Bodycams as a Threat to Civil Rights
Radical activist Vanita Gupta, who participated in the rigging of the 2020 election by helping to keep vital information from voters, is now an Associate Attorney General designate. This is all the more alarming in respect to the ongoing war on local police by the Hard Left, which has been exploiting Biden as a figurehead.
Once it was a liberal cause to force police officers to wear body cameras, so that their allegedly racist activities could be recorded. However, bodycams have had the opposite effect by confirming that police generally do nothing wrong. Consequently, Gupta has reservations about bodycams:
“Many people had hopes that these cameras would improve transparency and accountability, and foster a greater public trust in local law enforcement,” Vanita Gupta, president and chief executive officer of the Leadership Conference [on Civil and Human Rights], told reporters during a press conference. “But the promise of these cameras is not guaranteed … there’s a real risk that these new devices can become instruments of injustice.”
Objective documentation of what really happened becomes an instrument of injustice when it does not support the leftist narrative. What they want is not factual evidence but to shatter the kneecaps of the police. Quacks Gupta,
“These cameras are just a tool, not a substitute for broader reform needed to address police misconduct, build trust between police and communities of color and ultimately fix our broken justice system.”
If cops are going to wear bodycams, leftists want to prevent them from reviewing the footage before making a report. From a 2017 piece in Newsweek:
The vast majority of the nation’s biggest police departments allow officers to watch footage from body cameras whenever they want, including before they write their incident reports or make statements, said [a] report, which was released Tuesday by the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights.
“Unrestricted footage review places civil rights at risk and undermines the goals of transparency and accountability,” said Vanita Gupta, former head of the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division and current head of the Leadership Conference, in the report’s introduction.
Here’s why having cops review the video before writing a report is actually a good idea:
“They want to be as accurate as they can,” Lance LoRusso, an ex-cop and current Atlanta attorney who represents police officers, told the Associated Press. “This specter that every time an officer looks at the video they’re going to lie and adapt their statement just is infuriating because we want the officers to write the most accurate report they can.”
However, a federal government on the side of criminals would prefer inaccurate reports that can be exploited by defense lawyers to make the police look like liars.
Here's why this matters: Without carefully crafted policy safeguards in place, there is a real risk that body-worn cameras could be used in ways that threaten civil and constitutional rights and intensify the disproportionate surveillance of communities of color.
— Vanita Gupta (@vanitaguptaCR) November 14, 2017
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[…] can see why leftists like Associate Attorney General designate Vanita Gupta are not so keen on bodycams. A video record makes it harder to fake […]