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Category: Election Fraud

Aug 30 2024

Moonbats Declare Voter ID to Be Racist

Free and fair elections don’t cause climate change. Therefore, they must be racist:

That the cognitively challenged yet condescending white liberals in the first part of the video might vote is scary enough. Scarier still is that Democrats clearly plan to cheat on a massive scale or they would not oppose even the most rudimentary steps to prevent fraud.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 23 2024

Gavin Newsom Snickers Over Coup

They imprison political opponents like Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, and potentially Donald Trump himself for being Threats to Our Their Democracy. To learn what prominent Democrats actually think of democracy, listen to Gavin Newsom snicker about the antidemocratic process used to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris:

Newsom on the coup by which party leaders replaced the candidate elected by primary voters:

“It was bottom up. … That’s what I’ve been told to say.”

They hardly even pretend to take the democratic process seriously at this point. Here’s why they think voters barely matter:

Hat tip: Liberty Daily.

Aug 02 2024

Democrats and Double Voters

The liberal establishment has turned the dial all the way up on its gaslighting in an attempt to convince us that we have suddenly stopped detesting Kamala Harris. The idea is to stampede the herd by tricking everyone into thinking that everyone else wants her to be president. Polling analyst Nate Silver still considers it overwhelmingly likely that Trump will win. But the media doesn’t have to dupe enough people for Cackala to actually get more votes. They just need to make it seem plausible that she could win, despite her record (and Biden’s, which she owns). Election fraud will take it from there:

A new report by Fight Voter Fraud, a nonpartisan election integrity organization formed in 2018, has uncovered just under 298,000 double-registered voters across numerous states between 2016 and 2022—including thousands who double-voted as much as four times and were registered in four different states.

Worryingly, that includes critical battleground states whose voters will determine the winner of the Nov. 2024 presidential election.

Large numbers of double voters were found in swing states Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan, and Georgia.

Yet the figures are unsurprisingly highest in blue states where Democrats have dominated for decades—like New York, with 10,500 double registrations and 222 double-voters, and California, with over 36,000 double-registrations and a stunning 732 double-voters.

Democrats are barely hiding the ball regarding their intention to cheat. They have greenlit voting by the illegal aliens they import. Michigan’s dorky but frightening Gretchen Whitmer recently signed alarming laws preventing election oversight. Arrogant Senate Democrats even reintroduced the outrageous John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which is clearly intended to facilitate fraud. As Trump might put it, they will cheat bigly.

As with the attempt on Trump’s life, they can justify this to themselves with their absurd article of faith that a man who has already been president constitutes an Existential Threat to Democracy if he is elected again. Being based on nothing more than adherence to a depraved ideology, their moral vanity will remain intact after stealing the election, even if they have to cheat and kill to do it.

Kamala Harris put her stamp of approval on the farce of an election that kept Marxist dictator Nicolás Maduro in charge of Venezuela, a formerly wealthy basket case that will serve as the template for our future if Democrats remain in power.

But this is not North Venezuela yet. Cheating will only fly if the election is close.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.

Jul 30 2024

Kamala Harris Approves Farcical Venezuela Election

The latest “election” in socialist Venezuela was such a sham, even the New York Times and moonbat weenie Antony Blinken were appalled.

Via Hot Air:

Blinkin was very clear, in diplomaticspeak at least, that the results were cooked. Almost everybody around the world agrees–exit polls showed that the opposition would score a massive victory, there are videos of thugs assaulting voters and stealing ballot boxes, and early returns were showing a massive loss for Maduro.

Then, the government declared that Maduro won. It was obviously not true, and Venezuelans are now expressing their unhappiness in the only way possible: tearing down Maduro posters and billboards, and filling the streets.

Here’s what it looks like:

Once again Venezuela reminds us that you can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Everybody knows the election was cooked, except one person: Kamala Harris.

This is truly alarming:

No really. It is alarming:

Prior to Maduro’s predecessor Hugo Chavez, Venezuela was the wealthiest country in Latin America. Since then, millions have escaped what has been reduced to a Marxist hellhole. The extreme poverty is government-inflicted; Venezuela is floating on an ocean of black gold.

Kamala Harris represents the left wing of the left-wing Democratic Party, the goal of which is to do to the USA what likeminded socialists did to Venezuela.

On tips from Chris Neilson, Anonymous, and Steve T.

Jul 17 2024

Open Thread

As a former U.S. attorney general under President Reagan, and a former Ohio secretary of state, we would like to say something that might strike some as obvious: Those who oppose photo voter-ID laws and other election-integrity reforms are intent on making it easier to commit vote fraud. - Edwin Meese

Jul 12 2024

Dems in Senate Greenlight Voting by Illegal Aliens

Sure enough, Democrats are no longer hiding the ball regarding election fraud. The next time you hear one screech about threats to “our democracy,” remind him/her/zir/it of this:

We have to allow foreign invaders who are in the country illegally to enslave us via the welfare state by voting for the Democratic Party, because otherwise the sort of people who hate regular Americans for being white will call us racists:

It isn’t just conspicuous traitors like John Kerry and influence peddlers like Joe Biden. The Democratic Party is treasonous to its core.

On tips from Jester.

Jul 11 2024

Democrats Not Hiding the Ball on Election Fraud

The main objective of the contrived hysteria following January 6 was not to hype a minor riot in a time of riots into an “insurrection” so as to unfairly wrap it around Trump’s neck and make him look bad. The point was the draconian punishment, whereby tourists caught up in a protest against election fraud might find themselves hunted down and thrown into solitary confinement. The message came across loud and clear: protest against rigged elections and the federal government may come down on you full force.

Democrats were foresighted to keep open the option of widespread fraud, considering their current predicament. It is beyond obvious that the corrupt, incompetent, and conspicuously senile leftist Joe Biden is unelectable. Even if he won’t step aside, the 25th Amendment could clear the way for a more serious candidate. But they have none in a position to secure the nomination. Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom are even more widely hated than Biden.

So it will come down to election fraud. Whether due to arrogance or desperation, Democrats aren’t even trying to hide the ball anymore. For example:

Democrat positioning in Michigan is alarming:

Senate bills 603 and 604 modify the requirements for conducting ballot recounts and prosecuting election-related crimes. …

Among other changes, the law will eliminate the board of canvasser’s investigative powers, instead requiring the board to refer any allegations of fraud to the relevant county prosecutor, rather than conducting a recount. …

Opponents say eliminating the canvassers’ investigatory powers and scrapping protections against election worker interference will make fraud more difficult to address and compromise election security. …

The new laws are effective immediately and will apply to the August primary races.

The many millions of illegal aliens Biden has imported to displace us will play a major role:

On tips from WDS 2.0.

Jul 09 2024

Dems Count on Illegal Alien Vote for November

As even Axios effectively admits, the reason Democrats don’t worry about enraging the American population just before an election by leaving the border undefended is that they are counting on unlawful invaders pouring across it to displace us at the ballot box — not in the future but right now:

A survey conducted by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project found that 10% of illegal aliens and non-citizens stated that they are registered to vote in the upcoming election.

Posted by the Oversight Project on the 4th of July:

Evidence that this is representative of an overall situation that will provide Democrats with a significant number of illegitimate votes is provided by the Biden Regime:

The Biden administration has issued a statement in strong opposition to the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which would require people to provide proof of citizenship before voting in upcoming elections. …

Republican congressmen pushed for the SAVE Act to pass following a bombshell report from the New York Post revealing that welfare agencies gave thousands of non-citizens voter registration forms without requiring proof of citizenship. …

On July 8, the Executive Office of the President expressed its opposition to the legislation in a statement that Speaker of the House Mike Johnson posted to his X account.

Stand by for doubletalk straight out of Orwell’s Ministry of Truth:

“The President has been clear: he will continue fighting to protect Americans’ sacred right to vote in free, fair, and secure elections,” the statement continued, adding that Biden supports the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act.

This act would facilitate large-scale election fraud. The intent is to reduce American elections to farce, so as to replace our democratic republic with a single-party oligarchy and leave the population at the mercy of the evil insects who program Biden’s teleprompter.

Democrats’ open intention to cheat has drawn backlash from patriots. No worries; if Americans won’t vote for Democrats, they can treasonously import welfare colonists who will.

On tips from KirklesWorth, MrRightWingDave, and ABC of the ANC.

Jul 08 2024

Why Dems Aren’t Worried About Alienating Voters

Some might wonder why Democrats are willing to take a political hit by leaving the border open. If they would take more than the most insolently phony measures to defend the country, it would quell some anger over the devastation the invasion has been wreaking. Why don’t they care what the American people think of them heading into an election?

Liberal Axios admits the answer:

They can’t wait for the demographic transformation to do to the whole country what it has done to the state that not that long ago elected Ronald Reagan governor twice. The Democratic Party is as hostile to the United States as its allies in Iran, and it’s too late to keep people from knowing it. The Great Replacement has to happen right now.

It would be crazy for Americans to vote for Democrats at this point, but for unlawful invaders from the Third World it makes perfect sense. Democrats allow them to enslave us via the welfare state.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Mar 09 2024

Democrats Make Intention to Cheat Even More Obvious

Alarmed at their slim prospects of winning a fair election this year, Democrats are hard at work rigging it:

Sens. Raphael Warnock, Dick Durbin, and Chuck Schumer reintroduced HR 14, dubbed the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, on March 1, more than two years after it failed to make headway in the Senate after being passed by the House in 2021.

If the bill were to pass, it would enable the Department of Justice to “intervene anywhere in the country to overrule local or state authorities whenever the left alleges that changes in the laws could theoretically disadvantage minority voters,” as Jonathan Tobin explained…

The legislation is a power grab meant to circumvent the Supreme Court’s 2013 decision that restrained the federal government’s overreach into elections.

The obvious objective is to facilitate cheating, which is the only way Democrats can get Biden reelected:

Attorney General Merrick Garland boasted earlier this week of the department’s efforts to challenge “voter ID requirements,” and the DOJ sued Arizona for requiring people prove their citizenship in order to vote by mail or in presidential elections.

Democrats believe enough of their own hysterical rhetoric to regard losing to Trump as unthinkable. They are pulling out all the stops.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Mar 05 2024

Desperate Dems Will Cheat

We are past the point where well-informed, well-meaning people would vote to keep Joe Biden’s handlers in power. Consequently, the prospects of winning a fair election are looking grim for Democrats:

[A] poll, published by The New York Times and Siena College, is considered to be the #1 overall poll out of more than several hundred, according to 538’s pollster ratings.

The overwhelming majority of respondents — 62% of men and 68% of women — said that the U.S. was headed in the “wrong direction” under Biden.

The media can spin itself hoarse in support of Democrats; voters will still base decisions on real life:

Only 18% said that Biden’s policies helped them personally and 43% said that his policies hurt them personally while 40% said that Trump’s policies helped them personally and only 25% said that Trump’s policies hurt them personally.

The election strategy of championing favored identity groups at everyone else’s expense is not working even among the favored identity groups:

Trump led Biden by 13 points with white voters and by 6 points with Latino voters. Biden’s share of the black vote decreased by roughly 20% compared to how he performed in 2020, falling to 66%.

Biden’s net approval rating is a catastrophic −25%.

The banana republic tactic of taking Trump off the ballot isn’t working either. The Supreme Court ruled 9–0 that Colorado’s ultraleft court cannot do this, causing Democrat skulls to explode. Former MSNBC frontman Keith Olbermann came so unhinged he exposed his true colors:

Democrats are left with industrial scale election fraud. Current “wingman” Merrick Garland is laying the groundwork, exploiting the race angle so that resistance can be bullied with accusations of racism and Black Lives Matter mobs can be deployed to intimidate the public:

Cheating and then hiding behind a cloud of racism allegations is the only way they can beat Trump.

January 6 distortion and hype were not only about demonizing Trump supporters. The draconian punishment of those involved allowed Democrats to establish the authoritarian means by which they will suppress complaints about election fraud. They were planning ahead.

On tips from MrRightWingDave and WDS 2.0.

Feb 29 2024

Leftist Judge Orders Trump Off Illinois Ballot

Will America continue to be a democratic republic, or will it deteriorate into a banana republic? That depends on whether liberal activist judges are able to impose their will:

An Illinois state judge has kicked former President Donald Trump off the Illinois’ Republican presidential primary ballot due to his alleged role in the January 6 Capitol riots.

His role was to encourage supporters to protest “peacefully and patriotically” against election tampering.

Cook County Circuit Judge Tracie Porter ruled in favor of Illinois voters who argued Trump should be disqualified from the state’s mid-March primary ballot, as well as the November 5 general election ballot.

As Chicago succumbs to the Democrat Death Spiral, the maelstrom has pulled down Cook County and Illinois and affects the whole country.

Few reasonable people believe there was an actual insurrection, much less that Trump took part in it. But you don’t have to be reasonable to have been placed in a position to wield power from the bench.

According to militant Democrats, allowing people to vote for their chief opponent would constitute a threat to democracy — or rather, to “Our Democracy.”

Allow Joe Biden’s handlers to appoint enough Supreme Court justices and rulings like Porter’s will stand — hence their interest in stacking the court.

These Jacobins are without principle or shame. The American political system will not survive unless they are reined in.

On tips from Bluto and Varla.

Feb 29 2024

Open Thread

Ascribing racial animus to people who are trying to safeguard democratic integrity is a crude yet effective political tactic that obscures the truth. But there's something even worse than name-calling: legal interference from Washington with valid laws. - Edwin Meese

Jan 02 2024

Iowa Judge Imposes Filth on Children

As recently as 2008, the pernicious not to mention blasphemous concept of homosexual marriage was rejected by the public even in California. So it was imposed by gay California judge Vaughn Walker and then by left-wing social engineers on the Supreme Court. With the help of the media, this top-down revolutionary change is now at least superficially supported. Now on to the next agenda item — using public schools to submerse children in LGBT indoctrination and explicit homosexual pornography:

A federal judge in Iowa on Friday blocked a law intended to keep sexually explicit books out of schools and prevent elementary school students from being taught gender ideology in the classroom.

To be “taught gender ideology” entails grooming the most vulnerable children for recruitment into the dysfunctional LGBT community.

Judge Stephen Locher, appointed by President Joe Biden, ruled that an Iowa law, approved by Republican Governor Kim Reynolds earlier this year, was “unreasonable” and “puritanical.”

Being puritanical is encouraged in the context of adhering to political correctness. But when it comes to moral decency, puritanism is to be eradicated.

As Reynolds observes,

“Instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation has no place in kindergarten through sixth grade classrooms. And there should be no question that books containing sexually explicit content — as clearly defined in Iowa law — do not belong in a school library for children,” she said. “The fact that we’re even arguing these issues is ridiculous. The real debate should be about why society is so intent on over-sexualizing our young children.”

We know why: because the depraved sexual corruption of children is a core aspect of the liberal agenda. The question is how to stop them.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.


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