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May 26 2024

Court Forces Christian Institutions to Fund Abortion

Although the greatest threat to Christianity is subversion from within, its enemies still lay siege to it from without. For example:

New York’s highest court ruled on May 21 that it would uphold legislation requiring insurance companies to cover abortions.

This forces anyone providing health insurance to pay to snuff out innocent life in accordance with the proclivities of the morally depraved ruling class — including those who regard it as a grave moral sin.

The Diocese of Albany plans to appeal to the US Supreme Court:

The Diocese argued that “regulatory action by the state to require religious organizations to provide and pay for coverage of abortion in their employee health plans” is “unconstitutional” and “involves government entanglement in the fundamental rights of free exercise of faith and conscience.”

The effect of the ruling is to coerce the Church to abandon its own credibility by participating in sin that it explicitly condemns. Leftist-infested courts may as well issue a decree that priests must publicly praise Satan.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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