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Jul 12 2024

Illegal Alien Knifes Children in Wisconsin

It isn’t only in Europe that the tsunami of immigrants from the savage Third World poses a threat to children:

Victor Manuel Gomez-Acosta was arrested in Abbotsford, Wisconsin for the violent stabbing deaths of two children on July 5.

Like millions of others, Gomez-Acosta is in the country illegally, making the Biden Administration complicit in this:

When police discovered them, each child had between 16–20 stab wounds and they were found dead in a bedroom.

If only there had been some indication that it was not a good idea to let Gomez-Acosta run around loose in our country. Oh wait:

Just two months earlier, on May 5, Gomez-Acosta was arrested for drunk driving and speeding. Court records show that he pled not guilty to the charges through an interpreter and was set free on a $1,000 bond. There was no mention of his immigration status and whether he held a valid driver’s license.

What, he had to pay cash bail? Democrats would call that oppression.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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3 Responses to “Illegal Alien Knifes Children in Wisconsin”

  1. […] the humiliating symbolism, Third World occupation kills American children. For example, last […]


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