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Jul 22 2024

Green Odyssey Ends in Death

Ecorighteous posturing is all fun and games — until someone gets killed:

Brett Clibbery and Sarah Packwood were found after their raft washed ashore on Sable Island, around 108 miles southeast of mainland Nova Scotia…

Despite having different names, they were married. They had abandoned their yacht for the life raft for unknown reasons.

They dubbed their latest adventure the green odyssey, a nod to the yacht being powered by a battery from an electric Nissan Leaf car and six solar panels.

Prior to the ill-fated adventure, Clibbery proclaimed:

“We’re doing everything we can to show that you can travel without burning fossil fuels.”

You can. But why would you want to?

Some experts said the addition of the solar panels and battery pack will have added weight to the yacht and made it potentially unstable. There were also fears that salt water may have led to the lithium battery pack being corroded and catching fire.

Best not to rely on EV batteries and solar energy.

On a tip from Steve T.


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