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Category: Tyranny

Feb 17 2025

CBS News: Free Speech Caused Holocaust

Local tyrants were not the only ones triggered by JD Vance’s epic defense of political freedom in Europe. The US media’s characteristic if incongruous reaction has been to shriek about Nazis. Democratic Party apparatchik Margaret Brennan of CBS News even claims that free speech caused the Holocaust:

[Brennan] had asked what Vance’s speech and meeting with a leader of Alternative for Germany (AfD), a right-wing German populist political party, “accomplish other than irritating our allies.” [Marco] Rubio responded by emphasizing Vance was right to point out European countries’ perceived backsliding on free speech.

“Well, he was standing in a country where free speech was weaponized to conduct a genocide, and he met with the head of a political party that has far-right views and some historic ties to extreme groups,” Brennan replied.

“Far-right” and “extreme” in this context are Liberalese for “not left-wing.”

Watch and applaud as Rubio slaps her down:

“We are out of time” honks Margaret at the end of the clip. That goes for the entire liberal establishment media that openly sides with political repression against an America vice president advocating freedom. Trump’s characterization of it as “the enemy of the people” is becoming common wisdom.

Here’s some free speech that apparently set her off, coming after Vance had gotten under her skin with his “I don’t really care, Margaret” mic drop moment:

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jan 19 2025

Biden Unilaterally Amends Constitution

Biden continues to trash the country on his way out the door, attacking the US Constitution by unilaterally declaring the Equal Rights Amendment to be part of it.

Daily Signal provides a civics and history lesson:

The Constitution provides that Congress, by a two-thirds vote, may propose an amendment to the Constitution and that it becomes part of the Constitution when ratified by three-fourths of the states (38) in the manner Congress requires.

Rep. Martha Griffiths, D-Mich., introduced House Joint Resolution 208 in 1971 to propose this language: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”

Today’s Democrat social engineers would use that to impose the LGBT agenda, including men on women’s sports teams and in their private facilities.

There was a deadline on ratification, which the proposed amendment did not meet. Therefore, it expired and is not part of the US Constitution, as even leftists like Gloria Steinem and Ruth Bader Ginsburg have attested. Yet Joe Biden has announced that it is:

Biden gets to three fourths of the states by counting the three states that ratified after the deadline while ignoring the five states that withdrew their ratification.

The problem goes deeper than the senile lowlife currently infesting the White House:

[Biden] said nothing about the archivist declaring or certifying anything about the 1972 ERA.

Led by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., 47 Senate Democrats recently wrote Biden asking that he order the archivist to do so.

If Democrats had the leverage, they would simply declare the dead amendment to have passed and count on a Supreme Court that they would pack with Ketanji Brown Jackson types to back them up.

Leftists unilaterally declared a constitutional right to abortion with Roe v. Wade. Why not add amendments according to their whim?

That ignoring procedure would render the Constitution meaningless is not a bug but a feature. Whatever limits their power, Democrats seek to destroy. The same goes for anything that defines America.

On tips from Wiggins and MrRightWingDave.

Dec 07 2024

Arrested by Feds for Making Climate Change

Between now and January 20 is the time not only for last-minute looting and outrageous pardons, but for pushing the envelope of administrative state tyranny even further before the incoming administration can scale it back.

The Environmental Protection Agency is going over the top to enforce the maliciously anti-industry American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act (named as appropriately as the inflationary Inflation Reduction Act).

Via Fox News:

The AIM Act led to the arrest of Michael Hart, of San Diego, in March on charges related to “smuggling potent greenhouse gases,” highlighted in the EPA report. The charges marked the first-ever greenhouse gas-related arrest issued under the AIM Act, but according to an EPA press release from earlier this year, “it will not be the last.”

Better stay away from bean burritos until the EPA has been reined in — or better still abolished.

EPA tyranny does not end with throwing people in prison for the imaginary offense of making the weather be too warm:

Additionally, the EPA reported issuing $1.7 billion in administrative and judicial penalties…

The agency’s environmental enforcement efforts also saw 1,851 civil cases concluded, 121 criminal defendants charged, and it issued more than 225 million pounds of “pollution reductions” in “overburdened communities,” according to the report. As of the end of 2024, there are about 480 open criminal investigations on environmental programs.

Ideologically deranged federal bureauweenies are a menace to both liberty and the economy. DOGE should have no difficulty finding good reason to fire virtually all of them.

Biden has made issuing green energy projects a focus of his administration, most recently handing out billions of dollars to fund climate-related projects in the remaining months of his term before President-elect Trump steps into office.

Looting the treasury for the sake of flagrantly wasteful spending will remain a Democrat priority to the bitter end.

On tips from Chuck A and R F.

Oct 23 2024

Biden Calls for Imprisoning Opposition

Looks like Democrats are losing faith in election fraud. The incumbent president is calling for the opposition to be thrown in prison:

Even Biden was sentient enough to sort of walk it back with “politically lock him up” after the audience cheered. Not Kamala Harris though:

Harris has not yet condemned Biden’s statement, though the Trump campaign has called on her to do so.

Ask someone who would know — like David Daleiden — whether Kamala Harris would refrain from locking up political opponents.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Wiggins.

Oct 23 2024

Rudy Giuliani’s Property Confiscated

Watch what you say about election fraud. It could cost you your belongings:

A Manhattan judge on Tuesday ordered Rudy Giuliani to turn over control of his Upper East Side condo and prized Yankees memorabilia to two Georgia election workers he defamed by falsely claiming they tried to cheat former President Donald Trump out of the 2020 election. …

The three-bedroom, three-bathroom condo, priced at $5.175 million as of earlier this month, boasts a wood-paneled library, a wood-burning fireplace and views of Central Park, real estate listings show.

The lucky beneficiaries of the $148 million defamation case are Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Wandrea “Shaye” Moss, who claim they faced threats and racist verbal attacks, not by Giuliani but because of him.

It isn’t just about money; it’s about inflicting pain and humiliation:

“The Court also does not doubt that certain of the items may have sentimental value to Defendant,” [Manhattan federal judge Lewis] Liman wrote in the 24-page ruling.

God help anyone associated with Donald Trump who comes before a Manhattan judge.

Giuliani was called “America’s Mayor” for rising to the occasion after 9/11, helping New Yorkers to feel that everything would be all right because competent adults were in charge. Adults are no longer in charge. Hopefully, we can fix that.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Oct 17 2024

Crackdown on Opposition to Abortion in UK and USA

The USA and UK have comprised a powerful trans-Atlantic alliance in defense of liberty. Under leftist control, the opposite is becoming true, as moonbats curtail freedom in the name of their unholiest sacrament, abortion.

Silent prayer continues to get Britons in hot water with their government:

Adam Smith-Connor, who served in Afghanistan, was prosecuted for breaching a ban on protests within a buffer zone around a clinic in Bournemouth, Dorset, in November 2022. His head was bowed and hands were clasped as he prayed for his unborn son Jacob, whom he now regrets aborting more than two decades ago. …

Smith-Connor must now pay £9,000 (€10,770) in legal costs to the prosecution, just for praying in his head for three minutes.

As warned here the day before yesterday,

The disgraceful fate of the UK will befall the USA if Democrats are not pried from power soon.

It has already begun:

Bevelyn Beatty Williams turned herself in to federal prison on Wednesday after the Biden-Harris Department of Justice charged her with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act for preaching the Gospel outside of a New York abortion facility.

The same act was exploited by the FBI to terrorize pro-lifer Mark Houck.

The pro-life activist was sentenced to three years and five months in February following a years-long legal battle with the state of New York. Williams attempted to appeal the ruling in July, but U.S. District Judge Jennifer L. Rochon, who was appointed by President Joe Biden, denied the appeal.

Rochon’s denial is consistent with the objectives of the regime that appointed her.

In recent years the Biden-Harris administration has used the FACE Act to maximalize convictions and sentencing for pro-life activists, turning misdemeanors into felonies.

Williams is a stay-at-home mother, a demographic liberal social engineers aim to eradicate.

A word from her husband on how the draconian punishment is affecting their family:

On tips from Chris Neilson and MrRightWingDave.

Oct 17 2024

Kamala Confirms She Will Use Military Against Us

It has become a cliché because it is so true: Democrats reflexively accuse their opponents of doing what they themselves are up to. In light of the recent revelation that the Biden/Harris regime has authorized the military to kill American citizens on US soil, this makes her otherwise incomprehensible allegation that Trump will use the military to silence political opponents alarming in the extreme:

Trump will win. Democrats will steal the election through brazen fraud. People will complain. Biden/Harris will call in the military to shut them up. Hopefully it won’t play out like this, but if it does, we won’t be able to say we couldn’t see it coming.

On a tip from Varla.

Oct 16 2024

Biden/Harris Regime Authorizes Military to Kill Us

A candidate as conspicuously awful as Kamala Harris, representing a degenerate ruling class antithetical to the American people, is not likely to win a fair election against a successful former president, no matter how heavy a thumb the MSM and Big Tech lay on the scale. Other arrangements may have been made.

The preposterous hype over January 6 that Democrats dragged out for years was more than an attempt to discredit Trump through association with unruly supporters. Democrats have been laying the groundwork to respond with draconian force against those who protest against election fraud.

Coming just before the election, this may be more groundwork:

Biden’s corrupt Department of Justice has issued orders authorizing the U.S. military to use lethal force against American citizens as a video clip of Kamala Harris fantasizing about using force to censor free speech goes viral.

Cackala has made her authoritarianism explicit:

Federal Directive 5240.01 brings in the military. From the directive:

Defense Intelligence Components may provide personnel to assist a Federal department or agency, including a Federal law enforcement agency, or a State or local law enforcement agency when lives are in danger…

Assistance in responding with assets with potential for lethality, or any situation in which it is reasonably foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of force that is likely to result in lethal force, including death or serious bodily injury. It also includes all support to civilian law enforcement officials in situations where a confrontation between civilian law enforcement and civilian individuals or groups is reasonably anticipated.

Never mind the Posse Comitatus Act; the Biden/Harris regime has told the Pentagon it can kill US citizens on American soil.

If Democrats pull a steal in November, they may keep yapping about “Our Democracy,” but not even liberals will be expected to take it seriously. The USA will be a police state.

On tips from 100 Bravo, ABC of the ANC, and Wiggins.

Oct 15 2024

UK Law Could Criminalize Praying in Your Own House

Formerly great Britain has succumbed to moonbattery to such an extreme that you can be arrested for silently praying in public. At least you can still pray at home — if not for long:

Scotland has enacted new abortion legislation that could criminalize praying at home within designated zones. The Abortion Services Act (Scotland) 2024 could result in prosecution for activities conducted in their own homes if these actions cause “harassment, alarm, or distress” to staff and patients at abortion clinics.

Even suspecting that someone might be praying for the innocent lives they snuff out distresses the belligerently sensitive fiends who run abortion clinics.

Residents in Edinburgh received letters warning them about the new law, The Telegraph reported, noting that the legislation establishes 200-meter “safe access zones” around all abortion clinics in the country.

Before long, all of Airstrip One will be a “safe access zone” — i.e., subject to the last extremes of leftist tyranny.

Those who risk being seen through the window praying have been warned that serious offenses carry an unlimited fine.

It is fitting that progressives are criminalizing Christianity in the name of abortion, which serves them as a satanic sacrament (see here, here, and here).

In other British legislative news, Two-Tier Keir Starmer’s party is pushing a law that “would force business owners, such as publicans, to employ Stasi-style speech police to comply with the government diktats” so that no one can say anything politically incorrect in pubs.

The disgraceful fate of the UK will befall the USA if Democrats are not pried from power soon.

On a tip from Bluto.

Sep 29 2024

Kerry and Carville Reveal Tyrannical Mindset

Democrats shriek that Trump wants to be a dictator and that their opponents are threats to democracy. From this, we can conclude that their designs are tyrannical. Prominent Democrats like John Kerry and James Carville confirm it.

The odious John Kerry was nearly elected President of the USA, which so horrified yours truly that it inspired the creation of this website. Here’s what he recently told his fellow globalists at the World Economic Forum regarding freedom of speech:

But look, if people go to only one source and the source they go to is sick [i.e., does not comply with leftist doctrine] and, you know, has an agenda and they’re putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence.

It = dissenting opinion and factual information that the Democratic Party would prefer for us not to be aware of.

This guy was Secretary of State under Obama. Here’s what he’s out there telling people about our problematic Constitution:

Regarding James Carville, who played a major role in putting Bill Clinton in power and has been a prominent voice in Democrat politics for decades, The Hill reports:

Carville suggested that Democrats should embrace “autocracy” ahead of the November election, arguing not everyone should have “a seat at the table.”

“I would always tell people in campaigns: If you want a democracy after the election, you have to have an autocracy before the election,” Carville said during his Friday appearance on Politico’s “Playbook Deep Dive” podcast.

By “democracy,” Carville means “Democrat rule.” Odds that Carville’s party will change course and offer seats at the table to everyone after they have consolidated power are slim.

On tips from Anonymous, Stormfax, and WDS 2.0. Hat tips: Pirate’s Cove, Geller Report.

Sep 25 2024

Soros Moves to Take Over Radio

Meanwhile, as we focus on the election, unelected top plutocrat George Soros is seizing control of over 200 radio stations, including platforms for big name conservatives like Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, and Sean Hannity. With Democrats in control, the skids are greased:

[Last] Wednesday, the FCC reportedly adopted an order to approve the purchase, meaning that in a matter of days, Soros will likely take control of communications to over 165 million Americans with the help of unvetted foreign investors whom Democrats have spared from the FCC’s customary national security review process.

No one familiar with their border policy could expect Democrats to protect America from nefarious foreign elements.

Soros took advantage of radio network Audacy’s bankruptcy to become its primary shareholder through Soros Fund Management.

Audacy asked the FCC to approve the transfer of its broadcast licenses to the reorganized company.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and other critics noted, however, that such a transfer would be problematic as the reorganized company would exceed legally acceptable foreign ownership limits.

Legal limits don’t apply to friends of Democrats.

Audacy requested that the five-member FCC, which has a Democratic majority, take the unprecedented step of not only waiving the foreign ownership restriction in order to allow the purchase to move forward but of putting off a national security review of the stations’ foreign-interest holders.

The FCC acceded along partisan lines, confirming the political implications.

NPR president Katherine Maher, a censorious alumna of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leader program who previously worked at the National Democratic Institute, which is primarily funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, provided a possible clue as to why her fellow travelers might want to take control of American radio stations.

Opines Maher:

“Control over the flow of information in a closed society can be tantamount to control over the state.”

A closed society is exactly what Soros et al. have in mind. This is why they call it Open Society Foundations, in the moonbat tradition of calling everything the opposite of what it really is.

If you liked what George Soros did to public safety by installing pro-criminal DAs throughout the country,* you’ll love what he does to radio.

Liberals have tried and failed to compete with conservatives in the talk radio format. Anyone remember Air America? So they will destroy it.

The internet has marginalized radio to some extent. But Democrats will be coming for that too. Consider where Google is putting its money:

On tips from Wiggins, MrRightWingDave, Mr. Freemarket, and The Great Cornholio

*Including Alvin Bragg (New York), George Gascon (Los Angeles), Kim Foxx (Chicago), Kim Ogg (Houston), Larry Krasner (Philadelphia), Chesa Boudin (San Francisco), Kim Gardner (St Louis), Marilyn Mosby (Baltimore), Monique Worrell (central Florida), Jason Williams (New Orleans), Pamela Price (Oakland), Jacqueline Sartoris (Cumberland County, Maine).

Sep 23 2024

Hillary Clinton Plans for Her White House Return

A week ago, Hillary Clinton looked scarier than ever on MSNBC proclaiming that those who express views she disagrees with should be thrown in jail. The consequences of this fiend returning to the White House would not be pretty — and it could happen:

Hillary Clinton confirmed she is open to joining a Kamala Harris administration if the Democrats win the White House in the November election.

Shrieks Shrillary:

“Well, certainly, unofficially I want to be as helpful as I can, and would do anything I was asked to be helpful.”

In case the hair isn’t yet standing up on the back of your neck, she continues:

“I’m very optimistic about a Harris-Walz administration because I think it not only has the capacity to deal with all the problems we know but maybe to lower the temperature in the country.”

Prominent among those problems from her point of view are you and your right to express views that conflict with Democratic Party dogma. By “lower the temperature,” she means suppress dissent.

Comrade Cackala is so conspicuously incompetent, it is difficult to believe she wouldn’t be limited to the role of DEI figurehead. But that’s no cause for relief if the country is run by people like this:

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Sep 18 2024

Another Alarming Kamala Quote

Imagine how any of the Founding Fathers would have reacted to this:

You home is not your home. It is the government’s home.

If people like Kamala Harris are allowed to consolidate power, this will not even vaguely resemble America.

On tips from WDS 2.0, Varla, and Wiggins.

Sep 15 2024

Groundwork Laid to Rescind Constitution

Rendering the Supreme Court moot by packing it with rubber stamps so that it can no longer serve as a brake on tyranny is only one aspect of a broader attack on our freedom planned by Democrats. As legal expert Jonathan Turley details, the liberal establishment has been laying the groundwork in both academia and the media to rescind the US Constitution so as to impose the brand of government it has protected us from for centuries:

Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the UC Berkeley law school, is author of “No Democracy Lasts Forever: How the Constitution Threatens the United States,” published last month. …

In the New York Times, book critic Jennifer Szalai scoffs at what she calls “Constitution worship.”

Szalai suggests that we need to be “saved from” the Constitution.

In a 2022 New York Times op-ed, “The Constitution Is Broken and Should Not Be Reclaimed,” law professors Ryan D. Doerfler of Harvard and Samuel Moyn of Yale called for liberals to “reclaim America from constitutionalism.” …

The Nation’s Elie Mystal calls the Constitution “trash” and urges the abolition of the U.S. Senate. Rosa Brooks of Georgetown Law School complains that Americans are “slaves” to the Constitution.

Liberals particularly hate that the Constitution upholds our right to dispute their ideology:

Barbara McQuade of the University of Michigan Law School has called free speech America’s “Achilles’ heel.” In another Times op-ed, “The First Amendment Is Out of Control,” Columbia law professor Tim Wu, a former Biden White House aide, asserts that free speech “now mostly protects corporate interests” …

That which leftists accuse of protecting corporate interests, no matter how incongruously, has been marked for destruction.

George Washington University Law’s Mary Ann Franks complains that the First Amendment (and also the Second) is too “aggressively individualistic” and endangers “domestic tranquility” and “general welfare.”

Anyone who wants to deprive you of your right to your opinion and to defend yourself is your enemy. That goes double for Democrats, who intend to impose Soviet-style single-party rule.

On a tip from Varla.


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