Remember when Bishop Mariann Budde of the subverted Episcopal Church exploited the National Prayer Service as an opportunity to scold Trump for failing to promote sexual depravity among children and for intending to get mass immigration under control? Her diatribe was insane, yet it made sense — considering that her unholy church has a federal contracting arm called the Episcopal Migration Ministry (EMM) that is paid to import foreign welfare colonists.
The New York Post reports:
[I]n 2023 it earned $53 million from various taxpayer-funded government programs to resettle 3,600 individuals.
The 2024 haul should be still more bounteous:
EMM “sponsored” 6,400 individuals from 48 countries in 2024. The leading nationalities were Afghans under a special humanitarian program, refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo, and others in smaller numbers…
People who wish America well are not trying to make it more like Afghanistan and the Congo.
Unlike everyday immigrants, these new arrivals receive government assistance and, most importantly, are immediately eligible for all forms of welfare, such as Medicaid and cash assistance, on the same basis as a US citizen.
We are in effect enslaved to these foreign conquerors via the welfare state.
Further, they can immediately sponsor friends and relatives under a recent Biden expansion of the refugee resettlement program.
It takes a lot of them to permanently alter the USA’s demographics.
The Office of Refugee Resettlement was projecting 656,500 new arrivals in 2025, who would fall under its care.
The incentive structure is designed to keep the numbers ever growing. The more colonists pernicious NGOs like EMM import, the more of our confiscated money the federal government showers upon them.
As for Bishop Budde’s particular interest in promoting sexual depravity,
EMM brings in LGBTQ refugees and asylees in a special federal refugee program started during the Obama administration called “Preferred Communities.”
Get to work, taxpayers. Someone has to finance the so-called “Matching Grant”:
To get $1 of Department of Health and Human Services money, EMM must contribute just 10 cents, along with 90 cents worth of used cars, furniture, and monetized volunteer time.
The greedy church takes still more:
The U.S. taxpayer funds the International Organization for Migration, which loans money for airfare for the refugee’s flight to America. If the refugee pays the interest-free loan back, the church (not EMM) pockets 25% of the money. If the loan is not paid back, no one is the worse off, except the taxpayer.
Under rule by Mariann Budde’s Swamp comrades, the taxpayer is always worse off.
Not that Episcopalians are the only ones looting taxpayers in the name of demographic displacement:
Forbes reported that USCCB [US Conference of Catholic Bishops] affiliate Catholic Charities USA, which has its hand in all aspects of immigration and seems to get money from every government agency except NASA, received $1.4 billion in taxpayer dollars in 2021. That’s 68 times more than EMM got that year.
For once we don’t hear liberals screeching about the indispensable separation of church and state, like we do when a high school coach prays before a game.
Charity is a virtue. To steal is a sin. Expropriation is not charity, because it is not voluntary. It is theft, regardless of how the lucre is spent. Those who stick their snouts in the federal trough are stealing from taxpayers.
On tips from StephaneDumas and Dr. Kufi Tutite.