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Jul 23 2024

Demographic Displacement and Rape

One inevitable consequence of displacing the native population with the dregs of the Third World is rape. This can be seen from one side of the Atlantic

A young Australian tourist’s visit to Paris turned into a nightmare after she was gang raped by five men [Sunday]. Police have described her assailants as being “African type individuals.” …

French users on social media were not shocked to hear of the news, with many noting that Paris has experienced a spike in rapes coinciding with mass migration from Africa and the Middle East. …

In 2023 there were approximately 94,900 sexual offense recorded by the police across France, a significant increase when compared with the previous year when around 84,500 sexual offenses were reported to the authorities.

Recent statistics have revealed that 77% of rapes which occurred in the nation’s capital were committed by men with a foreign background.

to the other:

[The sanctuary city New York] has seen an alarming 11% jump in rapes this year — with some sections of the city seeing their numbers more than double. …

Christian Inga, a Venezuelan migrant who lived in Corona, was arrested for the rape of a 13-year-old girl at knifepoint…

The teen’s father … said the family has been in despair since the vicious attack. …

He … blamed President Biden’s disastrous open-border policy for allowing career criminals to easily enter the US.

Past generations would have defended their countries and their women. But now we are more enlightened. We have left xenophobia and toxic masculinity behind us — in favor of cultural genocide and rape.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and WDS 2.0.


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2 Responses to “Demographic Displacement and Rape”

  1. […] No, not the epidemic of rape caused by demographic displacement: […]


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