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Jun 29 2024

Biden Regime vs. Sex Change Age Restrictions

Our rulers are not merely misguided. They are evil. For Democrats, desecrating the innocence of children is a policy objective. One means of achieving this is to disfigure their bodies in the name of LGBTism:

The US Assistant Secretary of Health for the Department of Health and Human Services reportedly pressured the world’s top transgender health authority to remove all objective age restrictions for the medical ‘transitioning’ of minors in their latest and 8th edition of guidelines, the Standards of Care (SOC-8).

Personnel is policy. Sterilizing and mutilating children is the policy you get when you appoint freaks like Rachel Levine.

Levine, a trans-identified male previously known as Richard and the highest-ranking official in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, “strongly pressured WPATH leadership to rush the development and issuance of SOC-8,” according to a recently unsealed court document presented as evidence in the ongoing court case Boe v. Marshall.

WPATH is a radical LGBT activist group mentioned here before in the context of grotesque medical procedures and pedophilia. Yet even they went along grudgingly, evidently less extreme in their wickedness than the Biden Administration.

The new criteria opens the door for clinicians to halt a child’s puberty, place them on cross-sex hormones, or potentially offer surgeries once they have reached the period of development referred to as Tanner Stage 2, which occurs between 9-11 years of age.

The tyrants of the 20th century were brutal but not truly evil in the satanic sense. They didn’t subject 9-year-olds to sex change surgery.

This is what we are up against:

[C]riteria put forward by WPATH, at Levine’s behest, reflect the stated desires of a castration fetish forum, the members of which were found to have been working intimately with WPATH leaders in a series of Reduxx investigations.

The site also hosts child sexual abuse fantasies that involve halting children’s development for pedophilic purposes. The Eunuch Archive, the forum which is directly named as a resource in WPATH’s newly-released SOC-8, is home to nearly 10,000 fictional pornography stories of an extreme sadomasochistic nature – of which nearly 4,000 feature themes of the rape, castration, torture, and / or killing of children.

In some of the stories, children with stunted puberty are raped by doctors. In others, children are castrated by force as part of a sadistic sexual torture ritual.

Vote as if your soul depended on it.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Barry A.


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