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Category: Taxes

Sep 05 2024

Mr. Wonderful: Blue States Uninvestable

Detroit was once the wealthiest city in the USA. Then came moonbattery. The Paris of the Midwest succumbed to the Democrat Death Spiral, whereby liberal policies drive out productive citizens and investment, leaving behind an ever more toxic concentration of government-dependent losers who vote for ever more pernicious left-wing politicians. Rather than learning a lesson from this tragedy, we have allowed the cancer to spread. Now whole states are succumbing. Kevin O’Leary a.k.a. Mr. Wonderful has tried to warn us:

In a March 2023 clip that went viral this week, investor and “Shark Tank” star Kevin O’Leary sharply criticized Democratic economic policies and called blue states “uninvestable” during an CNN appearance.

“I don’t put companies here in New York anymore,” O’Leary then told “CNN This Morning” cohosts Kaitlan Collins, Poppy Harlow, and Don Lemon. “Or in Massachusetts, or in New Jersey, or in California. Those states are uninvestable.”

It isn’t just the greedy levels of taxation. As O’Leary observes,

“The regulatory environment is punitive.”

Democrats may kid themselves that after they consolidate control of the federal government, the whole country will be New York, so there will be no red states to escape to. However:

“I had a project in upstate New York behind the grid in Niagara Falls for electricity, a global data center we were building. Eventually, it got so bad with the politicians in the local region and the state policy, we moved it to Norway. … Norway has it now. Thousands of jobs.”

Leave liberals in control and they will do to the entire USA what they did to Detroit.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Sep 03 2024

Wealthy Flee as Labour Party Loots UK

Whether it’s California, New York, or once great Britain, the story is the same. Leftists take over, they loot with abandon, those who can afford to leave:

Wealthy individuals and entrepreneurs are already fleeing Britain as fears grow over a raft of tax rises…

An exodus is being reported by bankers, financial advisers and business chiefs with experts warning that the Chancellor risks ruining hopes of faster economic growth with a widely expected increase in capital gains tax (CGT).

It comes after Sir Keir Starmer warned last week that those with the “broadest shoulders” would carry the burden of fixing Britain’s ailing public finances.

From each according to his ability…

Ceri Vokes, a partner at law firm Withers Worldwide, who works with entrepreneurs and private equity executives, said a number of her wealthy clients had already moved overseas this year, with the election “the main driver”.

They may not appreciate being left to pick up the gargantuan tab for importing the Third World.

David Lesperance, of Lesperance and Associates, an advisory firm, said Britain’s wealthiest were “getting out while the going is good”.

When a formerly wealthy city like Detroit is destroyed by leftism, it does not come back. The same could hold for whole countries:

Industry leaders warned that it will be hard to win back wealth creators who abandon Britain, adding that the country would risk missing out on thousands of new jobs as a result.

Government is an essential aspect of a healthy civilization. But when leftists gain control, government becomes the enemy. Criminals are allowed to run riot under the two-tier justice system while productive citizens are enslaved through excessive taxation.

On a tip from Bluto.

Aug 24 2024

Open Thread

Is there a point of taxation wherein even a Democrat would acknowledge it is thievery by the government? - Dennis Prager

Aug 13 2024

Here From the Government to Steal and Kill

Three weeks ago, Kamala Harris was no more popular than Joe Biden, whose administration has been a conspicuous failure. If the media is able to keep her in the White House, this will signify a major step in the consolidation of power by leftists. Soft tyranny will transition to hard.

The groundwork has been laid. Consider the IRS following the discordantly named Inflation Reduction Act. As Forbes reported in 2022,

The Schumer-Manchin tax bill … raises taxes and will give the IRS billions to go into what the Wall Street Journal called “beast mode.”

The bill did nothing to reduce the inflation Democrats have caused, but it did hand an extra $80 billion of our money to the IRS.

That $80 billion is more than six times the current annual IRS budget of $12.6 billion.

How can the IRS spend all of that? You guessed it, the bill says a whopping $45.6 billion will be for enforcement, and make no mistake, enforcement is the main directive from Democrats to the IRS.

Enforcement entails weapons:

An official report published by the Government Accountability Office said that at the end of 2017, the IRS had 4,487 guns and 5,062,006 rounds of ammunition in its weapons inventory.

That was before the Democrats gave them another $80 billion to spend.

Ronaldus Magnus said the most terrifying words in the English language are, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” That applied to a soft tyranny.

After benevolent pretenses have been dispensed with, the scariest words will be, “I’m from the government and I’m here to take your money.”

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 27 2024

Denmark Taxes Farts in Name of Climate

There is nothing insatiably greedy leftists won’t tax — including even farts:

Denmark farmers will soon have to pay an extra tax for their livestock’s farts — making it the first country to implement such a measure to target global warming-inducing methane emissions.

Leftist bureauweenies literally expect people to believe that the weather will be nicer if they drive up food prices to punish farmers for their cows farting. Their contempt for those they rule over is infinite.

The gassy tax will apply to cows, sheep and pigs starting in 2030.

Before long the tax will apply to all creatures that fart, including people. According to moonbat doctrine, the main culprit in climate change is CO2, so any creature that breathes will be taxed for that too.

On tips from Wiggins and R F.

May 26 2024

Open Thread

A heavy or progressive or graduated income tax is necessary for the proper development of Communism. - Karl Marx

On a tip from Jester.

May 23 2024

Rule by Racists: Taxation by Race

Criminal justice is not the only fundamental aspect of government to be corrupted by the racist ideology of America’s leftist rulers. Another is taxes.

Consider a report from the US Treasury entitled “Advancing Equity Through Tax Reform: Effects of the Administration’s Fiscal Year 2025 Revenue Proposals on Racial Wealth Inequality.” Comments Roger Kimball:

Beginning with its title, this report bristles with loaded buzzwords —“equity,” “racial wealth inequality.” Behind those abstractions, however, is a malevolent plan to destroy middle-class prosperity by brandishing the chief shibboleth of the age: race.

The intent is to manipulate the tax code so as to reward blacks and punish whites. An example of how the Biden Regime plans to do this is by dramatically increasing capital gains taxes. This achieves “racial justice” because whites are more likely to invest.

For a people to live as despised second class citizens in the country they created and maintain is intolerable. What does it take to get the worm to turn?

On tips from R F.

Apr 20 2024

Open Thread

I am opposed to any individual taxes until we eliminate all of the unconstitutional agencies, and I suspect we wouldn't need a tax after that. - Michael Badnarik

Mar 29 2024

Open Thread

We cannot restore traditional American freedom unless we limit the government's power to tax. - Frank Chodorov

Mar 14 2024

Open Thread

We cannot restore traditional American freedom unless we limit the government's power to tax. No tinkering with this, that, or the other law will stop the trend toward socialism. We must repeal the Sixteenth Amendment. - Frank Chodorov

Mar 02 2024

Tinseltown’s Terrence Howard Too Oppressed to Pay Taxes

Rich and famous black guy Terrence Howard says it is “immoral” for people like him to have to pay taxes. Maybe the moonbattery that prevails in Hollyweird has rendered him insane. Or maybe he just doesn’t like paying taxes. But sometimes even the oppressed have to cough them up anyway:

A federal judge in Philadelphia has ordered Academy Award-nominated actor Terrence Howard to pay nearly $1 million in back taxes, interest, and penalties after he allegedly threatened a Justice Department lawyer and maintained that it was “immoral for the United States government to charge taxes to the descendants of slaves.”

The Tinseltown One Percenter attempted to crybully a tax collector by voicemail:

“Four hundred years of forced labor and never receiving any compensation for it,” the actor said in the message. “Now you have the gall to try and prosecute and charge taxes to the descendants of a broken people that you are responsible for causing the breakage.”

Al Sharpton feels his pain. But last I knew, that zillionaire professional racist doesn’t have to pay taxes. He’s even more oppressed than Howard — by which I mean he has more powerful friends.

Howard’s demands go beyond not having to pay his fair share:

“In truth, the entire United States should, by default, become the property of the descendants of slaves,” he said.

Great idea for next time they update the Democratic Party platform.

On tips from Wiggins and Franco.

Dec 07 2023

NYC to Tax Going to Work in the Morning

What Democrats want more of, like illegal aliens, they subsidize. They pay for the subsidies by taxing what they want less of — like people who go to work in the morning:

The climate isn’t going to notice the difference, but this really will reduce congestion — by giving businesses yet another reason to relocate outside of New York as the once-great city succumbs to the Democrat Death Spiral.

On a tip from R F.

Aug 17 2023

Tax and Spend Lib Cornel West Owes Half $Million in Taxes

Rich Ivy League professor Cornel West is running for president with the Green Party. It will never fly. Someone this hypocritical could only be a Democrat:

Socialist professor and presidential candidate Cornel West wants “massive investments” including “free college tuition” and “Medicare for All” as part of his presidential campaign.

And yet…

According to the Daily Beast, and confirmed by West, the Union Theological Seminary professor owes over half a million dollars in taxes.

Professor West explains himself:

He explained, when asked [last] Monday by commentator Charlamagne Tha God, that not paying taxes is part of his “gangster proclivities.”

Cornel West has been a political advisor to Al Sharpton. Maybe that’s where Reverend Al got the idea that well-to-do victims of racist oppression don’t have to pay taxes.

Meanwhile, West’s Marxist ideology would in effect impose a 100% tax rate on the rest of us.

On tips from Franco and R F.

Jun 24 2023

Emmanuel Macron Wants to Inflict Global Tax

The Battle of Waterloo took place 208 years ago this month, putting an end to French military dominance. Yet France still harbors ambitions of global domination — or at least President Emmanuel Macron does:

Macron has suggested the imposition of a global taxation system in order to subsidise the green agenda to mitigate climate change.

Imagine if a demented theocrat demanded a global tax to finance a golden staircase to heaven for Jesus to descend. Macron’s proposal for preventing the climate from fluctuating is the equivalent in the liberal religion.

Speaking at the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris on Friday, Mr Macron argued that actions from individual governments would be insufficient to deal with the alleged armageddon set to descend upon the world and therefore a new international taxation framework should be established.

No individual government could be massive enough to satisfy the ambitions of globalists like Macron. In exploiting their imaginary climate crisis, they follow the example of Stone Age witch doctors who demanded sacrifices to propitiate weather gods.

“I’m in favour of an international taxation to finance efforts that we have to make to fight poverty and in terms of climate [action],” the French president said in comments reported by POLITICO.

The reference to fighting poverty indicates that at usual envirofascism will be served with a side order of international wealth transfer.

Macron suggested that the Paris-based Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) could be tapped for a negotiation process in the hopes of creating a global climate tax system for multinational corporations.

Fortunately for corporations, they don’t have to pay taxes; they pass this expense along to consumers.

Why not just put Macron personally in charge of what happens to the wealth we create? After all, he is former Rothschild banker. Surely he can handle our money better than we can.

Speaking of money, France is running out of it under Macron’s rule. He calls it the “end of abundance.” But there will be plenty of money again, at least for a little while, once he takes the looting spree global.

On tips from Steve T and Wiggins.


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