NJ Teachers No Longer Need to Know the Three R’s
Where DEI reigns supreme, competing standards must be abolished, for they are potentially racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/fatphobic/ableist/etc. Therefore, teachers are no longer required to be able to read, write, or do math — at least, not in New Jersey, thanks to a new law that goes into effect today.
Via Daily Caller:
Individuals seeking an instructional certificate will no longer need to pass a “basic skills” test administered by the state’s Commissioner of Education.
Democratic State Senator Jim Beach sponsored the bill. He says it is the best way to recruit more teachers. Paying them more wouldn’t work, because teachers are already compensated handsomely for cushy jobs by New Jersey taxpayers.
A powerful teachers union, the New Jersey Education Association, was a driving force behind the bill, calling the testing requirement “an unnecessary barrier to entering the profession.”
Maybe Big Unions are right for once. The three R’s are not relevant anymore, if all students need to learn is that white people are bad, homosexuality is good, and the planet is doomed unless we embrace hand-to-mouth Marxism.
New Jersey followed the example of New York, which scrapped basic literacy requirements for teachers in 2017 in the name of “diversity.”
Let’s see how well it has worked out in New York:
Only about half of New York students in grades three through eight tested as proficient in English and Math in the 2022 to 2023 school year despite the state spending almost twice the national average on education and New York teachers remaining some of the highest-paid in the country, according to the National Education Association.
Rather than recoil in horror at what New York is doing to its children’s future, New Jersey followed its example — confirming that Democrats know perfectly well the damage their policies will cause.
Hat tip: Maggie’s Farm.