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Mar 30 2022

Disney Embraces Evil

Satan’s work in America must be nearly complete. Disney — an iconic company based on entertainment for kids — now promotes the depraved sexual corruption of children as a matter of corporate policy.

Disney opposes a Florida bill that protects children from being corrupted through deviant sexual indoctrination by their teachers in kindergarten through third grade. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Via Fox Business:

In videos posted by journalist Christopher F. Rufo, Disney officials can be seen talking to employees at an “all-hands” meeting about the Florida bill, recently signed into law by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, and saying some teams at Disney have implemented an openly “gay agenda.”

The gay agenda takes degeneracy to extremes never before tolerated in the modern world.

Here’s how Disney people “reimagine tomorrow”:

What could be more abhorrent than pushing sexual depravity onto children?

President of Disney’s General Entertainment Content Karey Burke revealed on a Zoom call that for her, molding children to be homosexual starts at home. From the New York Post:

“I’m here as a mother of two queer children, actually,” Burke said on the call. “One transgender child and one pansexual child, and also as a leader.”

Only at Disney and in the deepest pit in hell could you hear a mother boasting of grooming a “pansexual child.”

This top executive’s social engineering objectives are more ambitious than merely perverting her own children.

Burke said she supports featuring “many, many” characters who are LGBTQIA, which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (or questioning), intersex, and asexual (or allies).

By the end of the year, Burke said she wants at least half of the entertainment giant’s characters to be LGBTQIA or racial minorities.

Disney doesn’t produce entertainment. It produces propaganda.

Presenting Karey Burke:

Now that leftists dominate the business world, the evil corporations they used to shriek about actually exist. Evil is not seeking to maximize profits. Evil is what Disney does.

Virtually everyone in the government and media is complicit in the corruption that characterizes Disney, either actively or passively. Two rare exceptions are Ron DeSantis and Tucker Carlson:

DeSantis openly accused Disney of being obsessed with sexualising children Tuesday, questioning why the company is choosing “the hill to die on” as having “transgenderism injected into kindergarten classrooms.”

Appearing on Tucker Carlson’s show, DeSantis was reacting to Disney’s public rebuke of his “Parents Rights in Education” bill which prevents children as young as kindergarten age being taught about transgender and gay sex issues in schools. …

Carlson charged that Disney has a “fixation on the sexuality of children” pointing to recent reports that four employees of the media giant were charged with human trafficking in Florida, with one having allegedly sent sexually explicit texts to a law enforcement agent posing as a teenage child.

Disney is an abomination that should be abolished in the name of decency.

On tips from Franco, Occam’s Stubble, KirklesWorth, and JackisBack.


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5 Responses to “Disney Embraces Evil”

  1. […] kooks and cretins of Tinseltown as well as malign corporations like Disney are enraged because Florida has taken a baby step toward protecting children third grade and […]

  2. […] blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on Disney embracing […]

  3. […] corporate culture that openly obsesses on sexually subverting children doesn’t look any prettier when you take a peek behind the […]

  4. […] many children come by transsexuality on their own. They are coaxed into it by their teachers, Disney, social media, et cetera. It is actually good advice not to mess with them, as Sarah Corriher […]

  5. […] has fully embraced the depraved liberal agenda, advocating the sexual corruption of children and alienating all […]


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