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Aug 21 2024

Defrock Cardinal Blase Cupich

To preserve its credibility, the Catholic Church needs to defrock clergy who make a mockery of Christianity by endorsing the satanic Democratic Party. Cardinal Blase Cupich might be a good place to start:

Cupich remained notably silent on Catholic teaching on life issues and abortion during his invocation at the 2024 Democratic National Convention, at which Planned Parenthood is offering free abortions and vasectomies.

Also featured at the DNC upon which Cupich placed his stamp of approval: a flying version of a golden calf in the form of an inflatable IUD named Freeda Womb.

Cupich’s prayer invocation was delivered to the assembled participants at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on August 19, in which he notably avoided mentioning Jesus Christ – a stark contrast to the invocation given by Archbishop Jerome Listecki at the Republican National Convention last month.

Corrupted pseudo-Christians won’t say “church”; why should they say “Jesus Christ”? The name may qualify as blasphemy against the sick antireligion known as moonbattery. The same goes for the Holy Cross, which Cupich hid as if ashamed:

On a tip from Jack D. Hat tips: Canon 212, Complicit Clergy.


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