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Jul 11 2024

Democrats Not Hiding the Ball on Election Fraud

The main objective of the contrived hysteria following January 6 was not to hype a minor riot in a time of riots into an “insurrection” so as to unfairly wrap it around Trump’s neck and make him look bad. The point was the draconian punishment, whereby tourists caught up in a protest against election fraud might find themselves hunted down and thrown into solitary confinement. The message came across loud and clear: protest against rigged elections and the federal government may come down on you full force.

Democrats were foresighted to keep open the option of widespread fraud, considering their current predicament. It is beyond obvious that the corrupt, incompetent, and conspicuously senile leftist Joe Biden is unelectable. Even if he won’t step aside, the 25th Amendment could clear the way for a more serious candidate. But they have none in a position to secure the nomination. Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom are even more widely hated than Biden.

So it will come down to election fraud. Whether due to arrogance or desperation, Democrats aren’t even trying to hide the ball anymore. For example:

Democrat positioning in Michigan is alarming:

Senate bills 603 and 604 modify the requirements for conducting ballot recounts and prosecuting election-related crimes. …

Among other changes, the law will eliminate the board of canvasser’s investigative powers, instead requiring the board to refer any allegations of fraud to the relevant county prosecutor, rather than conducting a recount. …

Opponents say eliminating the canvassers’ investigatory powers and scrapping protections against election worker interference will make fraud more difficult to address and compromise election security. …

The new laws are effective immediately and will apply to the August primary races.

The many millions of illegal aliens Biden has imported to displace us will play a major role:

On tips from WDS 2.0.


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6 Responses to “Democrats Not Hiding the Ball on Election Fraud”

  1. […] enough, Democrats are no longer hiding the ball regarding election fraud. The next time you hear one screech about threats to “our […]

  2. […] enough, Democrats are no longer hiding the ball regarding election fraud. The next time you hear one screech about threats to “our democracy,” […]

  3. […] felon” more popular — and for good reason. They have laid the groundwork for large scale election fraud, but there are limits to what even Democrats can get away with. So now they are trying to kill […]

  4. […] felon” more popular — and for good reason. They have laid the groundwork for large scale election fraud, but there are limits to what even Democrats can get away with. So now they are trying to kill […]

  5. […] their money are soon parted. Coercive regulations are required for the same reason Democrats are setting the stage for election fraud: not all of us are […]

  6. […] efforts complement those of Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who has laid the groundwork for massive election […]


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