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Jun 08 2023

Diversity Knifes French 3-Year-Olds

Suppressing gun rights doesn’t work. Maybe defending the border to prevent foreign conquest by mass immigration is worth a try. From France:

Several children, all around the age of three, have been stabbed in a lakeside playground attack in France by a man wielding a knife in the French Alps town of Annecy. …

Four young children and an adult were injured, according to police. That number could be subject to change as the situation evolves.

Two of the children suffered life-threatening injuries while the other two are slightly hurt, police said. They added that the adult also suffered life-threatening wounds. …

The alleged attacker is said to be a Syrian national, police sources told local media.

This one didn’t have the body count of prior acts of multicultural outreach by France’s Arab conquerors. In 2015, Muslims killed 17 at the offices of Charlie Hebdo and 130 in the synchronized attacks that included the Bataclan nightclub in Paris. The next year on Bastille Day, Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel killed 84 in Nice with a truck. However, the age of the Annecy victims may cause this to stick in people’s minds.

Eventually even a country as rotted through with leftist ideology as France starts to push back. Either that or it just dies.

On a tip from Bluto.


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