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Jul 11 2022

Dutch Farmer’s Daughter’s Excellent Advice for Americans

They used to talk about the proletariat. Now it’s the climate. However, the objective is the same: global totalitarian rule. In Holland, they have declared war on agriculture to consolidate power. Farmers pushed back; authorities responded by firing on a kid driving a tractor. The daughter of a Dutch farmer has good reason to advise Americans to hold tight to the Second Amendment:

She mentions Sri Lanka, another country where the food supply has been constricted in the name of leftist climate ideology. Pushback has now brought down that government:

Both the president and the prime minister of Sri Lanka are resigning in the wake of massive mobs storming and occupying their residences, burning the PM’s private house and refusing to leave the presidential palace until both men are out of office.

Here’s why the mob acted appropriately:

Sri Lanka foolishly signed on to the green initiative in farming, going organic and limiting the importation and use of chemical fertilizers. Food production, including tea, a vital export earner of foreign exchange, collapsed, and now the government is broke, people are hungry.

Similar tyrants are imposing the same agenda in America, ignoring the Supreme Court in the process. If Sri Lankans will rise up against green tyranny, maybe Americans will too.

As Leonardo da Vinci observed, it is easier to resist at the beginning than it is at the end. We are now at the end of the beginning in the war between humanity and the Liberal World Order.

Sky News Australia puts the Dutch rebellion in the context of the global ruling class’s attempted Great Reset:

On tips from seaoh and Mr. Freemarket.


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2 Responses to “Dutch Farmer’s Daughter’s Excellent Advice for Americans”

  1. […] as much as 30% of the population of Cambodia. Fortunately, pushback has begun — and not only in the Netherlands. Sri Lanka’s president Gotabaya Rajapaksa has been toppled for inflicting green […]

  2. […] pushback against moonbattery doesn’t stop in Holland and Sri Lanka. Resistance is as global as the ambitions of what Biden’s people call the […]


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