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Aug 14 2024

Cackala Proves She Is Black

Kamala Harris used to present herself as Indian-American, but presidential politics make it more expedient for her to be black. In the video below, she confirms that she is in fact a black woman — or at least, she conforms to a liberal elitist’s condescending conception of a black woman:

Maybe it’s the black blood mixed in with the Irish slaveholder blood that allows Cackala to go on for a whole sentence talking like a black woman — sort of.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.


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4 Responses to “Cackala Proves She Is Black”

  1. […] other group will be deemed more oppressed than yours. Formerly Indian-American Kamala Harris now identifies as black; nonetheless, the many millions of illegal aliens imported by the Biden/Harris regime to displace […]

  2. […] other group will be deemed more oppressed than yours. Formerly Indian-American Kamala Harris now identifies as black; nonetheless, the many millions of illegal aliens imported by the Biden/Harris regime to displace […]

  3. […] culture might be a better way of putting it. A society that could produce this woman could elect Kamala Harris […]

  4. […] culture might be a better way of putting it. A society that could produce this woman could elect Kamala Harris […]


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