Ill.) and $2,900 to Jesse L. Reising, who lost in the 2022 Republican primary in Illinois’ 13th Congressional District. Finnegan also contributed $5,000 to Kinzinger’s PAC.

Kinzinger voted to impeach former President Donald J. Trump for inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection and served on the House Jan. 6 Select Committee investigating the attack on the Capitol.

Kinzinger did not face voters again. He now works as a propagandist for the Democrat Party disinformation platform CNN.

If you don’t count Kinzinger as a Republican — who would? — the percentage given to Republicans comes to $2,900 out of over $1.5 million, or about 0.19%. The last place on earth to look for diversity is among the homogeneous leftist Borg comprising our ruling class.

On a tip from Jack D.

Jan 12 2023

Illinois Democrats Come for Guns

We will soon reach the point where no other item on the liberal agenda can be inflicted until after they have imposed the most important item of all: gun control. There are limits to what an armed population will put up with. This is why Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto is said to have said, “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” This may not hold true for long in Illinois, where the Democrat Death Spiral has driven so many regular Americans out of the state that Governor J.B. Pritzker feels empowered to make a ham-fisted power grab by signing into law a statewide ban on assault weapons.

The term “assault weapon” is useful to authoritarians because they can apply it as broadly as they please. It means “an object that can be used to assault people.” A total ban on assault weapons would include baseball bats, chairs, fists, et cetera. For now,

The bill, HB 5471, will outlaw the sale, manufacture, possession and purchase of “assault-style” weapons, assault weapon attachments and .50 caliber cartridges, while also limiting magazine capacity to 10 rounds for long guns and 15 rounds for handguns, according to the legislation.

This will criminalize a large percentage of modern firearms, prominently including the most popular, America’s rifle. If this flies, the next few yanks on the ratchet will ban whatever is left.

Illinois residents who own guns that are now restricted under the law all be able to keep them, but will be required to register the firearms with the state police, according to the legislation.

Confiscating the registered firearms will follow inevitably, should the unpacked (for now) Supreme Court allow the brazenly unconstitutional law to stand.

The reason media moonbats can barely restrain their euphoria whenever there is a school shooting and blue state authorities go out of their way to keep violent lunatics on the street is they want a pretext. For Illinois Democrats, a lame duck session protecting them from voters was sufficient opportunity.

There are still a few Republicans that the moonbattery oozing down from Chicago have not driven from the state, including State Senator Chapin Rose, who responds:

“Enforce the laws that already exist. We’re going to make felons out of taxpayers. Put the bad guys behind the bars, not the good guys.”

That is exactly the reverse of Democrat policy, which is why this is happening in infamously corrupt Illinois. Dems know as well as anyone that this law will have minimal effect on criminals, while disarming those who would like to defend themselves against criminals.

State Senator Darren Bailey sounds downright American:

“You’ve got to know the actions that you are taking are tyrannous. You also must know that I and millions of other gun owners in this state will not comply.”

If we do comply with the coming gun confiscation, Democrats will have crossed the Rubicon. They hate us, and will be able to do whatever they want to us.

On tips from Troy H and Varla.

Nov 13 2022

Noose Nonsense at Obama Presidential Center

Hate hoaxes involving alleged nooses no longer pass the laugh test, even if they are found on the construction site of a temple devoted to worship of the Moonbat Messiah himself:

I wonder if the noose they found is the same one Jussie Smollett wore around his neck for some time after it was allegedly placed there in the middle of the night during a snowstorm by the Trump supporters who we were expected to believe rule the streets of Chicago.

If not, it might have been the noose psycho PC bully/Black Lives Matter activist/NASCAR Driver of Color Bubba Wallace found in his garage. No wait, that was just a door pull.

Maybe it was the noose that oppressed two black professors at Penn State University. No, that turned out to be part of a swing set.

Could it be the noose that inflicted hate upon a construction site at Central Connecticut State University? Apparently not, since that was just a steel loop in a construction cable.

Then it must have been one of the nooses unleashed against Persons of Color at Stanford. No again; those were loops in what had apparently once been part of an abandoned swing or rope ladder.

Despite the Obama center noose being at worst a prank, and almost certainly either a hate hoax or just an innocent piece of rope,

Lakeside Alliance, the company building the $830 million dollar presidential center, told the New York Post it immediately halted construction and notified police after a noose was discovered at the worksite on Thursday morning.

Lakeside alliance is offering a $100,000 reward to find the culprit who left a piece of rope at a construction site, where rope tied in all sorts of knots can often be found all over the place. Fools and their money…

Democrat demagoguery went straight to fifth gear:

The Obama Foundation told the New York Post the incident was “a shameless act of cowardice” and Illinois’ Democratic Gov. J.B Pritzker called it “a heart-stopping reminder of the violence and terror inflicted on Black Americans for centuries.”

Panted Pritzker,

“I condemn this act of hate in the strongest possible terms, and the state of Illinois will make all needed resources available to help catch the perpetrators.”

Meanwhile, actual criminals in Chicago are allowed to run riot.

You would think the media would brandish the noose triumphantly as evidence in support of its narrative. But I can only find pictures of a nondescript coil of rope stuffed in a trash bag.

On tips from Wiggins, Heckrules, Steve T, and Eddie_Valiant.

Oct 18 2022

Crime Emerges as Major Midterm Issue

Under Democrat rule, civilization is collapsing. This can be seen everywhere: in the quality of our political leadership, in the filth children are exposed to, in the unwatchability of entertainment, in the subversion of formerly trusted institutions like the military and medicine, and most conspicuously of all, in the crime crisis that predictably followed in the wake of Black Lives Matter.

A typical story from New York:

Dramatic surveillance video shows the moment a trio of robbers — one swinging a sledgehammer — smashed their way into a high-end Park Avenue jewelry store over the weekend.

The video:

Not even the nicest parts of town are safe from the collapse of law & order that began under Bill de Blasio and continues uninterrupted under Eric Adams.

At last word there were no arrests in the looting of Cellini Jewelers, which lost over $500,000 in merchandise.

According to NYPD’s latest crime statistics, burglaries and grand larcenies were up more than 31% and 41% respectively, while robberies have seen an increase of 35.5%, compared to the same time last year.

Last year crime rates were already stratospheric in New York and nationwide.

Republican campaign ads have enraged liberals by calling them on it. Will Bunch of the Philadelphia Inquirer says drawing attention to crime is “vile” and “racist.” Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot got this ad pulled for showing what has been going on in Chicago:

But Pritzker and Lightfoot have not been able to suppress public awareness of how fellow thugs have exploited the carte blanche offered them by liberal rule. Crime has emerged as a major issue in the midterms — and people know who to blame for it.

In contrast, Republicans offer solutions. They are outnumbered more than two to one in New York, yet Lee Zeldin is running neck and neck with incumbent Governor Kathy Hochul. Zeldin says he will immediately declare a state of emergency to combat crime:

“I’m going to suspend New York’s cashless bail laws and some other pro-criminal laws that have been passed, force the legislature to come to the table to negotiate an improvement because we have to take back our streets.”

He plans to remove Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for refusal to enforce the law. Like George Gascon (Los Angeles), Kim Foxx (Chicago), Larry Krasner (Philadelphia), Chesa Boudin (San Francisco), and Kim Gardner (St Louis), and Marilyn Mosby (Baltimore), Bragg was placed in office by sinister leftist financier George Soros.

Weather Underground scion Chesa Boudin has been recalled. The rest need to follow. But to properly clean house, Democrats must be pried from power.

On tips from Wiggins, ABC of the ANC, and MrRightWingDave.


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