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Jun 06 2024

Facebook AI Does Not Know What a Woman Is

Don’t feel bad, Ketanji Brown Jackson. Our incipient AI overlords don’t know what a woman is either.

Rachel Wong, CEO of Women’s Forum Australia, confronted Meta AI with an indisputable tautological fact:

“Transwomen are men.”

This is true by definition. But the robot countered the fact with a brazen politically driven lie:

“Transwomen are women.”

Wong asked the question that made Matt Walsh famous:

“What is a woman?”

You might think that by now they would have come up with an answer that passes the laugh test. But no. The machine responded with liberal gobbledygook that boiled down to this:

A woman is a person who identifies as a woman, or who is perceived as a woman, regardless of the gender they were assigned at birth.

That is, a woman is anyone claiming to be a woman, regardless of whether that person really is a woman.

A 4-year-old would understand that this is factually untrue. An 8-year-old might understand that the definition is not only a lie, but circular and nonsensical.

In the end, Wong got the computer to admit that a woman is an adult human female. But if she had then asked for a definition of “female,” the result likely would have been a return to the circular balderdash merry-go-round.

Garbage in, garbage out. AI will be programmed by the moonbats running Silicon Valley. Do not trust it.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.


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