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Jul 25 2024

Human Rights for the Spirits of the Forest

No matter how insane the Democratic Party becomes, overpriced law schools will egg it on to new extremes by pushing the envelope further still:

A relatively new legal field gaining traction aims to establish rights for natural formations and other inanimate objects.

One of the law schools leading the charge for this novel legal theory is New York University School of Law, which in 2022 launched the More Than Human Life Project, or MOTH, an initiative of the law school’s Earth Rights Research and Action Clinic. …

More Than Human Life’s founding director, César Rodriguez-Garavito, who chairs the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at NYU Law, stated that MOTH was inspired by a 2021 decision by the Constitutional Court of Ecuador, the nation’s highest court, holding that mining operations in the Los Cedros forest had violated the rights of Pacha Mama, or “mother nature.”

Mother Nature can even hold a copyright:

MOTH attorneys currently seek to argue before an Ecuadorian judge that a song by British musician Cosmo Sheldrake that features sounds of birds, animals and wind noises recorded at Los Cedros should be copyrighted as a joint creation of human and non-human entities.

According to Rodriguez-Garavito, “The forest is alive, there are spirits in the forest, they are the real rulers of the forest.” So be sure to pay them royalties if you make any forest noises.

It isn’t just NYU:

Harvard University will offer a course this fall titled “Rights of Nature” that “will examine this fast-growing field, assessing the origins, practice, and potential of granting legal personhood to natural objects.”

The point of granting human rights to rock formations and imaginary spirits? Christian bioethicist Wesley Smith offers a clue:

“If everything has rights, one could say that nothing really does.”

He compares it to the way the value of our money is destroyed through inflation.

The immediate purpose is to suppress economic development in the name of envirofascism on the Democrat principle that the poorer we are, the easier we are to rule.

On a tip from R F.


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3 Responses to “Human Rights for the Spirits of the Forest”

  1. […] matter how insane the Democratic Party becomes, overpriced law schools will egg it on to new extremes by pushing the envelope further still: A relatively new legal field gaining traction aims to establish rights for natural formations and other inanimate objects. One of the law schools leading the charge for this novel legal theory […] […]

  2. […] all green lunacy can be attributed to an insidious attack on our freedom and standard of living or to the antihuman malice at the root of leftism. Another […]


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