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Aug 15 2024

Do Not Succumb to Operation Demoralize

The media is trying to gaslight us not only that Kamala Harris is an acceptable candidate, not only that people have abruptly started to like her, but even that her victory is inevitable. William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection encourages countermoonbats not to fall for it:

Radical leftists like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz consolidating control of the federal government is unthinkable. Even if they were winning in a landslide, it would be an American’s patriotic duty to go down fighting. Not long ago, we were willing to go up in a mushroom cloud before submitting to communist rule — and that was before communists started cutting the genitals off children.

To the extent the polls can be taken seriously, they reflect a honeymoon bump resulting from media hype and relief at Biden finally going away. The level of empty propaganda required to pass off Cackala as someone a sane person would vote for cannot be sustained for more than a few weeks. How glorious it will be if she not only goes down in flames but takes the discredited mainstream media with her.

Speaking of the mainstream media, center-right establishment platforms do not help matters by harping on Trump’s imperfections and monotonously repeating the Democrat talking point that J.D. Vance once said “cat ladies.”


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