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Jul 24 2024

Democrat Base Welcomes Netanyahu

Welcome to the USA under Democrat rule, Prime Minister Netanyahu:

Via Breitbart:

Anti-Israel protesters released maggots and mealworms in the hotel where Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is staying while visiting Washington, DC.

The Washington, DC; Maryland; and Virginia chapter of a pro-Palestinian organization called Palestinian Youth Movement posted a video on Instagram showing maggots and mealworms on a banquet table at the Watergate Hotel.

Jamaal Bowman can take pride:

The group added that fire alarms had been set off on several floors of the hotel for “over 30 minutes”…

It isn’t just scumbag activists. Netanyahu was invited to speak before a joint meeting of members of the House and Senate — yet:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) have both stated they will be boycotting “war criminal” Netanyahu’s speech.

That’s how prominent Democrats treat the leader of a close ally fighting for existence against Islamic terrorists.

You thought Biden was hostile to Israel, with his massive cash infusions for Hamas and pro-Islam propaganda in the aftermath of the October 7 terrorist atrocities? Stand by for Keffiyeh Kamala. She too boycotted Netanyahu’s speech:

Despite having become the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, she decided that an earlier commitment to the Zeta Phi Beta sorority’s convention in Indianapolis mattered more than a speech by the leader of one of America’s closest allies at a time of conflict and crisis in a region involving vital U.S. interests.

Ms. Harris is expected to meet Mr. Netanyahu during his visit to Washington, but the snub is unmistakable.

Like her fellow hard left radicals, Harris sides with Israel against Hamas:

NBC News reported that National Security Council officials “toned down” a draft of remarks Ms. Harris was to give on the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Israelis are “white adjacent” and therefore must be eradicated, according to her ideology.

Due to the leadership vacuum in the USA and Israel’s position at the front lines, Netanyahu is the de facto leader of the free world. As usual, he bore the responsibility well:

Netanyahu delivered a powerful speech to a special joint session of Congress on Wednesday, reminding the chamber that the U.S. has a stake in Israel’s fight against Hamas and Hezbollah terror.

But to the delight of Iran, Cackling Kamala — who is presumably our acting president now that Biden’s cognitive incapacitation has been acknowledged — couldn’t be bothered to listen.

“Our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory,” Netanyahu said.

He recalled the many attacks by Iran and its proxies against Americans, and noted Iran’s intent to target America after controlling the Middle East. In defending itself, he said, Israel was defending the United States as well.

As if to prove his point, the Democrat base, having gathered to support Hamas against Israel, burned Old Glory outside of Union Station:

That’s what our future will look like with Kamala et al. in control. The enemy is not just at the gates, but inside them.

On tips from Wiggins, David Kight, and Varla.


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6 Responses to “Democrat Base Welcomes Netanyahu”

  1. […] Many of the effects of this have been insidious. As we were reminded by the Democrat base’s welcoming party for Netanyahu, other effects are obvious to the […]

  2. […] into riots. Just the day before yesterday, they tore down the US flag from Union Station in DC, burned it, and replaced it with the Palestinian flag — which in the current context is equivalent to any […]

  3. […] Many of the effects of this have been insidious. As we were reminded by the Democrat base’s welcoming party for Netanyahu, other effects are obvious to the […]

  4. […] into riots. Just the day before yesterday, they tore down the US flag from Union Station in DC, burned it, and replaced it with the Palestinian flag — which in the current context is equivalent to any […]


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