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Nov 10 2022

It Wasn’t Abortion

Democrats campaigned on January 6 and abortion. Somehow this was enough to produce a stalemate, when a massive red wave was expected due to the catastrophic failure of Biden’s presidency. The divisive “Threat to Democracy” demagoguery pushed by Biden and the media convinced no one. Nor were voters swayed by Democrats’ avid support for abortion:

Voters overwhelmingly reject the free-for-all abortion frenzy Democrats pledge they will enact in all 50 states. Only 17 percent of Americans say they support the type of unlimited, taxpayer-funded abortion through all nine months that blue politicians overwhelmingly want to legalize.

This was reflected in the election results:

The average American just isn’t that enthused about killing inconvenient babies. Those who are will vote for Democrats anyway, so there is no strategic reason to shy away from the issue. The GOP’s vulnerability lies elsewhere.

On a tip from Blackjack.


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One Response to “It Wasn’t Abortion”

  1. […] to Democracy” demagoguery, or with the other issue they campaigned on, taxpayer-subsidized abortion on demand to the point of birth. Yet Democrats were able to reduce the expected red tsunami to a […]


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