California Applies Broken Windows Theory in Reverse
Thanks go to the erstwhile Golden State for warning us what we have to look forward to if we do not pry Democrats from power and reject leftism root and branch:
20 suspects storm and rob a store in San Francisco, California
— BAY AREA STATE OF MIND (@YayAreaNews) June 16, 2024
This represents an inevitable progression from previous scenes of shopping in California:
Common denominator about these perps cleaning out the handbag dept. at the San Fran Neiman Marcus.
Can’t put my finger on it. Not white supremacy, something else, but I’m drawing a blank here.
Help me out, will
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) July 6, 2021
Shoplifting is effectively legal in California. Smashing through the front of a store so as to loot it is still against the law (until such law is found to have a disparate impact on Persons of Preferred Pigmentation), but by now it hardly matters. By encouraging low-level crime, California has thrown the broken windows theory into reverse and then into overdrive.
On a tip from WDS 2.0.
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[…] mentioned earlier, throw the broken windows theory into reverse and crime quickly spirals out of control. Secret […]
[…] mentioned earlier, throw the broken windows theory into reverse and crime quickly spirals out of control. Secret […]