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Jul 23 2024

Autistic Child Abducted by Alphabet Mob

It would be difficult to overstate the evil liberals inflict on children in the name of LGBTism. Due to their particular vulnerability, autistic children are a favorite target:

A family from Maryland has accused the Children’s National Hospital of encouraging their autistic teenage son to identify as a “girl.” The biologically male child was then taken from his family’s care due to their refusal to “validate” his transition, and has now been placed in the home of the Hospital’s non-binary “chaplain,” who has connections to Assistant Secretary of Health, Rachel Levine.

The Biden Regime’s Richard “Rachel” Levine is a transvestite and an aggressive advocate of transsexualizing children.

The lawsuit, which was filed in March by Maryland couple John Doe II and his wife, states that their 16-year-old autistic son was admitted to the hospital after a suicide attempt in November 2021. Shortly after his admission, the parents allege that hospital staff began to insist their son was transgender, despite the boy never questioning his gender identity before his hospital stay.

As if any child would identify as transsexual without guidance.

According to a press release issued by Partners for Ethical Care, the suit claims that the hospital “intentionally set out on a … program to identify, critique and then rebuke the family’s professed religion… [and] to expressly require the parents to convert to the ‘new Christianity’ by engaging in faith-conversion sessions with the hand-selected [hospital] chaplain not of any of the Doe family’s faith, Lavender Kelley.”

Lavender Kelley also advocates transsexualizing children — even against the wishes of their parents.

The authorities expropriated the child and placed him in a dubious foster care situation. Unsurprisingly…

…after being tested for sexually transmitted diseases in the summer of 2022, the boy was once again hospitalized for a suicide attempt.

Evidently Lavender Kelley and “her partner” now have custody of the boy. They were photographed with “Admiral” Levine last year.

The children’s entertainment industry isn’t the only sector of society that has been infiltrated and subverted by liberals and consequently requires the attention of the Orkin Man.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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