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Jul 11 2024

Germans Keep Releasing Nigerian Maniac

An unnamed Nigerian demonstrates how left-wing lawlessness helps Germany’s replacement population enrich the multicultural tapestry:

On Friday, at 12:45 p.m., the man grabbed a 9-year-old boy at the main station in Karlsruhe in the state of Baden-Würtemberg, located in the southwest of Germany. Police intervened to save the boy, and the African man bit one of the officers, while three police suffered abrasions during the scuffle.

Then, 13 hours later, the same man wanted to travel without a ticket and got on a night train at 1:50 a.m.

Again the police confronted him. It didn’t turn out well:

“The man put up considerable resistance and repeatedly stabbed the officers from behind with the blade of a cutter knife,” said a police spokeswoman. One of the officers was stabbed in the head, arm and hand, while another officer was cut on his leg.

At least the public is now safe from this maniac, right? Wrong. Under moonbat rule, those in charge are on his side.

Despite attempts to charge the man, the public prosecutor released the Nigerian.

He immediately went back to riding the train without purchasing a ticket, and on Saturday at 7 a.m., a police spokeswoman described how he once again attacked a federal police officer when he was stopped.

He was arrested again, but…

The man was simply released by a public prosecutor even after the officers applied for an arrest warrant twice.

I thought it was only in the USA that George Soros is in charge of appointing prosecutors.

Either we scrape moonbats from power or civilization collapses.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and WDS 2.0.


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