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Aug 30 2024

Anarchotyranny in the UK

Rule by moonbats like Britain’s Two-Tier Keir means anarchotyranny.

It means this:

Police have largely stopped punishing shoplifters as the number of offences rises to record levels, official figures reveal.

Retail experts have repeatedly warned that the rise of shoplifting is being driven by the perception that it was a risk-free crime.

And the idea that most shoplifters are getting off scot-free is supported by newly uncovered statistics, which show all forms of punishment are in decline.

But it also means this:

British police have raided and arrested an 11-year-old child for participating in a spate of recent anti-immigration protests, some of which turned violent.

Local police confirmed the arrest of the child on Thursday as they widen their crackdown against political dissidents and those who participated in the demonstrations.

Anarchotyranny is a great form of government for criminals, so long as they are the right kind of criminals. Opponents of the regime and its agenda are the wrong kind of criminals.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Chris Neilson.


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