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Jun 17 2024

Black Woman Fired for Wholesome Viewpoint

Progressives progress quickly. What started just recently as a demand for tolerance of deviance has already progressed to intolerance for anything except deviance:

An Ohio news station employee was fired for posting a joke about “straight pride” in response to LGBTQ Pride Month in June.

Celebrate straight pride,” the post says. “It’s natural, it has worked for thousands of years, and you can make babies!”

What virtually every human being has regarded as obvious since before recorded history is now regarded as a joke too edgy to be permitted.

Madonna Chism Pinkard had worked as the WFMJ TV station’s community relations director, in Youngstown, Ohio, since 2004.

Also, she is a black woman. However, that ranks her below the top caste in the liberal pecking order. The station fired her explicitly because she offended the Alphabet People by endorsing a disapproved viewpoint.

The thought crime was posted on her personal Facebook page; however,

It appears the reason WFMJ claimed it was a “company-linked social media site” is because she used the WFMJ logo as her profile picture.

Shamefully, she deleted the post and apologized. Not good enough; it rarely is. They canceled her anyway.

Tired of living in fear yet?

On tips from WDS 2.0 and Mr. Freemarket.


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