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Jul 28 2024

EV Battery Ignites in Elevator

Bad enough when a truckload of EV batteries bursts into flames and shuts down a major highway for hours on end. Worse still is when someone get stuck in an elevator with one of these hazardous devices. Even ebike batteries can put your life at risk:

No worries…

While the video is undoubtedly alarming, it’s crucial to avoid panic and misinformation. The incident should serve as a reminder to handle EV batteries with caution, but it doesn’t negate the numerous benefits of electric vehicles.

These advantages consist of allowing leftist pols to virtue signal about what they are willing to do to us in the name of the environment by imposing electric vehicles. Also, there are certain economic advantages for the communist Chinese and their assets in the West. No other benefits of electric vehicles come to mind.

On a tip from Varla.


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