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Aug 01 2024

Kamala Can Talk Sort of Like Black Person

You can learn something anywhere, even at Howard University. Kakistocrat Kamala — who was formerly lauded by the media for her historic Indian-Americanness but who also has black ancestry — learned how to talk like a black person:

At least she sounds more genuine that Shrillary Rotten.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.


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3 Responses to “Kamala Can Talk Sort of Like Black Person”

  1. […] Maybe it’s the black blood mixed in with the Irish slaveholder blood that allows Cackala to go on for a whole sentence talking like a black woman — sort of. […]

  2. […] Maybe it’s the black blood mixed in with the Irish slaveholder blood that allows Cackala to go on for a whole sentence talking like a black woman — sort of. […]


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