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Sep 02 2024

Cackala Would Impose Reparations

For the government to give direct cash handouts to people explicitly for being black would effectively enslave those who are not black. The policy is so intolerably unjust that even some California Democrats hesitate to impose it. Blacks who want the rest of the population enslaved to them are not pleased:

A group of supporters of reparations for the descendants of enslaved Black Americans spent all afternoon inside the state Capitol to protest the California Legislative Black Caucus’ plan to not move forward with two reparations-related proposals.

According to State Senator of Color Steven Bradford, both bills have the votes to pass, but not to clear a veto by Gavin Newsom, who has been dragging his feet as he attempts to play both sides of the issue.

Activists threaten to take their anger out on the cackling kook who appears to be our current president. Shrieked a swarthy moonbat who wants the fruits of other people’s labor:

“The governor needs to understand the world is watching California and this is gonna have a direct impact on your friend Kamala Harris who is running for president.”

Relax, greedy racists. Commie-la is on your side. Here she explicitly states that she will confiscate the money (i.e., the labor) of some and give it to others to reward them for belonging to a favored racial group:

Going on 2 centuries ago, we fought a civil war over slavery. We may come to fight another.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.


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