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Jul 26 2024

Carbon Credits Enable Green Graft

Not all green lunacy can be attributed to an insidious attack on our freedom and standard of living or to the antihuman malice at the root of leftism. Another factor is straightforward greed:

Over the past two decades, so-called “carbon cowboys,” people who set up carbon credit initiatives for financial gain, have launched land preservation projects across the Amazon rainforest, generating carbon credits worth hundreds of millions of dollars and building a thinly regulated market valued at nearly $11 billion worldwide, according to The Washington Post. The Brazilian government’s anti-deforestation policies already safeguarded more than 78,000 square miles of land used for preservation projects before they were claimed for carbon credits, and 29 of the 35 internationally certified projects in the Amazon overlap with public lands, meaning a large percentage of carbon credits overlap with already existent conservation measures.

The estimated total value of the offsets sold by these 29 ventures is $212 million, according to an analysis performed by The Washington Post using annual market rates. Multi-billion dollar companies like Netflix, Delta Air Lines, Spotify, PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Boeing are just a few of the major corporations that purchased these credits in order to offset their emissions.

Why would anyone pay a penny to pretend to “offset” harmless carbon emissions? According to energy consultant David Blackmon,

“For the most part, companies buy these credits for the simple fact that they are forced to do so either by wrong-headed government regulations or by ESG demands from green investors and financial institutions.”

Fools and their money are soon parted. Coercive regulations are required for the same reason Democrats are setting the stage for election fraud: not all of us are fools.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek explains how carbon credits can be inflicted at the individual level to impose green neofeudalism:

On a tip from R F.


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