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Aug 14 2024

Court Denies Helping Poor Is Christian Mission

No wonder Democrats have set their sites on the Supreme Court. They want to ensure correct rulings in cases like this one:

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Superior asked the Supreme Court [Friday] to overturn a decision of the Wisconsin Supreme Court and recognize that its care for the poor, the elderly, and the disabled is part of its religious mission. In Catholic Charities Bureau v. Wisconsin Labor & Industry Review Commission, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled 4-3 earlier this year that Catholic Charities’ service to the poor and needy did not count as “typical” religious activities. This means that Catholic Charities is prevented from leaving the state’s unemployment compensation program and joining the Wisconsin Catholic Church’s better program. …

Under Wisconsin law, non-profits that are operated for a religious purpose are generally exempt from the state’s unemployment compensation program. The Wisconsin Supreme Court, however, ruled that Catholic Charities was not exempt because it serves everyone, not just Catholics.

Serving everyone is consistent with the Christian religion, if not with the balkanized identity-group politics of the moonbat ruling class.

Democrats have their own mission: to exert control over every aspect of existence.

On a tip from Franco.


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