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Jul 12 2024

Dems in Senate Greenlight Voting by Illegal Aliens

Sure enough, Democrats are no longer hiding the ball regarding election fraud. The next time you hear one screech about threats to “our democracy,” remind him/her/zir/it of this:

We have to allow foreign invaders who are in the country illegally to enslave us via the welfare state by voting for the Democratic Party, because otherwise the sort of people who hate regular Americans for being white will call us racists:

It isn’t just conspicuous traitors like John Kerry and influence peddlers like Joe Biden. The Democratic Party is treasonous to its core.

On tips from Jester.


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4 Responses to “Dems in Senate Greenlight Voting by Illegal Aliens”

  1. […] are barely hiding the ball regarding their intention to cheat. They have greenlit voting by the illegal aliens they import. Michigan’s dorky but frightening Gretchen Whitmer […]

  2. […] are barely hiding the ball regarding their intention to cheat. They have greenlit voting by the illegal aliens they import. Michigan’s dorky but frightening Gretchen Whitmer […]

  3. […] find voters; they import them on an illegal basis from dysfunctional Third World hellholes (see here, here, here, here, etc.). Here’s where they get crowds to attend the rallies of the […]

  4. […] find voters; they import them on an illegal basis from dysfunctional Third World hellholes (see here, here, here, here, etc.). Here’s where they get crowds to attend the rallies of the infamously […]


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