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Aug 02 2024

Free Phones for Illegal Aliens

Let’s see, what else can we do to encourage parasites from every corner of the world to flood across the undefended border so as to suck our blood and displace us from our country? California has the answer — give them free phones:

The California Public Utilities Commission issued a proposed decision last week that all Californians should have access to a state cell phone service subsidy program, even if they don’t have a Social Security number…

Some illegal aliens have not bothered to illicitly acquire other people’s Social Security numbers. It would be racist and xenophobic to deny them phones paid for by someone else on that basis.

Privileged identity groups whose interests come before ours and who have been oppressed by the need to have a Social Security number to get a free phone include not only illegal aliens but also “unhoused individuals who might have had their documents taken during an encampment sweep.”

Applicants will also be able to submit current foreign government identification documents.

Why bother expropriating wealth from US taxpayers if you’re only going to give it to Americans?

It is particularly important to give moochers free phones, because it allows them to access still more free money, according to Lena Silver, director of policy and administrative advocacy for Neighborhood Legal Services Los Angeles:

“Having a phone is so crucial to gaining access to all the other public benefits. … If you don’t have a phone, it’s going to be really difficult to access WIC, CalFresh and other services,” Silver said.

Get to work, taxpayers. Someone has to generate wealth to pay for all this.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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3 Responses to “Free Phones for Illegal Aliens”

  1. […] Free phones are only the beginning of the largesse Democrats will bestow upon the foreign invaders they have imported on an illegal basis to displace us from our country. From the libs at Newsbleak: […]


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