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Search: Rachel Levine

Mar 05 2024

Rachel Levine Declares Climate Change to Be Racist

Democrats are serious about bringing the ever-fluctuating climate to heel. They have brought in Admiral Rachel Levine to proclaim weather to be racist:

Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine, a biological male who identifies as a transgender woman, earlier this month took time away from encouraging pre-adolescent children to explore their gender identities through the wonders of endocrine-disrupting pharmaceuticals to lecture the public about how climate change might be racist.

In a video posted on X, Levine said, “Black Americans are more likely than White Americans to live in areas in housing that increase their susceptibility to climate-related health issues,” and added that “65% of Black Americans report feeling anxious about climate change’s impact.”

From this we learn that skeptics of the global warming hoax are racists who had better shut up if they don’t want to get canceled.

Behold what we let ourselves be ruled by:

Mr. Levine has addressed other threats to utopia by declaring resistance to LGBTism to be a public health threat and demanding censorship to suppress resistance to the transsexualization of children.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Dec 28 2022

Rachel Levine Demands Censorship on Transing Kids

We already knew that the cross-dressing weirdo Richard “Rachel” Levine — the Assistant Secretary for Health extolled by liberals as America’s first “female” four-star admiral — is in favor of committing crimes against humanity by sacrificing children on the altar of LGBTism through horrific sex change procedures. We knew that the Biden Regime has relied on the suppression of information to achieve and exert power. Yet it is hard not to be shocked by the blatant evil as Levine calls on Big Tech to censor “misinformation” that would protect kids from having their genitals mutilated.

It has come to light that during a Zoom address to the Federation of State Medical Boards…

…Levine spoke about the need for the government to “address health misinformation directly” and specified that includes encouraging Big Tech to combat health misinformation “beyond COVID-19.”

The topic he had in mind is the transsexualization of children.

By now we all know that “misinformation” is any information or opinion that leftists want suppressed.

Pushing the Orwellianism that characterizes Democrats to the point of overkill, Levine declared that resistance to the exceedingly unhealthy “LGTQI+” agenda is “dangerous to the public health.”

As Joseph Goebbels observed, tell a lie big enough, keep repeating it, and sheep will believe it. Squeaks Levine:

“The positive value of gender-affirming care for youth and adults is not in scientific or medical dispute.”

“Gender-affirming” is Orwellian for “gender-denying.” In many cases, gender is “affirmed” by surgically removing healthy body parts so that woke parents of a transsexual trophy child can pretend their offspring is a member of the opposite sex.

The official called for tech censorship to quell any dispute on the subject, adding, “And we need to use our clinicians voice to collectively advocate for our tech companies to create a healthier, cleaner information environment.”

By this he means an information environment reduced to a cesspool of depraved leftist propaganda.

Levine has largely gotten his way:

Conservative journalist Ian Miles Cheong tweeted, “You’re not allowed to criticize Rachel Levine on other social media platforms. You will be banned.”

That is, social media platforms other than Twitter under Elon Musk’s ownership. Previously, the Babylon Bee was banned from Twitter for drawing attention to the incontrovertible biological fact that Levine is a man.

Levine, a transgender woman, made the statements in May, though the video gained newfound attention on Twitter just after Christmas.

Presenting our degenerate ruling class personified:

On tips from Varla and Chris Neilson.

Sep 18 2021

Mark Milley and Rachel Levine Were High School Teammates

Two of the most infamously demented leftists aboard the ship of fools that is the Biden Administration have a connection going back to high school.

If Bob Woodward’s reporting is accurate, the absurdly overdecorated Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley committed straightforward treason during the Trump Administration in collusion with our communist Chinese adversaries. He has publicly espoused antiwhite race hate, and openly regards tens of millions of American citizens as enemies of the government.

Assistant Health and Human Services Secretary Richard Levine, currently known as Rachel Levine, is a grotesque female impersonator who killed elderly nursing home residents in Pennsylvania by the same means used by Andrew Cuomo, while rescuing his own mother from the fate he callously inflicted on others. He evidently favors using drugs and even surgery to permanently deform children in the name of radical transgender ideology — without parental consent.

If ever two moonbats were made for each other, it is Mark Milley and Rachel Levine, so the revelation that they played football alongside each other at Belmont Hill School in Belmont, Massachusetts came as no surprise.

As noted at BizPac Review,

This bizarre revelation comes as the administration is facing increasing criticism that it’s “wokeness” has become a debilitating impediment. …

Dinesh D’Souza … argued that “woke” Biden administration officials had been “having fantasies of … putting troops in high heels, maybe transgender surgeries, transgender bathrooms,” instead of focusing on what mattered.

“We have our eye off the ball. The Taliban has its eye on the ball,” he added.

Afghanistan provided a graphic example of what happens when you put woke kooks in charge of the military. Putting people like Milley’s teammate in charge of healthcare policy isn’t working out any better.

On a tip from Jack D.

Apr 06 2021

Rachel Levine Wants Transgender Drugs and Surgery for Minors

One problem with picking a guy to be Assistant Secretary for Health in the Department of Health and Human Services on the grounds that he dresses in woman’s clothes, despite his having knowingly killed seniors by implementing a policy of seeding nursing homes with Covid patients, is that he might turn out to be a morally vacuous screwball with a horrific agenda:

During an interview last week with NPR, transgender [Rachel né Richard] Levine said bills banning young people from accessing drugs, such as puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, and transgender surgeries, such as elective double mastectomies, as well as bans against males competing in women’s sports are all “really challenging to see.”

He says it’s a “health equity issue.” Anyone who opposes equity is a hateful bigot, per Democrat dogma.

This provides some context for Levine’s eagerness to see children undergo chemical and surgical procedures that will leave them permanently disfigured:

The American College of Pediatricians has reported that experts on both sides of the issue agree that “80 percent to 95 percent” of children with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria “accepted their biological sex by late adolescence.”

You have to lock in transsexuality fast, before kids have a chance to figure out who they are. That’s how you grow a permanently alienated identity group on behalf of Democrats’ cultural Marxist coalition.

On a tip from Rapinhoe.

Feb 26 2021

Rand Paul Lays Waste to Rachel Levine and His Agenda

When cross-dressing, senior-slaying LGBT militant Rachel Levine was nominated to become Assistant Secretary of Health, this site remarked,

Not long ago, Levine’s nomination would have been regarded as a tasteless joke. We will learn during the confirmation whether any senators have the nerve to question it and risk being denounced by the media as “transphobic.”

If there is one senator with principles and the nerve to back them, it is Rand Paul of Kentucky.

PJ Media reports:

[Paul] delivered a harsh rebuke of the philosophy that minor children should be allowed to use off-label hormone blockers to delay puberty for the purpose of “transitioning” due to gender dysphoria. He exposed the moral insanity of this idea during assistant health secretary nominee Rachel Levine’s Senate confirmation hearing on Thursday. Levine is transgender and advocates for the chemical altering of children with gender dysphoria.

Children suffering from “gender dysphoria” are often set upon this path at such a young age that the condition likely has more to do with the leftist politics of the parents than the kids’ own proclivities. They are sacrificial offerings to the sick gods of political correctness.

Levine is also open to the surgical sexual mutilation of children less than 18 years of age. He repeatedly refused to answer Paul’s direct question regarding whether children should be subjected to chemical and/or surgical transformations without parental consent.

Watch as someone finally pushes back on behalf of decency and sanity:

Levine’s use of the word “nuanced” is characteristic of our morally degenerate ruling class. When faced with a straightforward confrontation between good and evil, progressives frequently hide behind this word.

The Daily Signal has the transcript. Paul makes some great points at the end:

You give a woman testosterone enough that she grows a beard, you think she’s going to go back looking like a woman when you stop the testosterone? You have permanently changed them. Infertility is another problem.

None of these drugs have been approved for this. They’re all being used off label. I find it ironic that the left that went nuts over hydroxychloroquine being used possibly for COVID are not alarmed that these hormones are being used off label.

There’s no long-term studies. We don’t know what happens to them. We do know that there are dozens and dozens of people who’ve been through this, who regret that this happened and a permanent change happened to them.

If you’ve ever been around children, 14-year-olds can’t make this decision. In the gender dysphoria clinic in England, 10% of the kids are between the ages of 3 and 10. We should be outraged that someone is talking to a 3-year-old about changing their sex.

As the issue of sexually deforming children on behalf of a political agenda makes obvious, there is no nuance involved when it comes to defending America from people like Rachel Levine and those who want to put him in a position of authority over us.

On tips from Varla, Jester, Stormfax, and Dragon’s Lair.

Jan 19 2021

Female Impersonator Rachel Levine to Join Biden Administration

Biden has named Rachel Levine to a position in his administration. Because of course he has.

As Pennsylvania’s secretary of health, Levine is best known for two things. One is killing old people by forcing nursing homes to accept COVID-19 patients, while simultaneously pulling his own mother out of a nursing home so that his policy wouldn’t kill her. The other comprises his qualification to join the Biden Administration: he embodies diversity by going out and about dressed like Corporal Klinger. This is what makes his nomination “historic.” If confirmed by the Senate, he will be assistant Health and Human Services secretary.

It isn’t just moonbattery that we are headed into. It is a parody of moonbattery. The Biden/Harris Administration will be moonbattery taken to the last extreme of nauseating absurdity.

On a tip from Varla.

May 07 2024

Honorary Degree for Richard “Rachel” Levine

Among the many benefits conferred upon those flamboyantly presenting themselves as members of the opposite sex, the liberal establishment has added honorary degrees from Rutgers:

Admiral Rachel L. Levine has led the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps since 2021 and is the assistant secretary for health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Levine will receive an honorary doctor of science degree Sunday during the Rutgers-New Brunswick and Rutgers Health commencement at SHI Stadium, the university said Monday.

At this point a college degree is worth only slightly more than a Nobel Peace Prize.

Richard “Rachel” Levine earned the dubious honor by being “the nation’s first openly transgender federal official confirmed by the U.S. Senate.”

Admiral” Levine should also be in line for an honorary degree in genocide from the University of Auschwitz for the senior citizens he killed as Pennsylvania Health Secretary, by forcing Covid patients on nursing homes while getting his own mother out so that she would not fall victim. Also in order would be an honorary degree in medical atrocities from Mengele State for his promotion of sex change procedures for children, including both chemical castration and surgery.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 24 2024

Biden/Harris Regime Hires Erotica the Drag Queen

Whether the figurehead is Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, we will be ruled by the same kind of people. Which kind? This kind:

A Democrat staffer, who recently announced on social media that he has joined the Biden-Harris campaign as a deputy press secretary, works as a “drag queen” on weekends…

Eric Lipka, who most recently worked in Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s, D-Mass., office before joining the Biden campaign, said he was “thrilled to share” that he has “joined the Biden-Harris campaign as deputy press secretary for Pennsylvania!” …

Lipka, who goes by the drag queen names “Erotica,” “Erica Lipka,” and “Erotica the Drag Queen” on social media, has several social media accounts on X, Facebook, and Instagram, but most of them were private as of Friday and then all of them were locked down shortly after Fox News Digital reached out to the Biden campaign for comment on Saturday afternoon.

But the Internet is written in indelible ink. His social media excretions have been brought to light:

In one Facebook post from January 2023, Lipka encouraged Facebook followers to “come get drunk and watch me slam my vagina into the floor”…

He’ll fit in great with Tyler Cherry, Rachel Levine, and the rest of the freak show constituting the Executive Branch under Democrat rule.

Personnel is policy, which helps explain why the USA went into precipitous decline when Biden/Harris took power.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and Barry A.

Jul 23 2024

Autistic Child Abducted by Alphabet Mob

It would be difficult to overstate the evil liberals inflict on children in the name of LGBTism. Due to their particular vulnerability, autistic children are a favorite target:

A family from Maryland has accused the Children’s National Hospital of encouraging their autistic teenage son to identify as a “girl.” The biologically male child was then taken from his family’s care due to their refusal to “validate” his transition, and has now been placed in the home of the Hospital’s non-binary “chaplain,” who has connections to Assistant Secretary of Health, Rachel Levine.

The Biden Regime’s Richard “Rachel” Levine is a transvestite and an aggressive advocate of transsexualizing children.

The lawsuit, which was filed in March by Maryland couple John Doe II and his wife, states that their 16-year-old autistic son was admitted to the hospital after a suicide attempt in November 2021. Shortly after his admission, the parents allege that hospital staff began to insist their son was transgender, despite the boy never questioning his gender identity before his hospital stay.

As if any child would identify as transsexual without guidance.

According to a press release issued by Partners for Ethical Care, the suit claims that the hospital “intentionally set out on a … program to identify, critique and then rebuke the family’s professed religion… [and] to expressly require the parents to convert to the ‘new Christianity’ by engaging in faith-conversion sessions with the hand-selected [hospital] chaplain not of any of the Doe family’s faith, Lavender Kelley.”

Lavender Kelley also advocates transsexualizing children — even against the wishes of their parents.

The authorities expropriated the child and placed him in a dubious foster care situation. Unsurprisingly…

…after being tested for sexually transmitted diseases in the summer of 2022, the boy was once again hospitalized for a suicide attempt.

Evidently Lavender Kelley and “her partner” now have custody of the boy. They were photographed with “Admiral” Levine last year.

The children’s entertainment industry isn’t the only sector of society that has been infiltrated and subverted by liberals and consequently requires the attention of the Orkin Man.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jun 29 2024

Biden Regime vs. Sex Change Age Restrictions

Our rulers are not merely misguided. They are evil. For Democrats, desecrating the innocence of children is a policy objective. One means of achieving this is to disfigure their bodies in the name of LGBTism:

The US Assistant Secretary of Health for the Department of Health and Human Services reportedly pressured the world’s top transgender health authority to remove all objective age restrictions for the medical ‘transitioning’ of minors in their latest and 8th edition of guidelines, the Standards of Care (SOC-8).

Personnel is policy. Sterilizing and mutilating children is the policy you get when you appoint freaks like Rachel Levine.

Levine, a trans-identified male previously known as Richard and the highest-ranking official in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, “strongly pressured WPATH leadership to rush the development and issuance of SOC-8,” according to a recently unsealed court document presented as evidence in the ongoing court case Boe v. Marshall.

WPATH is a radical LGBT activist group mentioned here before in the context of grotesque medical procedures and pedophilia. Yet even they went along grudgingly, evidently less extreme in their wickedness than the Biden Administration.

The new criteria opens the door for clinicians to halt a child’s puberty, place them on cross-sex hormones, or potentially offer surgeries once they have reached the period of development referred to as Tanner Stage 2, which occurs between 9-11 years of age.

The tyrants of the 20th century were brutal but not truly evil in the satanic sense. They didn’t subject 9-year-olds to sex change surgery.

This is what we are up against:

[C]riteria put forward by WPATH, at Levine’s behest, reflect the stated desires of a castration fetish forum, the members of which were found to have been working intimately with WPATH leaders in a series of Reduxx investigations.

The site also hosts child sexual abuse fantasies that involve halting children’s development for pedophilic purposes. The Eunuch Archive, the forum which is directly named as a resource in WPATH’s newly-released SOC-8, is home to nearly 10,000 fictional pornography stories of an extreme sadomasochistic nature – of which nearly 4,000 feature themes of the rape, castration, torture, and / or killing of children.

In some of the stories, children with stunted puberty are raped by doctors. In others, children are castrated by force as part of a sadistic sexual torture ritual.

Vote as if your soul depended on it.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Barry A.

Nov 03 2023

Resistance to LGBTism Declared Public Health Threat

The Marxist goal of abolishing private property was accomplished when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention established that owners can only insist on rent from those living on their property per the whims of federal bureaucrats — who are now the true owners of all property in the USA. The CDC even floated the idea of setting up Covid concentration camps. Now, public health is the preferred mask for authoritarians of all stripes. Ironically, this pertains even to the thuggish LGBT community, well known for undermining public health by spreading terrible diseases like AIDS and monkeypox.

From the pink swastika crowd at the Washington Blade:

Admiral Rachel Levine, assistant secretary for health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, told the Washington Blade in a statement: “We know that hate — whether fueled by homophobia, transphobia, or racism — is a public health threat.”

Admiral” Rachel demonstrated his own reverence for public health as Pennsylvania Health Secretary by putting Covid patients into nursing homes, while moving his own mother out of one because he knew the effect it would have, and by advocating sex change operations for innocent children.

Health bureaucrats can exaggerate, mischaracterize, or fabricate the threats, but other agencies may be required to provide muscle:

Noting the [apocryphal] escalation of violence encountered by LGBTQ individuals and spaces, the White House in June announced plans to create an LGBTQI+ Community Safety Partnership led by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in coordination with the U.S. Department of Justice and HHS.

The fist of the Department of Injustice is the FBI, which is already used to investigate and intimidate Americans who speak up at school boards or oppose abortion. People like Craig Robertson and Theodore Deschler have been dying violently in quasi-military FBI raids on their homes. You will use the preferred pronouns of the sexually eccentric if you know what’s best for you.

Levine met with New York City Anti-Violence Project Executive Director Beverly Tillery. Tillery wants the DHS and FBI to “play a role in data collection,” which will have implications “down the road for funding and resources and congressional action.”

[Tillery] noted the “overlay of gun violence with this as well,” especially in communities that do not have strong gun safety laws…

The Second Amendment has already been framed as a “public health” issue by authoritarians like Andrew Cuomo and Michelle Lujan Grisham.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Aug 18 2023

Alternatives to Abolished Word “Mother”

Moonbats oppose human reproduction, deny there is a difference between men and women, and react to anything wholesome like a vampire to a cross. Consequently, they oppose motherhood, going so far as to delete the word “mother” from the Newspeak Dictionary. Yet until social engineers find a way to abolish them, mothers still exist. What to call them?

Our Historic First Faux-Female Four-Star Admiral Richard “Rachel” Levine probably doesn’t know port from starboard, but he is the go-to guy when it comes to political correctness. Let’s review his recent junket to Alaska to see what we can learn:

Assistant Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine praised the Alaskan gender clinic Identity Alaska during a visit to the facility on Aug. 6…

Identity Alaska does more than transsexualize children and the sexually deranged. It also offers linguistic guidance to those who struggle to keep abreast of politically acceptable vocabulary:

Lesson guides put out by the clinic recommend that the word “mother” not be used, and instead replaced with “gestational parent,” “birth parent,” “egg producer” or “carrier.”

Now that we have been offered alternatives, there can be no excuse for uttering the forbidden M-word. Expect its use to result in cancelation.

On a tip from Tlabia Majora.

Apr 20 2023

Twitter Evokes Rage of Totalitarian Left

Elon Musk is not exactly a conservative, but he does believe in free speech. Consequently, his stewardship of Twitter continues to enrage liberals. They especially don’t like it that you will no longer get banned from Twitter for referring to people by the proper pronouns, even if they have proclaimed themselves to be transsexual:

The previous policy, enacted in 2018, specifically prohibited users from “targeted misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals,” which included using the wrong pronoun or a person’s previous name. As of April 2023, the sentence regarding transgender individuals has been removed from the “Slurs and Tropes” category.

Looks like we can even get away with calling Richard “Rachel” Levine by his original name. Small wins for free speech are important. If leftists can dictate how you are allowed to refer to people, what else will they dictate?

The old policy had been exploited by the thought police to silence both satire…

The Babylon Bee, a satirical news site, was famously locked out of its Twitter account in March 2022 for posting an article that jokingly labeled Dr. Rachel Levine, the transgender Assistant Secretary for Health at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the outlet’s “Man of the Year.”

…and factual reporting:

The site then locked the account of Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk for accurately pointing out that Levine, a biological male, fathered children and then “transitioned” into being a woman in 2014.

No conservative was immune:

It also locked Republican Indiana Rep. Jim Banks’ account for calling Levine a man.

Fume the childtargeting LGBT militants at GLAAD:

“The practice of targeted misgendering and deadnaming has been identified by the ADL and other civil society groups as a form of hate speech. Social media companies committed to maintaining safe environments for LGBTQ people should be working to improve hate speech policies, not deleting long-standing ones.”

GLAAD boasts that it is part of the #StopToxicTwitter coalition, intended to bully Twitter back into its previous role as leftist thought regulator. No public access to ideologically noncompliant information or opinion will be permitted if liberals prevail.

On tips from Franco and MrRightWingDave.

Apr 19 2023

Planned Parenthood Transsexualizes Youth

The evil accomplished by Planned Parenthood does not stop at killing babies by the hundreds of thousands per year and laundering taxpayer money before passing massive quantities back to the Democratic Party. It also destroys young people’s bodies and minds by turning them into transsexuals:

Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine helped Planned Parenthood become the second-largest provider of cross-sex hormones in the United States, according to emails obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Rachel “Richard” Levine advocates transsexualizing children, including the surgical removal of healthy body parts on behalf of the LGBT agenda.

Levine, a man who claims to be a woman, ran a group called the Transgender Health Working Group in 2017 while he worked as acting secretary of health for Pennsylvania. This group included the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) gender clinic, among others.

Through the cooperation of members of the working group, Planned Parenthood employees participated in transgender treatment training sessions, including at the Mazzoni Center, a clinic in Philadelphia that, according to its website, “provides quality health and wellness services in an LGBTQ-focused environment.”

These Orwellian “health and wellness” services are cash cows for unscrupulous figures in the medical field. Transsexualism hooks people from an early age into a lifestyle that requires constant pharmaceutical if not surgical intervention to maintain.

Levine worked for the state of Pennsylvania from 2015 through 2021, first as the physician general and then as the secretary of health, during which time the state’s spending on “transgender” medical “care” rose nearly 5,000%, according to records obtained by the PA Family Institute.

In that position, Levine was also involved in killing seniors by seeding nursing homes with Covid patients. But at least he was a nice enough guy to get his own mother out of a nursing home so that this policy would not result in her death.

Evidently Planned Parenthood fast tracks troubled youth for transsexualization, making no constructive effort to address the mental problems that make them vulnerable to LGBT recruitment.

In other Planned Parenthood news, Tim Yergeau has committed suicide:

Yergeau, 36, worked at the Planned Parenthood of Southern New England in New Haven, Connecticut from 2018 to 2022 as the director of strategic communications. The FBI was investigating Yergeau on child pornography charges.

You don’t expect moral decency from an abortion mill. You expect moonbattery. That’s what Democrats see to it that your tax dollar pays for.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.


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