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May 19 2024

Ballad of Ashley Biden

When even the spin doctors at Snopes admit to unconscionable behavior by a Democrat, you know the moonbat has been caught dead to rights:

Snopes, a fact-checking website, quietly changed a fact check about a diary belonging to Ashley Biden, President Joe Biden’s daughter, being real.

The story was recategorized from “Unproven” (i.e., probably a conspiracy theory or Russian disinformation) to “True.”

The fact-checking website describes the diary, which was written by Ashley Biden, describing “actions taken toward her” by the president when she was younger that are “not appropriate,” according to Snopes.

The inappropriate actions include taking showers with her when she was a little girl. Fortunately for his election prospects, just because Snopes finally admits it doesn’t mean the media will report it — not that people who would care are still voting for Democrats at this point anyway.

Biden’s irrepressible physical attraction to underage girls is among his most notable characteristics:

On the positive side, at least he helped launch his daughter on a career in music:

On a tip from KirklesWorth. Hat tip: Whatfinger.


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3 Responses to “Ballad of Ashley Biden”

  1. […] Astonishingly, the media has refused to report this bombshell story, even in light of Biden’s incessant inappropriate behavior around little girls. The New York Times would acknowledge only that the diary was stolen but not […]

  2. […] Astonishingly, the media has refused to report this bombshell story, even in light of Biden’s incessant inappropriate behavior around little girls. The New York Times would acknowledge only that the diary was stolen but not […]


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