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Search: modern art

Aug 16 2022

Liberal Agenda Applied Through Modern Art

To understand what leftism does to every institution it infiltrates, look to modern art, which succumbed to moonbattery long ago:

The escalation from passing trash off as art to using trash to deface real art exemplifies the malicious mentality of postmodernism. Critical Theory — prominently including our state religion under Democrat rule, Critical Race Theory — is an outgrowth of postmodernism (see the recommended book Cynical Theories for details).

Postmodernists seek to “deconstruct” — that is, to disfigure, desecrate, and destroy. Note that they do the same thing to children’s bodies by deconstructing gender.

The Culture War is total war. The losing side will be eradicated. If we lose, Thomas Picton will never have existed — and neither will any art worth looking at.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Oct 04 2021

An Honest Modern Artist

As documented in the book Cynical Theories, Democrats’ critical theory creed grew out of postmodernism. Postmodernism is doing to politics what it did long ago to art. Having pushed the postmodernist envelope as far as they could in every other direction, an artist has resorted to openly admitting that art has been reduced to a scam:

A Danish artist was given $84,000 by a museum to use in a work of art. When he delivered the piece he was supposed to make, it was not as promised. Instead, the artist, Jens Haaning, gave the Kunsten Museum of Modern Art in Aalborg, Denmark two blank canvases and said they were titled “Take the Money and Run.”

They expected him to literally use the money in the piece, as he had done in previous work. But Haaning has better uses for it.

This may be the biggest event in art history since 1917, when Marcel Duchamp purchased a urinal, turned it upside down, signed it “R. Mutt,” and submitted it as an artwork entitled Fountain to New York’s Society of Independent Artists.

We will know that moonbattery has begun to recede when art once again requires skill rather than gall.

On a tip from Franco.

Apr 21 2024

Lincoln Center Cancels Mozart

Like Beethoven, Mozart is arguably one of the two greatest composers who ever lived. Like Beethoven, he faces cancelation as part of the campaign to eradicate Western Civilization:

In 2020, [New York’s Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts] began promoting a story that a vibrant black community known as San Juan Hill had been deliberately snuffed out in the 1950s to make way for its creation.

Self-hatred is a central pillar of modern liberalism, as is constructing pernicious narratives upon lies.

“The displacement of Indigenous, Black, and Latinx families that took place prior to the construction of our campus is abhorrent,” declares the center’s “Message on Our Commitment to Change.”

What is abhorrent is that those entrusted as the custodians of high culture are actively destroying it:

In consequence, last summer the center canceled its “Mostly Mozart” festival in favor of more “inclusive” fare — sponsoring rappers, pop groups and an LGBTQ mariachi band while hanging a 10-foot-wide disco ball above its fountain.

Pushing Mozart aside in favor of an LGBTQ mariachi band is the quintessence of social justice.

This summer’s programming, just announced, will lead off with “the debut duet of two superstar queens from the blockbuster reality competition ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race,’” followed by “Argentinian queercore,” comedians of “Indian heritage” and “silent disco.”

That’s the cultural heritage that will be left to future generations after Mozart, Beethoven, et al. have been erased.

That building the Lincoln Center somehow oppressed sacred BIPOCs isn’t even true. The neighborhood was overwhelmingly white at the time.

If everything is going to be based on lies, why not announce that Mozart was a transvestite illegal immigrant from Africa who indulged in disgusting sexual practices? That way he might escape getting vaporized.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Apr 07 2024

Gender-Affirming Care and the Slippery Slope: Part I

Homosexual “marriage” has predictably reduced the public conception of holy matrimony to farse, with social engineers pushing polyamory and perverts demanding to marry their own children. Where might “gender-affirming care” (a.k.a. sex change procedures) lead?

Already unprincipled medical professionals are severing from their mentally ill victims healthy body parts unrelated to gender:

Ever since he was a child he’d had “incessant,” intrusive thoughts about his left hand’s fourth and fifth fingers, the sensation that they weren’t his, that they didn’t belong to his body.

Similarly, transsexuals are said to have known since they were rug rats that God had arbitrarily assigned them the wrong body.

The young Quebec man was so desperate to get rid of his fingers he contemplated building a small, makeshift guillotine.

Transsexuals can get their way by threatening self-harm. Looks like it worked for this guy too:

Instead, a surgeon at his local hospital agreed to an elective amputation in what is being called the first described case of “digits amputation” for body integrity dysphoria, or BID …

Patients were better served without the modern terminology, back when being crazy was called “being crazy.”

Expert Nadia Nadeau of the Department of Psychiatry at Université Laval declares this surgical disfigurement a success, writing that “he was able to pursue the life he envisioned as a complete human being without those two fingers bothering him.”

If you can become your authentic self by pretending to be a member of the opposite sex, it stands to reason that you can become a complete human being by cutting off body parts.

Dr. Nadeau characterizes this ghastly example of deliberate malpractice as “a highly satisfying curative treatment” because “amputation enabled him to live in alignment with his perceived identity.”

Someone send this lady a copy of Johnny the Walrus.

Once again, Scotland leads Canada in the race to absolute moonbattery:

In the late 1990s, a surgeon in Scotland amputated one leg above the knee each in two men who’d felt a “desperate” need to be amputees, and who had been turned away by other doctors.

Medical technology has led moonbat men to dream of having a uterus installed so they can get an abortion. Since all things are theoretically possible and nothing is forbidden, maybe one day doctors will treat BID by amputating whole bodies, leaving only the severed head resting in a dishpan of fluid like in The Brain That Wouldn’t Die.

On a tip from Steve T.

Apr 20 2023

Twitter Evokes Rage of Totalitarian Left Part II

Almost as bad as refusing to repress objective reality is Twitter failing to facilitate crimes carried out against conservatives. Supporting the leftist war against the Daily Wire, a criminal calling himself “Doomed” hacked Matt Walsh’s phone, providing access to years of private email correspondence. Appallingly — yet at this point unsurprisingly — senior Wired reporter Dell Cameron solicited and then published some of the stolen information.

Obviously, this got Cameron banned from Twitter. So arrogant is the liberal establishment that rather than disown Cameron, Wired whines that he should not have been banned:

Cameron ultimately got in touch with Doomed and penned a piece for Wired Wednesday, in which he described both his conversation with the hacker and the copies of stolen material that Doomed had shared with him. …

In the piece, Cameron gleefully shared personal information about Walsh gleaned from the hack and quoted from Walsh’s private correspondence.

Twitter policy states:

The use of hacks and hacking to exfiltrate information from private computer systems can be used to manipulate the public conversation, and makes all of us less secure online. We do not condone attempts to compromise or infiltrate computer systems. As such, we don’t permit the use of our services to directly distribute content obtained through hacking by the people or groups associated with a hack.

Cameron posted screened shots of hacked material on Twitter — and yet:

Following Cameron’s suspension, Wired managing editor Hemal Jhaveri issued a statement, claiming, “Neither Dell’s story nor his Twitter feed contained hacked materials. We do not believe his account violated Twitter’s policy.”

Jhaveri added, “We have not received any further explanation from Twitter and our attempts to reach Twitter’s press office were met with the customary poop emoji. We ask that the account be reinstated, and that Twitter provide an explanation.”

Walsh responded to Wired, characterizing the statement as a “flat out lie.”

If there is one thing scarier than everything else about liberal establishmentarians, it is their absence of shame. Because of it, the only limit on their behavior is what we manage to impose on them over their strident objections.

As they consolidate control of all major institutions, there will be no limit at all. Look to the Lubyanka to see how this is likely to play out.

Apr 27 2022

Marriage to Cartoon Character Hits Snag

Once you take the holy out of holy matrimony, anything is possible. This produces a parade of freakish new applications for the formerly sacred institution that liberals have gutted on behalf of the LGBT agenda. As our world becomes increasingly unreal, it should come as no surprise to see someone take a bride who not only is not a real woman, but who isn’t physically real at all:

Akihiko Kondo, 38, was dating Hatsune Miku — depicted in pop culture as a 16-year-old with turquoise hair — for a decade before they had an unofficial wedding ceremony in 2018. Kondo — one of many who identifies as “fictosexual,” or someone who is sexually attracted to fictional characters — spent 2 million yen, or about $17,300, on the nuptials, but his family did not attend.

Neither did coworkers. Narrow-minded bigots, all of them. Some fellow fictosexuals showed up though, “including strangers and online friends.”

Since falling in love with her in 2008, Kondo was finally able to interact with Miku for the first time in 2017 thanks to a Gatebox, a $1,300 machine that allowed device owners to interact with characters via holograms…

That’s what passes for a relationship in a society emptied of meaning by moonbattery.

Kondo first became familiar with Miku in 2008 after bullying at work caused him to become depressed. Despite finding it difficult to accept his feelings at first, he knew humans weren’t right for him after being met with rejection by others.

Rather than struggle to improve his situation, he took refuge in a fantasy world:

“I stayed in my room for 24 hours a day, and watched videos of Miku the whole time.”

Now support for Gatebox software has been eliminated, so he can no longer speak to Miku after 4 years of “marriage.”

“My love for Miku hasn’t changed,” he told [Japanese newspaper] Mainichi, which noted he now carried around a life-size version of Miku. “I held the wedding ceremony because I thought I could be with her forever.”

A true tragedy for the modern age.

Don’t forget to include F for “fictosexual” in LGBTQIAF+.

On a tip from Jester.

May 29 2021

Now We Are Supposed to Fret About Tree Farts

Progressives want to limit our access to meat, because according to their ideology, cow flatulence is offensive to the climate. At least we can still eat fruits and vegetables. Well, maybe not fruits that grow on trees, because it turns out that trees fart too:

Gases released by dead trees — dubbed “tree farts” — account for roughly one-fifth of the greenhouse gases emitted by skeletal, marshy forests along the coast of North Carolina, researchers report online May 10 in Biogeochemistry. …

A team of ecologists went sniffing for tree farts in ghost forests, which form when saltwater from rising sea levels poisons a woodland, leaving behind a marsh full of standing dead trees. These phantom ecosystems are expected to expand with climate change…

Where there is life or has been life recently, there is carbon dioxide. CO2 was previously viewed as an essential nutrient for plants. But now that CO2 has been revealed as environmentally unclean, plants are part of the problem.

The only way to heal the planet is to abolish all life. This will also serve to eradicate racism and capitalism.

On tips from Dragon’s Lair and R F.

Oct 18 2020

Modernity 3

Paul Joseph Watson continues to document our moonbattery-induced decline into madness and anarchotyranny, which has been thrown into overdrive by COVID-19 hysteria, Black Lives Matter, and the Democratic Party/MSM:

On tips from KirklesWorth and Kate P.

Aug 12 2020

PBS Kiddie Show Arthur Injects Corrosive Race Propaganda

Racist “antiracist” ideology pervades the country. People widely believe that blacks suffer systemic oppression at the hands of malevolent whites.

There was no need to prove that Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd out of racial animus. Given the context of expectations, the infamous video spoke for itself.

Evidence does not support antiracist ideology. Bigotry against blacks is possibly the strongest taboo in modern American culture. Grievances need to be excavated from the distant past.

Yet antiracist ideology has been tearing the country apart, serving as a pretext for looting and mayhem on a massive scale and turning Americans ferociously against each other. Why do so many buy into it?

Because it is systematically installed before we are old enough to question it, then relentlessly reinforced through propaganda.

This gives an idea of how early they start with the brainwashing:

PBS children’s show Arthur is pumping out taxpayer-funded propaganda depicting the United States as a racist country where unjustified police brutality against black Americans is an aspect of everyday life.

Arthur the aardvark and his friend Buster the rabbit discuss the George Floyd video, though not by name.

Gasps Buster:

“I can’t believe someone would be hurt like that, just because they’re black.”

Why should he believe it? To suggest that the police treat random black people the way a rogue cop treats a 6’6″ 243-lb criminal resisting arrest would be preposterous. We don’t even know that race had anything to do with it — and yet:

“Buster, it happens everywhere!” Arthur responds.

It does not. In the real world, police are more likely to shoot whites than blacks.

Then the school lunch lady Mrs MacGrady comes in to shift the propaganda into overdrive. The likely effect is for black kids to come away paranoid and aggrieved, and for white kids to feel guilty or angry at their own kind. Neither are left better off for it.

Judge for yourself whether this is a productive way to spend taxpayer money:

Fleccas provides an annotated version:

On tips from Rapinhoe and Lyle.

Mar 17 2024

Hideous Woke Monstrosity at Trafalgar Square

The purpose of modern art is to demoralize through meaninglessness and hideousness. Our moonbat rulers strive to marginalize the native population in favor of colonists from the Third World. So the next artwork to be unveiled on the Fourth Plinth at Trafalgar Square — said to be “one of the UK’s most important platforms for contemporary art” — will come as no surprise:

Lady in Blue is a sculpture of a black woman with abstract proportions, including strangely long arms and very pronounced buttocks and legs. Artist Tschabalala Self said the piece pays “homage to a young, metropolitan woman of color” in a statement obtained by the Art Newspaper.

Self, an American from New York City, has enjoyed “meteoric success with her distinctive works depicting black and predominantly female figures,” the publication reported in 2020.

Self’s conspicuous lack of talent is irrelevant. She is racially and thematically correct.

This is what currently passes for art:

This abomination represents a natural progression:

The new sculpture is set to replace the Antelope, a depiction of African anti-colonialist preacher John Chilembwe and his British missionary friend, John Chorley, in what is now the country of Malawi.

When art was great, its objective was to lift us up. Now, its objective is to crush us down.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Franco.

Mar 02 2024

The Cubist Supremacy

No countermoonbat wants to open a novel and step in a pile of wokeness. Readers won’t have that problem with The Cubist Supremacy by Gary Wolf.

Modern art and racial grievance ideology are rackets. Protagonist Carleton Peabody gets rich scamming the scammers with a scheme that involves framing avant-garde paintings as cultural appropriation. But when he uses his newfound wealth and prestige to defend real art, he discovers that postmodern garbage is more malign than a mere swindle. It is imposed by social engineers with an agenda. As one character puts it,

“[T]o these people, beauty is the enemy. They have a vision for a new world, one that is monotonous and repulsive. No one, they believe, should be allowed to create or enjoy real art. They know that individuals who succeed in doing so are enriched, and become impervious to dumbing down. With almost all modern art and architecture, this outcome is forestalled, because everyone is crushed down to the same bestial level. There will be no higher sphere, for anyone.”

Other aspects of the agenda are more sinister still, as Peabody discovers.

Dystopian science fiction like Equality by Daniel Watts extrapolates into the future to warn of where moonbattery is taking us. The Cubist Supremacy does the job in the present day context of woke posturing, Black Lives Matter lawlessness, Covid/Disease X, and nefarious globalist saviors of humanity, providing welcome relief from the moonbat viewpoint.

Nov 29 2021

Notre Dame to Be Rebuilt as Woke Theme Park

In 2019, Notre Dame suffered a devastating fire, which had the hallmarks of Islamic outreach. Looks like it will not be restored so much as repurposed. A conspiracy to radically alter the external appearance has been thwarted, but the inside of the famous cathedral may never be the same:

Under the proposed changes, confessional boxes, altars and classical sculptures will be replaced with modern art murals, and new sound and light effects to create “emotional spaces”.

There will be themed chapels on a “discovery trail”, with an emphasis on Africa and Asia, while quotes from the Bible will be projected onto chapel walls in various languages, including Mandarin.

The final chapel on the trail will have a strong environmental emphasis.

“It’s as if Disney were entering Notre-Dame,” fumes Parisian architect Maurice Culot. “It’s a kind of theme park and very childish and trivial given the grandeur of the place.”

Notre Dame also sustained severe damage during the French Revolution, but afterward it was restored to its previous glory. Today’s ruling class wants only to revile and pervert Western history. The people in charge refuse to preserve our heritage, much less restore it.

Mohammad permitted churches to remain standing in regions conquered by his armies, but did not allow new ones to be built or old ones to be restored. In effect, his policy is still in force where Notre Dame is concerned.

On a tip from AintYerPa.

Dec 21 2020

New Exhibit at College Football Hall of Farse

That which moonbattery corrupts, it reduces to farce. This has been conspicuously true of modern art, the news media, and the Democratic Party. Now that the world of sports has been absorbed by leftist politics, the same principle applies.

Recall that Sarah Fuller moved her teammates on Vanderbilt’s men’s football team to sentimental tears with a lame squib kick during a 41–0 loss. Even that was not absurd enough to fully reflect the ridiculousness of moonbattery. So the liberals who run sports pushed the preposterousness still further:

The College Football Hall Of Fame has added Sarah Fuller’s uniform to its collection…

Here’s why:

[T]his month she became the first female player to score in a Power 5 game when she kicked for an extra point last week before her two-game football career came to an end.

This is not the first award to be bestowed upon Sarah Fuller for her roll in reducing football to a comical exercise in political correctness:

Fuller was not only made the SEC special teams player of the week during the first week of December, but she was also nominated for a Courage Award.

In an offensive oversight that underscores how far we still have to go to correct historic injustice, Biden’s handlers have so far failed to offer her a cabinet position.

When they establish the Museum of American Decline, this will be found among the exhibits:

On a tip from DCGere.

Aug 31 2024

Son and Daughter Deleted From Newspeak Dictionary

According to the postmodern doctrine of modern liberalism, what we call reality is a social construct that can be arbitrarily altered by compelling changes to language. The objective of this ideology is to destroy society at the most fundamental level. That’s why they relentlessly attack the family and the gender binary. It’s why bureauweenies in Vermont have deleted “son” and “daughter” from the Newspeak Dictionary:

Vermont public health officials are encouraging teachers and parents to ditch the phrases “son” and “daughter” this back-to-school season in the name of classroom equity.

“Use ‘child’ or ‘kid’ instead of ‘daughter’ or ‘son,’” reads an Inclusive Language for Families document published Wednesday on Facebook by the Vermont Department of Health.

When Big Government takes over healthcare, it is no longer about health; it is about health equity. That is, it is about moonbattery:

The inclusive language guide is part of the department’s initiative for health equity, the central pillar of the state’s five-year strategic plan for health improvement.

If the notion of a 5-year plan sounds familiar, you are probably thinking of the Soviet Union — or maybe I should be more specific and say the original Soviet Union, where these plans were imposed to radically transform Russian society. Looks like they will serve a similar purpose in the second Soviet Union progressives are inflicting in place of America.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.


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