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Jul 24 2024

Joy Reid Tells Blacks to Vote As They’re Told

There is no sane reason to vote for Kamala Harris. So the media will resort to an insane reason: vote for the (partially) black woman or you are a racist.

As you would expect from a spinoff of Joe “You Ain’t Black” Biden’s administration, the Cackling Kamala campaign will apply this racial bullying with particular force on blacks, who according to liberal ideology are not individual people but instances of a collectivist borg that is racially obligated to vote Democrat:

[Yesterday] Joy Reid of MSNBC told black Americans that they would “look real crazy” if they chose not to vote for Harris.

All they can sell Harris on, aside from the liberal sacrament of abortion, is race and gender.

“You’re gonna look real crazy being on the other side of that line, particularly as a person of color, but really as anyone who claims to have any connection to the culture,” the repellent Reid said in a tone of condescension.

Kamala continues to be DEI incarnate. What Kimberly Cheatle was to Secret Service directors, Harris would be to presidents.

Female gender does not count for Amy Coney Barrett, just as nonwhite race does not count even for a kook like Amber Rose, because absolute conformity to moonbattery is required to activate “oppressed” privilege.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.


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