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Jun 13 2024

Biden Response to Islamist Siege of White House

Last Saturday, Islamists and leftists supporting the Hamas terror war on Israel laid siege to the White House, assaulting law enforcement and defacing our heritage. There were no arrests. But the Biden Regime has now issued a response:

The United States will provide an additional $404 million in lifesaving humanitarian aid to support Palestinian civilians in Gaza, the West Bank, and the region, bringing the total U.S. assistance to more than $674 million over the past eight months.

If the US government had provided hundreds of $millions in “humanitarian aid” to “German civilians” during the Battle of Britain, everyone would have understood that it was siding with the Nazis. How are the vast piles of our money that our rulers have been shoveling at Hamas in the aftermath of the October 7 terror atrocities any different?

Too bad the $320 million floating pier the Biden Regime built for Hamas didn’t work out. Fortunately for Islamic terrorists, American taxpayers have plenty of money, and when they start to run out, Democrats can always print more.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.


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