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Oct 12 2020

Florida Street to Be Named After Hoodlum

A healthy society memorializes great people. A society sick with moonbattery does the opposite:

Trayvon Martin’s name will be added to section of an avenue that leads to a high school he attended in Miami.

Martin had been suspended from this school for the third time when he was shot in self-defense by a neighborhood watch captain whose head he had been bashing against the sidewalk.

Since Martin was black and George Zimmerman is what the media disparagingly calls a “white Hispanic,” Martin is regarded as a hero by the liberal establishment, despite his apparent involvement in illicit drugs, vandalism, and burglary — not to mention his attempted murder of Zimmerman. Martin’s timely death gave birth to the term “Black Lives Matter,” which became the motto of looters, arsonists, vandals, and liberals throughout the country.

The portion of the county-owned road will be called “Trayvon Martin Avenue.” Officials say the new signs should be ready within a few weeks.

A society that names roads after people like Trayvon Martin deserves to be dominated by thugs.

On a tip from WDS.


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