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Jul 28 2022

Connecticut Pulls Entire Electric Bus Fleet

There is follow-up on Connecticut’s plans to switch to electric vehicles. As noted earlier, one of their extravagantly expensive, hazardous, environmentally destructive, yet for some reason politically correct electric buses did what EVs tend to do: spontaneously burst into flames. Now we read this:

As a result of the fire, the electric bus fleet was pulled from service as a precaution, [CTtransit spokesperson Josh] Rickman said.

Bleats Rickman,

“We have deployed diesel buses to make sure people get to where they need to be.”

Good thing Joe Biden has not yet finished making good on his promise to abolish fossil fuels.

Biden isn’t the only one who wants to do away with normal vehicles:

The Saturday fire came one day after state officials gathered in New Haven, including Department of Transportation Commissioner Joe Giulietti, Gov. Ned Lamont, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Commissioner Katie Dykes, to boast the success of the Clean Air Act that would restrict diesel vehicles and increase electric cars in the state.

Giulietti crowed that 800 Department of Transportation buses would be replaced with electric moonbatmobiles.

In addition to the electric state-run buses, public school buses will also shift to electric models, according to the governor’s statement. The Clean Air Act will also prohibit the procurement of diesel-powered buses after 2023, according to the statement.

The Clean Air Act will be promptly repealed, now that pulling the bus fleet makes it obviously unworkable. Just kidding. The entire liberal agenda is unworkable, yet Democrats will continue to double down on their malevolent lunacy until they are removed from power.

On a tip from Blackjack.


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