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Category: Spending/Inflation

Feb 17 2025

Sheryl Crow Discards Her Tesla for NPR

Pop bubblehead Sheryl Crow loves the oppressed climate so much, she has insisted we use only one square of toilet paper per restroom visit, implying we should go around with unclean behinds so as to reduce our carbon footprint. But she does not love it enough to continue virtue signaling with a Tesla now that the company’s CEO is associated with exposing Democrat waste, fraud, and abuse.

Via Breitbart:

Crow has sold her Tesla vehicle and donated the proceeds to National Public Radio (NPR) — all in protest of Elon Musk.

The pernicious left-wing tripe we are forced to finance on the propaganda platform NPR is “under threat by President Musk,” according to Crow, who is clueless in most regards but is well versed in Democrat talking points.

The war on waste waged by Musk’s DOGE really could pose a threat to NPR, which lied to us regarding the Hunter laptop story, thereby helping the disastrous Joe Biden into the White House. Musk has even called it out specifically, drawing attention to CEO and President Katherine Maher's stated hostility to truth:

Sheryl Crow can drive whatever car she regards as most politically correct. But there is no reason we should be compelled to pay monsters like Maher to lie to us.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Feb 14 2025

USAID Support for Islamic Terror

If only US-taxpayer support for Muslim terrorism through USAID were limited to enriching Jew-baiting rappers. It gets worse:

[C]urrent and former U.S. officials who worked closely with the embattled aid group say they watched for years as it funneled millions of dollars to anti-Israel advocacy groups and entities linked to terrorism. …

In November 2022, for instance, USAID awarded $100,000 to a Palestinian activist group whose leaders hailed the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a designated terror group. Just six days before Hamas’s Oct. 7 assault on Israel, USAID handed $900,000 “to a terror charity in Gaza involved with the son of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.” …

A February report from the Middle East Forum think tank found that USAID had awarded “millions of federal dollars” to “organizations directly in Gaza controlled by Hamas.”

Given the ongoing war of eradication Islam has been waging for 1,400 years, this represents treason against Western Civilization:

“Before and after Oct. 7, USAID flowed uncountable hundreds of millions of dollars toward Hamas that enabled it to launch the attack and keep battling Israel afterwards,” [Senator Ted] Cruz [R-TX] said. “The full story of USAID funding Hamas is vast and much of it was done in secret.”

In addition to funding terrorists,

Under Samantha Power, former president Joe Biden’s pick to run USAID, agency officials fought pro-Israel policymaking at the State Department, often urging their colleagues at Foggy Bottom to pare down statements that praised the Jewish state, former officials said. In 2021, during a period of conflict with Hamas, Power herself refused to meet with Israel’s ambassador unless Israel reached a ceasefire with the Iran-backed terror group.

In the context of fighting terrorists, ceasefire is often equivalent to surrender.

The depth of USAID’s maleficence may never be known, because according to inspector general Paul Martin, it “does not maintain a comprehensive internal database of subawardees.” They do not want us to know where our money has been going.

However, we do know that with leftist kooks like Obama’s UN ambassador Samantha Power in charge, it has not been going where we would want it to. In her capacity as USAID administrator, this malevolent moonbat even opined that fertilizer shortages that cause food shortage are good, because climate ideology.

USAID is a hill the Democratic Party seems willing to die on. Die it will — and not a moment too soon.

On a tip from Bluto.

Feb 13 2025

Dems Bring in Blind Man to Not See Waste

This was taken not from the Babylon Bee, but from Not the Bee. It is for real:

Democrats correctly figured that only a blind man could fail to see the waste, fraud, and abuse prevailing in the Swamp, now that DOGE is shining a klieg light on it.

Hedtler-Gaudette has at least one other qualification in addition to being largely blind. His NGO is bought and paid for by a conspicuously influential Democrat donor. POGO…

…gets a large chunk of its money from the Open Society Foundations, a grantmaking entity created by the one and only George Soros.

No one will be surprised to read at the Portland Press Herald that during his testimony at a congressional hearing yesterday,

Dylan Hedtler-Gaudette used his opportunity to directly challenge some of President Donald Trump’s early moves under the name of government efficiency.

Hedtler-Gaudette pointed out in his opening statement that the federal government already had a team of inspectors general focused on rooting out waste, fraud and abuse in executive branch agencies. Trump fired 17 of them days into his second term.

Given the revelations that have resulted, replacing them with Musk and his team was obviously the right move. Yet Hedtler-Gaudette denounced it as an “unlawful midnight purge.”

He congratulated himself for defending the Swamp’s waste, fraud, and abuse at the hearing, proclaiming himself to be on “the side of the angels.”

In addition to allowing him not to see what Democrats have been doing with our money, his handicap has other advantages:

When [Rep Marjorie] Taylor Greene interrupted him during his opening statement to say his time was up, he apologized. “I can’t see the flashing light,” he said with a grin.

Democrats can’t run the government, but they aren’t bad at staging a farce.

On a tip from R F.

Feb 13 2025

Schumer: Americans Really Don’t Care

American blood is boiling as DOGE provides new revelations regarding the massive amounts of our money the federal government has been flushing away in the most outrageous manner conceivable (e.g., promoting sexual perversion in Third World countries). You might think Democrats would have the presence of mind to distance themselves from waste, fraud, and abuse rather than confirming their guilt by attacking Elon Musk for exposing it. They might even promise to mend their ways. But all we get is unhinged rage of the F*** Trump variety.

Democrats have still not composed themselves because outrage over the USAID scandal caught them by surprise. In their arrogant contempt for us, they don’t expect us to object to being robbed.

Remember the looting spree Obama passed off as “stimulus”? Schumer didn’t think we would mind it was packed full of pork. From 2009:

What’s wrong with a little pork in a more than $800 billion economic stimulus bill?

That’s apparently the stance taken by Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer.

While helping himself to our money, he speaks for us and proclaims we don’t mind:

“And let me say this to all of the chattering class that so much focuses on those little, tiny, yes, porky amendments, the American people really don’t care,” Schumer said on the Senate floor.

Problem is, the prime ingredient is pork — and calling it “pork” is putting it politely.

Abuse even the most patient people again and again and sooner or later, the worm turns.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC. Hat tip: Gateway Pundit.

Feb 12 2025

Doomed Democrats Panic

Outside the Treasury Building last week, when prominent Democrats like Chuck Schumer and Maxine Waters openly sided with waste, corruption, and unaccountability against taxpayers, the cringe-inducing scene was emblematic of a party entrenched in opposition to the public:

As Gerry Baker puts it:

It was a tableau for the ages, one example of the many strange battle lines the Democratic Party has chosen to defend these past few years: illegal migrants over citizens, teachers unions over parents and children, criminals over victims, men-turned-women over girls.

At least they are consistent. Democrats always side against regular Americans.

Government is supposed to exist for the people, but the DOGE process has laid bare what we have long suspected—that at scale, it exists first and foremost to further the interests of the permanent bureaucracy and their like-minded friends who dominate almost all our major institutions.

What DOGE is doing to the Swamp needs to be extended by the rest of us to the entire liberal establishment:

The accountability DOGE can bring needs to be emulated in other areas of public life where these interests have long dominated, immune from responsibility: radicalized higher education, failing city governments, intellectually corrupt media and entertainment companies.

That would spell doom for Democrats.

Smelling their own extinction, they have succumbed to panic, committing political suicide by defending the indefensible USAID. Ed Morrissey comments:

You know who loves USAID and its unaccountable structure? The progressive Academia elite that run it and other less-than-responsive federal bureaucracies. Why? It appeals to their elitism, and the flow of money without accountability allows for massive manipulations and social engineering. …

You know who hates USAID and other less-than-accountable federal bureaucracies? Everyone else. Almost literally.

They do still have the support of federal bureauweenies. At a rally yesterday outside Capitol Hill,

Hundreds of federal workers gathered for the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) “Rally to Save the Civil Service.”

Rep Maxine Dexter (D-OR) was there to present her party’s pitch to the public:

The Trump Administration caught them by surprise when Musk switched on the kitchen light with his USAID revelations. Rather than retreat under the stove by pretending they didn’t know what was happening to our money, the roaches wag their antennae belligerently. The instinctive reaction is to grab a can of Raid.

Democrats still have the entertainment industry to promote their public image. But as the respective responses to Donald Trump and Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl made obvious, that won’t be enough.

On tips from Varla and Justin Truedope.

Feb 11 2025

Consequences of Reining In USAID Begin to Unfold

Democrats tried to warn us that reining in USAID would have hurtful consequences. But Trump and Musk refused to listen. Now look what’s happened:

Whether this has anything to do with USAID spending is speculative. However, the crimp placed on the corrupt liberal slush fund has certainly impaired Norway’s generosity:

The Norwegian Refugee Council announced on Monday that it has suspended emergency aid for hundreds of thousands of people across nearly 20 countries due to the Trump administration’s freeze on USAID funds.

Countries allegedly affected include Ukraine, Burkina Faso, and Sudan.

The NRC rages that US payments are overdue. It is left unexplained why money confiscated from US taxpayers would be due to Norwegian do-gooders in the first place.

But as any Democrat can tell you, it is more fun to be generous with other people’s money.

On tips from WDS 2.0.

Feb 10 2025

Class Action Suit Hits Target for Moonbattery

Costco execs take note: now is not the time for doubling down on DEI and earning kisses from the likes of Al Sharpton. Americans are not in the mood for it. Ask Target:

Target was hit with a class action lawsuit [on January 31] after shareholders alleged the national retailer misled investors about the risks of its DEI initiatives, which led to consumer boycotts and its stock price to tank.

Tank it did:

Target’s stock price plummeted 22% on Nov. 20, 2024, destroying nearly $16 billion in market cap in a single day after the retailer reported disappointing earnings. The dive in prices came after Target became embroiled in a nationwide controversy surrounding its DEI and Pride initiatives.

Target has really shoved wokeness in customers’ faces:

The retailer faced severe backlash in 2023 after they sold “tuck friendly” female-style bathing suits and mugs displaying the term “gender fluid” as part of their Pride store displays. … Target’s sales fell 5.4% in the quarter ending Jul 2023, the first time its sales dropped in six years, according to the lawsuit.

Target’s LGBTification efforts have bordered on the satanic by involving products from Abprallen, which associates LGBTism with devil worship and advocates both.

In addition to misleading investors regarding the subordination of business interests to moonbattery,

Target allegedly had executives implement their DEI initiatives who had “disabling” conflicts of interest. Senior executive Carlos Saavedra and Vice President and Chief Food and Beverage Officer Rick Gomez both held positions at the LGBTQ rights organization GLSEN.

GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) targets children for sexual corruption. This may appeal to the Democrat base but not to average shoppers.

Now Target is getting hit from both sides:

The company announced it was rolling back its DEI programs in January. In response, organizers of the Twin Cities Pride Festival have announced that the retailer is no longer welcome at the Minnesota parade.

The lesson for corporations: Stay out of the culture wars. Knock off with the social engineering. Stick to retail.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket. Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Feb 09 2025

Dem: USAID Waste Helps Prevent Kids From Dying

Glenn Beck provides a few examples of what the federal bureaucracy has been wasting our money on via USAID:

• $7.9 million to teach Sri Lankan journalists how to avoid binary gendered language

• $4.5 million to combat disinformation in Kazakhstan

• $2 million for sex changes and LGBT activism in Guatemala

• $2.1 million to help the BBC value the diversity of Libyan society

• $10 million worth of USAID-funded meals went to an al-Qaeda linked terrorist group

• $6 million for tourism in Egypt

• $5 million to EcoHealth Alliance, one of the key NGOs funding bat virus research in the Wuhan lab

• $1.1 million to an Armenian LGBT group

• $1.5 million to promote LGBT advocacy in Jamaica

• $2 million to promote LGBT equity through entrepreneurship in Latin America

• $2.3 million for artisanal and small-scale gold mining in the Amazon

• $5.5 million for LGBT activism in Uganda

On the other hand, the $20 million USAID spent to create an Iraqi version of the moonbatty PBS show Sesame Street was worthwhile, because it represents “soft power” and “helps prevent kids from dying.” That’s why it is a better use of taxpayer money than defense spending. Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) explains:

Tarred, feathered, run on a rail to the Potomac, and dumped therein. Coons and every other Democrat looter in the Swamp deserve nothing less.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Feb 07 2025

More Revelations on Looting Spree That Is USAID

When Elon Musk turned over the rock labeled “USAID,” creepy-crawlies scuttled out in a torrent. It seems no cause is too pernicious to have been surreptitiously bankrolled through this Deep State money-laundering operation. Our taxes were used to promote sexual perversion in places like Sri Lanka; to fund leftist propaganda platforms like Politico, the New York Times, and Associated Press; to enrich the sinister World Economic Forum; and even to attack Our money was flushed down patently insane projects like the “Climate Gender Equity Fund” and bought the opinions of rats like Bill Kristol. More comes to light faster than reports can be confirmed.

The thousands of riots and $billions in property damage inflicted by Black Lives Matter were financially egged on not only by “virtue”-signaling corporations and donations from fools but by taxpayers on a coercive basis, after laundering by the Tides Center and USAID:

You might think Chelsea Clinton doesn’t need your money. USAID bureauweenies beg to differ:

Chelsea Clinton receives annual funding from USAID for her Foundation, which provides afternoon meals to children in Africa, India, and Bangladesh. However, the reported number of meals served stands at 11,886, implying an astonishing cost of $1,410 per meal.

Looks like Kristol isn’t the only liberal establishmentarian posing as a conservative to receive financial compensation. Word has it that David French’s Redeeming Babel took in $308,000 from the USAID-funded Rockefeller Foundation.

Prominent among the most ham-fistedly left-wing propaganda platforms on the planet is the BBC. It is funded by force by British taxpayers — and by American taxpayers:

No wonder Chuck Todd regards Musk as a “five-alarm fire.”

This goes well beyond the flagrant waste we expect of Democrats. USAID takes corruption to levels no functional society would tolerate. The Democrat strategy has been not to pretend they didn’t know but to demonize Elon Musk for exposing it — even invoking violent rhetoric.

Because we are no longer reliant on people like Chuck Todd for information, they will never get this toothpaste back in the tube.

On tips from WDS 2.0, Bluto, and Wiggins.

Feb 06 2025

USAID Gives Money to World Economic Forum

Move over, Soros and Baby Soros. American taxpayers have supplanted you as the most malevolent leftist financiers on the planet — albeit unwittingly via USAID.

It was bad enough that USAID was secretly funding the Democratic Party propaganda platform Politico and RINO snake in the grass Bill Kristol. Yet it gets worse.

Traitors lurking in the Swamp have been giving American taxpayer money to a supranational organization that aspires to supersede the US government — namely the globalist social engineers of the World Economic Forum:

The World Economic Forum wants us to prevent racist climate change by eating insect larvae. It is opposed to the private ownership of cars and phones. The sinister yet silly organization achieves Dr. Evil levels of cartoonish malice, even opposing washing clothes. Its totalitarian ambitions extend to regulating the supply of oxygen.

USAID has also been funding human trafficking, according to Ryan Matta:

The sort of leftists who surreptitiously finance their agenda with our money through USAID preen about how much they revere democracy. However, when elections don’t go their way, USAID money is used in to cripple their opponents politically if not remove them from office:

USAID even funds leftist zillionaire George Soros (who in turn funds the Democratic Party). That’s not all:

“Under the Biden administration, USAID was weaponized to fund leftwing projects and progressive operatives,” [Senator Ted Cruz] noted. “They poured uncountable amounts of money into places like the Hamas-controlled Gaza, knowing it would benefit anti-American and anti-Israel genocidal terrorists—and hid much of it from Congress and the public.” …

White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt condemned the “insane priorities” that USAID has funded, mentioning “$1.5 million to advance DEI in Serbia’s workplaces, $70,000 for a production of a DEI musical in Ireland, $47,000 for a transgender opera in Colombia, $32,000 for a transgender comic book in Peru.”

No really:

It is worth underscoring, in case treason ever comes to be regarded as a punishable offense, that Joe Biden used USAID to give $1.3 billion to Islamic terrorists. The next 9/11 will be largely financed by American taxpayers.

Tlabia Majora, Kirklesworth, seaoh, Bluto, Mr. Freemarket, and WDS 2.0.

Feb 06 2025

Not Even NFL Is Leftist Enough for USA Today

Is the NFL losing its laser-like focus on inflicting leftist politics on fans who just what to watch a football game in peace? USA Today thinks so and is not pleased:

Less than a day after Roger Goodell so eloquently amplified the NFL’s commitment to DEI to kick off another ultimate week of hype and excellence came word that the most popular sports league in the nation has decided to scrap its “End Racism” slogan from a marquee end zone spot during Super Bowl 59.

What a fumble.

“Choose Love” and “It Takes All Of Us” will be stenciled at the back of the end zones for the Super Bowl. Not good enough. USA Today demands that the USSR-style intrusive messaging explicitly state “End Racism.”

By now everyone knows that “End Racism” does not apply to the only prevalent form of racism in our country — the racism against whites that has become systematic under DEI. “End Racism” means “End Resistance to Race-Based Leftism.”

Super Bowl viewers will be subjected to an irritating ad featuring the ubiquitous Snoop Dogg, reminding us to hate hate:

This probably won’t be good enough for USA Today either. Even if it reminds us to focus on Cultural Marxism, the ad is not a sufficiently explicit endorsement of Critical Race Theory to placate the Thought Police.

On a tip from Franco.

Feb 04 2025

Los Angeles Assists Social Equity Drug Dealers

Los Angeles soaks up a lot of tax money. Its lack of preparation for the recent wildfires has caused some to wonder where all this money goes. The city’s Department of Cannabis Regulation helps answer that question:

The Department of Cannabis Regulation (DCR) is responsible for administering the commercial cannabis licensing and regulatory program established by the Los Angeles City Council.

Selling marijuana is a violation of federal law. But if Karen Bass et al. cared about federal law, LA wouldn’t be a sanctuary city for the illegal aliens that have been closing down its streets.

When liberals run the government, the issue is not the issue; the issue is bestowing privilege on favored groups. Unsurprisingly, the February 2025 CannaDispatch goes all out for Black History Month.

DCR offers free coaching, webinars, pro bono legal services, et cetera to aspiring drug dealers. It helps to be a Social Equity Individual Applicant (SEIA).

DCR expects to hold a SEIA Verification window in the upcoming months. SEIA Verification is a process where an individual may request to be verified as a Social Equity Individual Applicant based on the criteria set forth in Los Angeles Municipal Code section 104.20 to participate in the Social Equity Program.

A glance at the graphics reveals that the focus is on rewarding preferred skin color.

Why risk getting shot at on street corners by other drug dealers when taxpayers are eager to legitimize the occupation for those fortunate enough to qualify as Social Equity Individuals?

The government site keeps readers abreast of relevant news with headlines like these:

• L.A. City Council Debates Cannabis Equity: What Does This Mean for Local Entrepreneurs?

• From stoner chic to runway ready, cannabis couture is smokin’ hot

• Scientists Explore How Cannabis Affects Enjoyment Of Music Through New Study At Cannabis Lounge

It will not be easy to target the money flowing into LA in the aftermath of the fires so that it is not wasted on moonbattery.

On a tip from Mike B.

Feb 02 2025

Episcopal Church Displaces Americans for Cash

Remember when Bishop Mariann Budde of the subverted Episcopal Church exploited the National Prayer Service as an opportunity to scold Trump for failing to promote sexual depravity among children and for intending to get mass immigration under control? Her diatribe was insane, yet it made sense — considering that her unholy church has a federal contracting arm called the Episcopal Migration Ministry (EMM) that is paid to import foreign welfare colonists.

The New York Post reports:

[I]n 2023 it earned $53 million from various taxpayer-funded government programs to resettle 3,600 individuals.

The 2024 haul should be still more bounteous:

EMM “sponsored” 6,400 individuals from 48 countries in 2024. The leading nationalities were Afghans under a special humanitarian program, refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo, and others in smaller numbers…

People who wish America well are not trying to make it more like Afghanistan and the Congo.

Unlike everyday immigrants, these new arrivals receive government assistance and, most importantly, are immediately eligible for all forms of welfare, such as Medicaid and cash assistance, on the same basis as a US citizen.

We are in effect enslaved to these foreign conquerors via the welfare state.

Further, they can immediately sponsor friends and relatives under a recent Biden expansion of the refugee resettlement program.

It takes a lot of them to permanently alter the USA’s demographics.

The Office of Refugee Resettlement was projecting 656,500 new arrivals in 2025, who would fall under its care.

The incentive structure is designed to keep the numbers ever growing. The more colonists pernicious NGOs like EMM import, the more of our confiscated money the federal government showers upon them.

As for Bishop Budde’s particular interest in promoting sexual depravity,

EMM brings in LGBTQ refugees and asylees in a special federal refugee program started during the Obama administration called “Preferred Communities.”

Get to work, taxpayers. Someone has to finance the so-called “Matching Grant”:

To get $1 of Department of Health and Human Services money, EMM must contribute just 10 cents, along with 90 cents worth of used cars, furniture, and monetized volunteer time.

The greedy church takes still more:

The U.S. taxpayer funds the International Organization for Migration, which loans money for airfare for the refugee’s flight to America. If the refugee pays the interest-free loan back, the church (not EMM) pockets 25% of the money. If the loan is not paid back, no one is the worse off, except the taxpayer.

Under rule by Mariann Budde’s Swamp comrades, the taxpayer is always worse off.

Not that Episcopalians are the only ones looting taxpayers in the name of demographic displacement:

Forbes reported that USCCB [US Conference of Catholic Bishops] affiliate Catholic Charities USA, which has its hand in all aspects of immigration and seems to get money from every government agency except NASA, received $1.4 billion in taxpayer dollars in 2021. That’s 68 times more than EMM got that year.

For once we don’t hear liberals screeching about the indispensable separation of church and state, like we do when a high school coach prays before a game.

Charity is a virtue. To steal is a sin. Expropriation is not charity, because it is not voluntary. It is theft, regardless of how the lucre is spent. Those who stick their snouts in the federal trough are stealing from taxpayers.

On tips from StephaneDumas and Dr. Kufi Tutite.

Feb 01 2025

DEI Dems Double Down on Dumb

It has long been public knowledge that the only qualification Kamala Harris has for office is her identity status as a Woman of Color. She is so conspicuously awful that, despite having the full force of the establishment behind her, she managed to lose to a guy the media has been demonizing for years. Democrats react to having shot themselves in the foot by reloading and taking aim at the other.

Via Modernity:

During the Democratic National Committee’s final chair candidate forum in DC, every single candidate to take over the chair agreed that Kamala Harris lost the election to Donald Trump because of “racism and misogyny.”

That’s right, Dems. This is a rotten country full of racists and misogynists, as proven by our refusal to vote as we are told. Keep running on that platform and America will be safe from you. Karen Bass would make a great 2028 presidential candidate.

It will be a big job getting a country back on track that has been run by people like this:

Let’s hope they enjoyed their pat on the head from MSNBC host Jonathan Capehart for answering politically correctly. That’s the consolation prize they get for being losers.

On a tip from Varla.


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