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Jun 14 2024

Democrat Candidate Arrested for Hate Hoax

Hate hoaxes have a political subtext, because the intent is usually to prop up the Cultural Marxist ideology of the Democratic Party, according to which the core population is bad because it is mean to those who belong to identity groups outside the norm. Rarely though is the connection to politics this direct:

A Democratic candidate who blamed former President Donald Trump and other Republicans for “Hinduphobic” messages sent to him on social media was arrested after an investigation found that he had sent them himself.

The foiled hoaxer is Taral Patel, a commissioner candidate in Fort Bend County, Texas.

The Democrat was booked on a third-degree felony charge of online impersonation and a misdemeanor charge of misrepresentation of identity for sending himself racist messages after an investigation by the Fort Bend District Attorney’s Public Integrity Division and the Texas Rangers.

Integrity and Democrats are like oil and water.

Patel had secured his party’s nomination. Unsurprisingly, he previously worked in the Biden Administration.

Please welcome Taral Patel to the Hate Hoax List.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.


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