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Oct 07 2023

Corpses Rot at Green Funeral Home

Not even the dead are safe from the dysfunction that is inseparable from moonbattery:

The awful smell seeped from a neglected building in a small Colorado town for days, followed by a report that made police take a closer look at the “green” funeral operator’s storage facility. Inside, they made a gruesome discovery: At least 115 decaying bodies.

Investigators were tight-lipped Friday about exactly what they found inside the Return to Nature Funeral Home in Penrose, Colorado, but their plans to bring in teams that usually deal with airline crashes, coroners from nearby jurisdictions and the FBI pointed to a grim mess.

On the bright side, FBI agents inspecting rotting corpses at environmentally correct funeral parlors may be too busy to investigate Trump supporters.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.


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