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Apr 16 2023

Chicago Disintegrates Into Chaos

Pro-criminal, anti-police lunatic left mayoral candidate Brandon Johnson doesn’t even take office until next month, but the message has already gone out loud and clear and has been received — anything goes:

Todd Starnes reported on the scene in Chicago last night:

Several hundred teenagers are rioting in downtown Chicago and police officers are describing the scene as “complete anarchy.”

As they say, elections have consequences.

At least three people have been shot and a number of transit workers have been attacked and beaten by the mob. Video shows young thugs mounting cars and buses – terrorizing motorists.

At least one news crew was forced to take cover to avoid being shot and Northwestern University has been placed on lockdown to protect students. There are also reports that teens are trying to force their way into the Art Institute of Chicago.

The Democrat Death Spiral has reached the point of no return. Chicago is no longer part of the civilized world.

Batten down the hatches, Chicago. You voted for this.

The Democrats sure picked the right town for their 2024 convention. They must have felt nostalgic for 1968.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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4 Responses to “Chicago Disintegrates Into Chaos”

  1. […] did not even wait for ultramoonbat Brandon Johnson to take office before disintegrating into total anarchy. Unsurprisingly, Johnson sides with the […]

  2. […] Democratic National Convention won’t be held until August 2024 in the hellscape Democrats are making of Chicago, but the Satanic Temple offered a preview over the weekend with […]


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