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Category: Decay

Feb 08 2025

Guard Rails at Furry Convention

Sexual deviants who identify as other species are hooking up this weekend at the Scotiacon convention in Glasgow. Attendance is expected to top last year’s 1,170. Even at a furry convention, there are still some limits:

Guests are … warned against exhibiting artworks depicting paedophilia, described as “cub porn”, or humans having sex with animals.

The rejection of objective reality makes it difficult to define pedophilia. According to the organizers,

“Characters with a very childlike appearance and/or baby face may be considered children in the context of this rule.”

If trans women really are women, then people who dress up in animal costumes really are animals. This has implications regarding the restriction on bestiality. According to the code of conduct,

“No zoophilia and/or bestiality involving humans or largely human-like characters (eg anime catgirls, elves or centaurs) with animals or largely non-morphic characters (four-legged) is allowed.

“Other species-transcending sexual activity (eg anthros and humans) is generally allowed.”

They picked the right place for the convention. Scotland takes the lead in the plunge into progressive psychosis:

Last year it emerged that a Scottish pupil had been allowed to identify as an animal in Aberdeen. The city council said at least one child had been recognised as having species dysphoria but it declined to specify which animal.

Liberals treat “gender dysphoria” by cutting off healthy body parts. For how they will treat species dysphoria, refer to The Island of Doctor Moreau.

On tips from Steve T and seaoh.

Jan 30 2025

Combating Whorearchy and Whorephobia in Ireland

Installing pro-criminal DAs* throughout the USA is not the only contribution by George Soros to progressive social engineering. He is also accelerating societal decay by promoting prostitution in Ireland. Soros doesn’t have to finance this mission alone. Taxpayers help shoulder the burden:

The Irish Government funds the Sex Workers Alliance Ireland (SWAI), an organisation backed by billionaire George Soros.

This is done in the name of advancing LGBTism, which is now regarded as a duty of government:

Official records of the Irish government’s website confirm that the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth allocated a €9,387 grant to SWAI under the 2024 LGBTI+ Community Services Funding program.

SWAI also received €135,000 in government money through Rethink Ireland’s 2020-2023 Equality Fund.

The spending helps reduce the stigma that once protected society from degeneracy:

This funding was awarded to SWAI or their “Sex Worker Awareness Training” a programme aimed at educating services on the discrimination and barriers sex workers face, ensuring stigma-free and non-judgmental support.

No wonder other people’s money is bestowed by Ireland’s moonbat rulers upon SWAI. It is impeccably politically correct:

According to their mission statement, SWAI is an anti-capitalist, anti-ableist, anti-xenophobic, trans-inclusive and anti-white supremacy and acknowledges, and rejects, the ‘whorearchy’ that exists within sex work.

It is not enough to destroy the patriarchy. The whorearchy also needs to come down, via destigmatization and of course government spending.

Another pressing problem is whorephobia:

According to the Global Network of Project Whorephobia describes hate speech and overt discrimination against sex workers.

Whorephobia is yet another intersectional form of oppression:

It intersects with racism, xenophobia, classism, and transphobia, which often leads to structural discrimination, violence, and abuse.

In addition to taxpayer money, SWAI receives generous support from the Open Society Foundation, financed by George Soros. If it undermines society, prominent Democrat donor Soros will help fund it.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

*Including Alvin Bragg (New York), George Gascon (Los Angeles), Kim Foxx (Chicago), Kim Ogg (Houston), Larry Krasner (Philadelphia), Chesa Boudin (San Francisco), Kim Gardner (St Louis), Marilyn Mosby (Baltimore), Monique Worrell (central Florida), Jason Williams (New Orleans), Pamela Price (Oakland), Jacqueline Sartoris (Cumberland County, Maine).

Jan 22 2025

Mayor of Philadelphia Cannot Spell “Eagles”

You would think that the mayor of Philadelphia could at least spell the name of the local NFL team. But that bar is too high for Cherelle Parker:

The important thing is that Parker is the Historic First Black Woman Mayor of Philadelphia.

Time works fast. Once, giants walked in Philadelphia. The US Constitution was drafted there in 1787. Only 238 years later, you see the state of affairs.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Jan 14 2025

HUMP! Film Festival 20th Anniversary

Portland Mercury has big news for moonbats of the northern Left Coast: the HUMP! Film Festival is celebrating its 20th Anniversary.

The film fest consists of amateur porn videos of 5 minutes or less that feature the “welcome inclusion of all body types, sexualities, genders, and kinks.” The shorts will premiere in ultrawoke Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco next month before metastasizing into a “global tour.”

Titles include:

A Tickle: Daddy Deity and Priestex play a tantalizing game with Kittie Come Drop.

Ecotopia: A decolonial vision of interconnected, queer liberation.

The Polar Bear’s Foreskin: An 84-year-old polar bear keeps phimosis at bay—creatively.

Orcagasm: Fantastical stop-motion orca fur suit adventures.

I Kink, Therefore I Am: A radical journey of self-discovery.

Et cetera.

This represents American culture where moonbattery prevails.

On a tip from Mike B.

Dec 16 2024

Stabbing at Satanic Vegan Strip Club

The Casa Diablo strip club is doubly woke, combining two moonbat-friendly themes: satanism and veganism. A promo poster features a naked cartoon she-demon posing suggestively with a carrot above the slogan, “We put the meat on the pole not on the plate!” As you might expect, it would be a good place to avoid:

Casa Diablo was slow last Sunday night, with just half a dozen or so patrons watching dancers take the stage at the vegan strip club in Northwest Portland, according to Duncan Allen, the DJ at the club.

Things livened up when one of the strippers came up behind him and knifed him in the back.

A week later, Allen remains in the hospital with damage to his lungs. Casa Diablo dancer Peyton Lathan, 29, is in jail charged with three felonies.

The attack appears to have been entirely unprovoked. Afterward police found Lathan hiding in the bushes. She announced repeatedly during her arrest that she will plead insanity. This worked for John Hinkley Jr., who unlike Lathan couldn’t prove he was insane by working at a satanic vegan strip club.

On a tip from Mike B.

Nov 02 2024

Kamala Harris and Cardi B

If Kamala Harris holds on to power and we continue our downward political trajectory, next after her may come Cardi B — seen below dealing with a teleprompter malfunction while campaigning for Cackles:

Remind you of anyone?

The two have similar backgrounds. Cardi B used to be a stripper and alleged prostitute; she has bragged about drugging men to steal their money. As for Comrade Kamala, recall this and this.

Yet Cardi B was not always a Commiela supporter. LANGUAGE ALERT:

At least we don’t have to worry about what comes next after President Cardi B. Civilization won’t last that long.

On tips from Wiggins and ABC of the ANC.

Oct 29 2024

Taxpayers Fund Booty Bumping Kits Under Walz

A vote for Democrats is a vote for depravity, decadence, degeneracy, and decay. Putting Tim Walz on the ticket makes it explicit:

On May 14, Walz announced $100 million in funding for 135 nonprofit organizations to provide “vital” services to homeless people.

Here’s what he regards as vital services:

At Southside Harm Reduction Services, a Minneapolis-based nonprofit featured in Walz’s announcement, the “harm reduction” services include the provision of kits that contain syringes, sterile water, drug cookers, and lube that allow users to ingest drugs “through the rectum (anus, butthole).”

The organization has touted the paraphernalia—called “booty bumping” or “boofing” kits—in social media posts and on its website, as both a safer method to ingest some drugs and an efficient way to get high.

Anything anal is bound to appeal to a guy like Tim Walz.

“Try to poop before. This is so your drugs are absorbed better,” Southside Harm Reduction Services advises in a pamphlet contained in the kits. “Stand, squat, or lay on your side in a comfortable position. It never hurts to have a boofing buddy!”

If you find yourself without a boofing buddy, why not ask this fellow?

In addition to boofing, Southside Harm Reduction Services actively promotes…

…”slamming,” a practice popular among some in the gay community in which users inject drugs such as methamphetamine while having sex.

Booty bumping kits are already funded by the federal government in “harm reduction vending machines.” Expect a Harris/Walz regime to triple down on such expenditures.

On a tip from Franco.

Sep 24 2024

Philadelphia Collapses Into Anarchy

Philadelphia is where the US Constitution was drafted. It may also be where America’s autopsy report is written up, after the nation has died of moonbattery. Here’s what it’s like to drive a police car through the Democrat-dominated former epicenter of American civilization:

Via Post Millennial:

Police were attacked and their vehicles damaged over the weekend as officers worked to disperse large crowds that had gathered at multiple illegal car meetups and street races at locations throughout Philadelphia, Pennsylvania late Saturday into early Sunday.

At one incident,

One driver in that incident attempted to evade police by driving toward officers, resulting in the driver colliding with a civilian vehicle.

At another, involving over 200 cars,

[O]fficers were attacked and a police vehicle damaged…

Just over half an hour later, at 4:33 am, police responded to the area of 15th and Market streets, which is directly in front of City Hall, where more than 100 cars were reported drifting and setting trash on fire. Officials said that officers were also attacked in this incident and multiple vehicles were also damaged.

Five police vehicles were damaged in 11 street racing incidents.

At one intersection, a ring of fire was seen being set to the pavement.

Savages are into that kind of thing.

According to Philadelphia Police Deputy Commissioner Mike Kram…

…at least one person involved in the incidents overnight had a flamethrower.

Won’t the media be delighted when police are forced to defend their own lives by firing into a crowd? Maybe there is still time to get another wave of riots going before the election.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 21 2024

Lip Gloss on a Pig

Thanks to moonbattery, anything decent or tasteful is subculture now. This is what the degenerate establishment presents as our culture:

To coincide with her blossoming music career, Sexxy Red — real name Janae Wherry — has also launched her very own make-up line.

By “music,” they mean rap.

Some of the tamer names for the fruit-scented products were named ‘Bootyhole Brown’, ‘Nut’, ‘Blue Ballz’, and ‘Sex on My Period’.

Pushing the envelope isn’t easy at this point. Other names for her products include “Coochie Juice,” “Pussyhole Pink,” “Yellow Discharge,” and “Gonorrhea.”

They say politics is downstream of culture. Down the sewer pipe from culture might be a better way of putting it. A society that could produce this woman could elect Kamala Harris president.

On a tip from Mike B.

Aug 05 2024

Moonbattery Renders NYC Uninhabitable

For a preview of what social engineers are engineering us into, look to New York City, where liberals have achieved total dominance.

NYC has been known as the financial capital of the world. That isn’t likely to last under leftist rule. But at least it will still be famous for public masturbation:

More sickos are publicly pleasuring and exposing themselves on the streets of the Big Apple, crime statistics show — a nauseating development critics have chalked up to lax laws and a broken mental health system.

Broken? More like dismantled. Yet I seem to remember Bill de Blasio’s Lesbian of Color wife spending over $900 million or more on mental health.

Reports of pervs fondling themselves out in the open soared 51% through June 30, up to 378 complaints from 251 during the same period in 2023, according to NYPD data.

Public masturbation is a non-bail eligible offense, per NYPD Captain Joel Rosenthal. Anyone who manages to get arrested for it is out again within 2 hours.

Such behavior is par for the course in the ruin moonbats have made of New York:

Unstable, strung-out, homeless weirdos have swarmed large parts of Manhattan’s West Side, littering streets with needles and menacing locals and tourists alike — and there’s no help in sight.

The invasion of homeless, mentally ill and drug-abusing people is a full-blown “humanitarian crisis” greeting millions of tourists and office workers who arrive in Midtown and its highly trafficked surrounding neighborhoods, wrote Councilman Eric Bottcher in a recent letter to the mayor asking for aid.

No doubt Eric Adams will get right on it.

Stretched-thin NYPD precincts in the area are buried in endless calls about open drug sales and use, destroyed property, menacing acts of physical and verbal intimidation, shoplifting and more, according to Bottcher.

The marginalized police can’t do much about it with liberals in charge.

“We have people who have been arrested 50 or 100 times without any meaningful intervention,” Bottcher, who represents District 3 covering the area, told The Post.

But it isn’t as if NYC has degenerated into total anarchy. Adams has been monitoring meat consumption on behalf of the climate and mandating warning labels on soda and hot chocolate. Also, he says the subway system is the safest in the world.

On tips from seaoh, Wiggins, and Barry A.

Aug 05 2024

Doug Emhoff Is Fitting Spouse for Heels-Up Harris

What kind of guy would marry a floozy like Kamala Harris? This kind:

Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, on Saturday admitted cheating on his first wife, following a bombshell report claiming he once got a nanny pregnant. …

[Emhoff’s reported paramour] did not keep the baby, a close friend with direct knowledge of the affair and pregnancy told the Daily Mail. It’s unclear what exactly the friend meant.

Considering that Kamala’s vehement enthusiasm for abortion runs in the family, the situation probably did not turn out well for the child.

Meanwhile, we have to listen to Emhoff snivel about “toxic masculinity.”

The cultural milieu of our kakistocracy is a cesspool.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and MrRightWingDave.

Aug 01 2024

Why Democrats Want to Destigmatize Illicit Drug Use

As noted below, the illicit drug epidemic is fueled by welfare, which enables the irresponsible drug-oriented lifestyle. This is not a bug but a feature. We know the Democrats in charge of handing out other people’s money want to worsen the drug crisis, because what they want more of, they destigmatize.

To quote press officer Katie Clark of the National Institute on Drug Abuse:

“I also noticed that in the questions you sent below, you used the term ‘substance abuse,’ and wanted to flag that NIDA recommends saying ‘substance use’ or ‘substance misuse’ instead. For more information on this guidance, please see NIDA’s resource on Preferred Language for Talking About Addiction. Often unintentionally, many people still talk about addiction in ways that are stigmatizing—which may prevent people who have a substance use disorder from seeking treatment.”

Yeah right.

Among moonbats, to euphemize is to endorse. They don’t demand we use euphemisms for things they don’t like.

Ms. Clark concluded with this admonition: “Making simple changes in language can help reduce or avoid harmful stigma and negativity around substance use disorders, especially in news stories and reporting on addiction.”

Update your copy of the Newspeak Dictionary accordingly.

Why do progressives want us to wallow in poisons like the fentanyl that they allow to gush across the undefended border? Because recreational drug use accelerates societal decay, which in turn reduces the population to a sub-American level willing to accept leftist rule.

On a tip from Varla.

Jul 25 2024

Fentanyl Featured in Trans Hall of Horrors

Transsexualism and fentanyl are both prominent features of the degenerate culture produced by moonbattery, so it is no surprise to see the drug that martyred George Floyd feature in the latest entry in the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors.

Via Reduxx:

A former teen trans activist is under investigation in relation to the death of a man in Lake Township, Ohio. William John “Selena Leyc” Milligan, 29, was arrested last week…

Milligan was first named as a suspect in the death of Kodiak Solomon in December of 2023…

An autopsy determined Solomon died of a fentanyl overdose.

Same with George Floyd. But this time it may not have been self-administered.

Nowadays people feel compelled to take video of everything. This could be an evildoer’s undoing:

Milligan was found to have been in possession of a video he had taken that night of Solomon while the man was fatally overdosing. Milligan claimed he had shot the footage “to show the victim what he looked like when he was overdosing.”

The video’s timestamp revealed that Solomon had overdosed and gone unresponsive over two hours before 911 was called, despite Milligan claiming he had only waited 15 minutes. In the video, Milligan can be heard expressing annoyance with the situation.

“Just to show it is 12:23, this is what I am dealing with again,” he says. The video shows Milligan pushing on Solomon’s chest as if doing chest compressions at that time.

Social media posts suggest that the relationship was not going well. He was charged with administering the fatal dose of fentanyl.

Milligan has a history as a trans activist dating back to when he was just 15 years old and first began to identify as transgender. Milligan was profiled by local news in 2010, and spoke out against bullying and transphobia on the Steve Wilkos Show.

Whether he gets to go to women’s prison is unclear.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 21 2024

What We’ll Have Instead of Drug Stores

The big drug store chains have been forced to close stores due to end stage liberalism resulting in an ongoing looting spree by shoplifters. There are plans to close thousands of Walgreens alone by 2027. But it’s not as if social engineers have nothing to offer in their place. Consider a closed store in New York City:

A former Rite Aid in Queens has been transformed into a nightmare out of “Mad Max,” overrun by booze-swilling hobos, zonked-out junkies and migrants who have transformed the forlorn spot into their own dystopian social club.

Fundamentally transformed, as Barack Obama might put it.

The mostly middle-aged derelicts laid claim to the 25,058-square-foot Astoria plot seven months ago, neighbors say…

Excuse me, I think you mean “the housing deprived” or “the residence challenged,” not “derelicts.”

They’ve since turned the site into a blight, dangling bizarre items from the roof’s edges. …

“It’s got a real ‘Mad Max’ vibe going on,” said one neighbor, who declined to give her name out of fear of retaliation from the vagrants.

Keeping people in fear may be the point of the policy of spending $billions to grow the homeless population. Democrats are building a zombie army. The future they have in store for us may be closer to Dawn of the Dead than Mad Max.

One man flashed an eight-inch knife when approached by The Post, while another reached for what appeared to be a loose table leg.

They didn’t appear to speak English.

Much of the zombie army has been imported across Biden’s open border.

Capitalist exploiters tried to do something constructive with the property…

Permits have already been filed to expand the one-story building into a five-story mixed-use structure, with housing and retail.

…but bureaucrats put the kibosh on it:

The city’s Department of Buildings objected to the plans in March, citing, among other things, non-compliance issues.

Here’s one possible future:

The Post watched as a man seated on a soiled blue couch behind the building appeared to sell drugs.

Another urinated out in the open as two teenaged couples walked by, while a third, heavily tattooed man stripped to his boxer shorts and bathed himself with a half-filled five-gallon water bottle.

In the other possible future, we pry leftists from power.

On a tip from Steve T.


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