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Jul 22 2024

Democrats Overrule Their Own Voters

Kamala is cackling like never before. The joke is on you, Democrat primary voters:

On a tip from KirklesWorth.


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7 Responses to “Democrats Overrule Their Own Voters”

  1. […] What do you expect when you pull a switcheroo and overrule your own voters? […]

  2. […] by liberal establishment standards, the arrogance is astonishing. Overruling its own voters, the Democratic Party is attempting to install Kamala Harris as the next president. […]

  3. […] by liberal establishment standards, the arrogance is astonishing. Overruling its own voters, the Democratic Party is attempting to install Kamala Harris as the next president. […]

  4. […] that Queen Kamala has been coronated by the shadowy forces controlling the Democratic Party, the liberal media is once again all on the […]

  5. […] that Queen Kamala has been coronated by the shadowy forces controlling the Democratic Party, the liberal media is once again all on the […]


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